
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Pause in Publishing

My computer, with my photos, has gone to the computer doctor. I begged them to take no longer than two days to cure it. I hope I won't be away for long.

Update 7/20: My computer is five to six years old. It has been recommended that I buy a newer one and the computer doctor transfer all my files to the new one. When he told me that would take a week, I had a mini-hissy fit. Now he has promised to see how quickly he can get a replacement and let me know this afternoon.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Oh, good luck, Cg. Here's how I handle computer problems: I get a new one.

  2. I may have to do that too, Nemo. However, they will have to move all my files and programs.

  3. Hello again, Cg! I hope your computer survived surgery. Meanwhile, all my new CHANEL Le Rouge 1 arrived yesterday. It's too hot to fuss with it really, but today I wore the Rouge Charnel lipstick & the blush. They are exquisite. The lip color is an unbelievably gorgeous red. Very impressed. It is 90 degrees here today & will stay that way or get hotter for the next several days. More when it cools down. Thinking of you & your computer.

  4. Hi Charleston Girl,
    Sorry to hear about your computer. My computer froze a few days after Windows 10 automatically installed on it. I lost all of my files and pictures of family.
    I was so disappointed. I hope they can retrieve everything back for you.
    Best of luck!

  5. My husband works in the software business. His advice is to always, always have some form of back up, whether it's a physical external back up drive to store your photos and files on or an online service (such as Dropbox) that you can reload your files from.
    The minute I start sensing slowness in my computer or anything even the slightest bit klunky I have my computer looked at. Better to have it looked at before it fails and you lose all your important stuff. Generally, I replace my laptop every three years or so.

  6. Hi Tatiana,

    Your husband is a wise man. Many years ago my computer crashed and burned and I lost so much. I was sick about it. My son bought me an external backup drive and I've used one ever since. Between the constant automatic backups and The Cloud, I've got everything covered. Computer crashes? No problem. A new computer? No problem.

    Good luck, Charlestongirl, on getting everything back up and running.

  7. Hello, Ladies! Despite the horrible heat wave, I have now used all of my new CHANEL Le Rouge Collection #1 pieces. I am here to tell you it is indeed an exquisite collection. Do not be afraid of the red! CHANEL does not produce repulsive collections. The eye quad is gorgeous. I used the LMDB method of applying the 4 colors one over another. I used my Bobbi Brown blender brushes to do so. I used the lightest shade first all over the lid, then the red, & then the slightly darker color in the upper left corner of the quad. I saved the darkest shade in the lower right corner for smudging and definition. It produces a beautiful, sexy, sultry look. I do not think I will continue to use the LMDB method; I think the applicators & CHANEL brushes will work as well. I used both waterproof eye pencils under my lower lashes to line & to make an anchor of sorts for smudging with the darkest shadow. I always run a line of CHANEL Ebene under my lower lashes as an accent. The mascara, Subversive, is lovely. Let me reassure you that there is nothing horrible or frightening about the red shadow! If you use it the way it is meant to be used, you will be fine. It simply takes some thought process to make it work. The red blush is lovely. It is buildable. Used with intelligence, you will not look like a clown. The lipsticks are beyond beautiful. I apply them in the morning but do not carry the tube with me because of the heat. The color lasts for hours. This is an exquisite collection. It is perhaps the best CHANEL has ever produced. Lucia Pica is a genius. And this collection shows it. The collection is not simply makeup in a package: On the contrary, it is a creation of color that reflects deliberation & actual intelligence. You need to think that way yourselves in using it. But again do not be afraid to use it. That would be a shame.

  8. More on the CHANEL Le Rouge Collection Number 1: I have seen some unfortunate photos of women sitting at CHANEL makeup counters with the red eye shadow swept over their eyelids. I find this offensive. This is a cerebral makeup collection. It was created with a brain. It should be applied with a brain. Any SA or makeup artist, especially a CHANEL associate, who does nothing more than sweeping the red color over a customer's lids should be fired. That is not an artistic use of this eye quad. It is an affront to this collection. It should be applied with the same artistry & intelligence that were used to create it.

  9. Hi Nemo,

    I read your comments about the red with interest because I've found this quad to be eminently workable. Sure, some of the younger gals will want to rock a pronounced red look, but on the rest of us, the red works to add incredible depth and complexity to the brown shades. You called this a "cerebral" quad and I couldn't agree more with you. It's not for novices and does require a certain understanding of how to shade, contour, and layer colors, but the effect is eyes that look large and luminous and SAs should be able to show their clients how to accomplish a great look for their eye shape. Because I have deep set eyes, I use the lighter shade as my base and apply the mid-tone to the crease. I use the deepest shade to smoke along the upper and lover lashes and to sharpen the crease. Now for that gorgeous red. I apply it just above the crease and blend if down into the contour and up ever so slightly onto the browbone where it merges with a the warm ivory from Tissé Particulier. It makes my eyes look huge and really brings out the green. The trick for a senior like me is to keep the red away from the immediate eye area because as we age, we develop redness there and I don't want to emphasize it. But used as a bridge color, it is dramatic and stunning. The beauty lies in the skillful blending and I love it. I was wearing it today and while I was at Nordstrom, two of the SA's asked me how I had applied it.

  10. I don't like replacing a new computer. Am like you.

  11. Oh no! But I am sure you are in skilled hands, and will love your new computer. My laptop is 4 yrs old and I am still using it, but I just bought dad a new desktop, one of those desktops where the processor is right on the monitor (an all-in-one, so no more towers) and the screen is 19 inches and touchscreen. Just wow. Now I want one for myself.

  12. Oh, Eileen, I love you! A comrade in arms! I will try your method, too.

  13. Eileen, a quick Q: Did your CHANEL eye quad come with the usual little plastic splatter shield over the pans of color? Mine did not. I had to rob another from my stash. I hope this was an oversight on CHANEL's part & not a cost measure thing. With $3.4 BILLION in makeup sales alone per year (I contribute largely, haha), that would be a mistake. Those little shields are wonderful. Finally & additionally, some years ago I bought sight unseen a Dolce & Gabanna eye duo called Evocative (discontinued). I worried whether it would work with my cool skin tones. In fact, it was wonderful! It gave me a sultry look. And, it changed forever my idea of what would work for me. Warm or cool work just peachy. But I noticed that the new CHANEL quad has a resemblance of sorts to the 2 colors in my Evocative. That duo consisted of a red-brown & a reddish pink.

  14. Hi Nemo,
    Yes, my quad had the plastic shield and all the usual packaging. Not having the shield was probably one of those random things. This collection has really excited me even though there are many items I skipped.


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