
Friday, April 1, 2016

The Friday Forum - April 1

It's hard to believe that redbuds are blooming in March, about two weeks early. They usually bloom with the dogwoods, and most of them aren't blooming yet. The photo above shows a branch on a redbud outside my office.

Steady my heart, Chanel just introduced a N°5 "The Body Oil." It's $85, which is pricey, but I'm sure it's divine. This luxurious spray-on emollient is said to easily absorb into the skin, leaving a soft, silky finish.Think we need it? I do.

Even though it's late - sorry - it's time for our Friday and weekend conversation. The Friday Forum has always been an opportunity to share information. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Tell us about it! Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Tell us why! Do you have questions others might be able to answer? We can help! Want to talk about skin care? I'm game. Just use the comments. We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. I hope you are ready to share.

Photo at top by Best Things in Beauty; other photo courtesy of Chanel


  1. All, I checked with Guerlain PR about the new Terracotta 00 shade. As I thought, it is a new color - different from the original 00.

  2. I was actually contemplating this Chanel No. 5 oil, too. It seems so practical as a spray on and smells wonderful.

  3. The Chanel comment was by me :). Tanja

  4. I beg to differ with the Guerlain rep. I have both and the color difference between the old 00 and the new 00 is very slight. Guerlain might have tweeked the colors a bit, but I'd say the change is negligible. Most people would be very hard pressed to tell the difference. I found the biggest difference to be in the finish. The new one has that velvety diffused glow (no visible sparkle or shimmer on the face) that has been fashionable for awhile now. It is the same type of finish that you get from the spring collection's new LE Voyage compact Météorites. Perhaps it is the difference in finish that makes the old seem just a tad darker and the new seem a bit lighter. When I applied them both to my face (NC15, Clé de Peau 010, Guerlain 02) I really couldn't tell the difference, but when I swatched them on the upper part of my breasts (which are very pale), I could see the difference in color. Bottom line, if you still have the old 00 and it is in good shape, don't feel like you have to run out and get the new one. The difference in color is slight. Perhaps there is more difference in some of the other shades? I always start the warm weather season off with a new bronzer otherwise the difference between the two would not have been enough of an inducement to get me to purchase the reformulated one. Save your money for the 2016 LE Terracotta Sun Celebration that will be in the wooden case. Guerlain's LE Terracotta bronzers/blushes are always something special.

    The past week our weather in So Cal has been all over the place and it's made choosing the FOTD a bit of a game. We've had weather that is warm and sunny one moment and then cold and blustery (with hail!) the next. Consequently, one moment I'm contemplating warm, cheerful colors and wearing easy, breezy clothes and the next moment I'm reaching for cooler, muted shades and a sweater! LOL I must admit, though, that I'm ready to exchange my deeper, moodier winter colors for bright pops of color and the burnished shades of summer. In keeping with that shift in mood, I bought a new TF cream blush in Pink Sand. That dewey looking pink-coral infused with golden pearl was my go-to last spring and summer. I don't often repurchase color cosmetics no matter how much I like them because I adore trying out new products and experimenting with new looks. Pink Sand, however, is the exception to the rule :-) As for the rest of TF's summer collection, I was very disappointed in the lack of a new color story. He used to put together well thought out, cohesive, seasonal collections but lately he's been pushing out all these smaller unrelated releases and loads of repromotes. The real kicker for me, though, was seeing the model promo picture from last year being recycled for this year. Perhaps Mr. Ford has lost interest. Fortunately, there are so many other pretties on the horizon.

    Have a wonderful and restful spring weekend, everyone.

  5. Eileen, I need to do a side-by-side comparison. I hope to get to a store tomorrow. When she said the color was slightly different, she could have been referring to the lack of sparkle, which will be a lovely change!

  6. BTW, something weird is going on with the eagle family. Dad didn't bring fish today. He seemed like a slacker. We are all worried. You can follow the conversation in a live chat going on now at or go to the American Eagle Foundation on Facebook and read the follower comments on the left side.

    Usually, the eaglets eat in the middle of the night, but there is no food in the nest. Mom had to go out to get a little fish this afternoon because he showed up with no food. Just like a man! :)

    I hope they are OK. It's hot out right now (72 degrees at 10:25 pm), so they are spread out sleeping instead of under Mom.

  7. One more thought, Eileen. That Pink Sand photo left me kind of cold, but I haven't seen it in person. I will try to get my hands on a tester tomorrow. I'm afraid Tom Ford (or his surrogates) lost their moxie with this collection.

