
Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Neiman Marcus Mazza Gallerie Le Métier de Beauté "June-fest" Continues

First, where have I been? Every day since last week, I have been either making room in my house for boxes and boxes of my mother's things or packing and moving them into my house. All fragile items - everything from hand-painted china to antique figurines she had collected. I had hoped to take photos last weekend, but I didn't have a spare second. I'm sorry. There is always this weekend.

We have had some nasty weather this week. I found myself carrying boxes of china out to my car Tuesday in driving rain, with lightning and thunder crashing all around me. Even this morning, the thunderstorm started at 5:15 am.

I wanted you to know that the Le Métier de Beauté celebration of June, the first month of summer, continues despite the end of the Neiman Marcus Camp Gorgeous event. Gifts with purchase are still available, and Michael has been very generous in providing them, even without technically qualifying purchases.

This Saturday, June 25, Beatrice will be back all day doing facials. She is Michael's personal aesthetician, and now that she has touched my face, I can see why. There are still some appointments remaining, so definitely call if you would enjoy a facial Saturday. They are still free, but like other counters in the store, you are expected to purchase two skin-care items to "pay" for the hour-long treat - and qualify for a GWP. Call Michael or Andy at the counter at (202) 966-9700, extension 2258, to reserve your appointment time. I think you will be pleased with Beatrice.

Just to remind you, Mazza has a special step-up GWP available: either the Runway Palette with 18 colors or the Breast Cancer Brigitte Kaleidoscope.

I promise to try to get photos this weekend. I have moved most of what I can move myself. This Sunday, my cousin is moving the dishwasher I bought Mom last summer into my house. Mine is kaput after 34 years. Of course, I have to move all the stuff I've thrown in front of my dead dishwasher. That will be my Friday-Saturday chore.

Thank you again for all of your kind expressions of sympathy.

Photo courtesy of


  1. I missed your emails all week too. least your new dishwasher will be installed. Have a great weekend.

  2. You have made a lot of headway already. Take care of yourself first and foremost. There will always be pretties that you can share. Have a great weekend!


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