  8. Hi CG-I tried Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid and I'm really seeing great results. I've had acne all my life so my skin has never been great, so I'm happy to find something that just makes me look a little bit better. I'm waiting on Sisley's eye pencil in Copper to arrive in store at Saks....swatches look beautiful.

  9. Hi Charlestongirl,

    Pink Sand is very dewey, but not greasy looking and it wears well throughout the day. Although it is a beautiful pink, it has a lot of warmth to it because of all the gold pearl. On me, it functions as a light, translucent, pink-coral highlighter--no additional blush or highlighter needed. It is perfect all on its own. Last summer I was so impressed with the formula and the complexity of the shade, I hoped TF would create other colors. Consequently, I was so excited earlier this year when I learned that he'd be introducing a new one for summer. But, when I saw tha it was basically just a bronzer, I was terribly disappointed. :-( Yeah, I feel like TF just phoned it in this year. Perhaps that's why Estée Lauder (TF's parent company) decided to unload it at Sephora.

  10. Hi Eileen,
    Chanel seems to be doing a bunch of small, less coherent collections with some repromotes as well. I used to get so excited over new Chanel collections and lately they have been so predictable and underwhelming. Coral or pink lipsticks, blue nail polish etc. I am longing for an ingenious product again, not just an old formula in slightly different colors. Around the 00s, they had glitter gel for the face, lame (with an accent on the e) nail polish etc. I miss that.

  11. Just as I had talked myself out of Pink Sand you pull me back in Eileen! 😂 I will be placing an order for it ASAP.
    It is sad and disappointing that Tom Ford seems to be just calling it in.
    I'm interested in Pat McGrath's makeup line that is slowly being released. I'm looking forward to where she is going with it.
    I am also happy to see what Lisa Eldridge is doing with Lancôme. I ordered a couple of those shaker lipglosses. I remember her mentioning a shaker shaped lipgloss in her collection of makeup and how she hoped to recreate it one day.
    Our sweet JRT, Jack Russel Terrier, Stella is very ill. I'm taking care of her 24/7, so this is a nice distraction.
    Thank you CG and all.

  12. Charli, I'm sorry about your dog! I hope Stella recovers soon.

  13. All, I am slow in monitoring the blog today. I lost power last night when the winds came through like a freight train. I'm using my iPad now on cellular, but without my signal booster, which relies on electricity, it is very slow.

    I doubt I'll be able to post tonight. I'm at 13 hours and counting with no power. I have to stay under blankets and Charlie to keep warm. I might go to the mall if I get too cold. :) Oh darn,, a reason to shop.

  14. I have two questions--one is for Eileen specifically. Regarding the Tom Ford Pink Sand, I just got mine and I love it! Such a gorgeous sheen. But, the second I dusted my Guerlain Meteorites over my face (including my cheeks) the sheen from the TF was gone. Do you find that you cannot put anything over the TF blush without it loosing its luster?

    Second question: It's been a while since I purchased a sunblock. I have some hyper pigmentation starting on my face. :( I'm looking at the Chanel UV Essential in 50. Anyone else use it? Any other suggestions? I want at least a 50spf.

    Thank you.

  15. Hi BookGirl,

    I adore Météorites and don't feel like I've finished my makeup until I apply a light veil of that magic powder to bring everything together. But sometimes, as the old saying goes, something's gotta give and in the case of Météorites v. Pink Sand, for me it's the finishing powder that gets the boot. I still use it, but I avoid applying it over the blush because it does reduce the pearlescent gleam and that's what Pink Sand is all about. A warm, dewey (last year one reader called it "juicy" :-) ) look is such a classic summer effect. Who'd want to do anything to interfere with that? Not me! If you must powder, though, there are some things you can do to minimize the loss of gleam. Use a luminous finishing (not setting) powder and a large, soft brush. Swirl your brush over the powder, tap off excess the excess, then lightly press the tip of the brush onto your cheeks. You'll get a very light powder application that way; much lighter than if you dust or stroke your powder on. You'll still lose some of Pink Sand's gleam, but you'll keep a luminous look.

  16. Thank you, Eileen. I appreciate your thoughts. I think I'll let my Pink Sand fly free and powderless. ;)

  17. Tanja, I ordered it. Should be here tomorrow. I'm excited! I love No. 5.

  18. At CG, excited that you ordered it. It is beautiful! I haven't caved in yet.

    At Book Girl, I have the Chanel SPF 50 and like it very much. It reacts well with my skin, doesn't burn (like the Shiseido does if you accidentally get some in your eye), doesn't give a white tint and I love the handy, portable container.


  19. Thank you, Tanja.I will order some today!


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