
Friday, July 1, 2016

The Friday Forum - July 1

It's hard to believe it's July. Just yesterday, I was sure we had days to go before July started. I'm seriously out of synch with the calendar.

Last weekend, when I thought I would get makeup photos, I didn't have a spare second. All day Saturday, after my hair appointment at 8:00 am and a quick trip to Neiman Marcus, I spent the rest of the day getting my kitchen ready to accept a new dishwasher. Saturday morning, cousin Bob and I met early at Mom's house to start the process of moving her new dishwasher into my house. Nothing went according to plan. Nothing.

He had to start by ripping up the kitchen floor at Mom's to get under the dishwasher to shorten the legs. Then he was able to remove it. Minor setback. Kitchen floor ruined, but who's counting?However, when he got to my house, he ran into problems. My dishwasher had been "hard-piped" into the water system with copper pipes. They don't do that anymore. They use flexible hosing for the inbound and outbound water. He had to cut out copper and get fittings onto the remaining copper to connect the new dishwasher. It took hours. He finally finished the whole ordeal 4.5 hours after he started. I was so tired, I feel asleep right after he left. He had planned to take the old dishwasher to the county "dump" for me, but didn't have time. So I have had a dishwasher in my driveway, awaiting a special pick-up by the county. Did I get lucky! My regular trash guys hauled it off this morning. I was stunned. I'm sure they broke the rules, but I will tip them the next time I see them. My house looked like one of those homes where old appliances are thrown out back to rot over time. It would have been a nice picture for the Fourth of July weekend. I was thinking I could stick a flag on it.

Home maintenance can be quite a chore when your house starts to age. In the last month or so, I've had a fan replaced in my heat pump (really not cheap), a plug in the condensation output pipe fixed in my air handler in the basement, screen panels replaced or patched on the porch (I cannot have Charlie continue to bring me little gifts of wrens), and a fuse in the microwave replaced. I am hoping that's my spate of bad house luck for the next few months.

Now I have to get a mover to bring some furniture over from Mom's house so I have somewhere to put her china and crystal. Oh, and there's the grandfather clock - not a cinch to move.

We are supposed to have a sunny Saturday, so I'm counting on taking photos tomorrow. I'm staying home - no side trips to Neiman Marcus. Charlie will be happy. I have so many things to show you, although in a way I'm glad my lack of photos forced me to focus on some fabulous skin care this past week.

It's time for the Friday Forum. The Friday Forum has always been an opportunity to share information. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Tell us about it! Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Tell us why! Do you have questions others might be able to answer? We can help! Want to talk about skin care? I'm game. Just use the comments. We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. I hope to see you in the comments.

I want to tell you again how grateful I am for the many expressions of sympathy I have received. Although some of your e-mails left me in tears, I was grateful to know that you are out there in the blogosphere caring about my loss.

Photo courtesy of


  1. CG, I have not met you up close and personal, but I feel a connection, as I know your other followers do as well. We sincerely care for your well-being, and the thoughts and prayers continue.

    We are trying to sell our house and move from VT to Portland, Or, where our youngest son moved, and I might add, took our two grandsons with him!! So we had two appointments made by realtors for showings this week,. I was very excite thinking this could be the week! My husband keeps the grounds like a park, and I had the house and my perennial gardens in perfect "showing" order. No one came and no phone calls or emails regretting. This has happened 3 times now. Today I was in tears. Wish I were in a city with a Chanel boutique or a high-end department store so I could drown my disappointment in makeup, but that is not the case. I had to settl for dark chocolate and red wine! What has happened to "noblesse oblige?" Oh, well, tomorrow is another day! I do have some Tatcha products arriving to look forward to! Have a wonderful week-end!

  2. Sandra, it will happen. Right now here, there is a glut of homes on the market. Give it time. It only takes one right buyer.

    I drown my sorrows online at any time of day or night...and I have a wealth of stores here. It's like an illness. :)

  3. Thank you for the positive thoughts, CG. I am going online now to order another Tom Ford lipstick I adore , which you introduced,
    His Moisturecore Lip Color in Scandola. Fabulous! Hopefully they still have it! Worth every penny! :)

  4. Hi Sandra,

    That dark chocolate and red wine actually sounds quite good. We have neighbors who own a vineyard up in Paso Robles and they hosted a delightful wine and chocolate pairing a few weeks ago. It was really interesting to see how the different wines play with the different chocolates. Even someone who didn't know squat about wine could easily appreciate how the flavors paired. Of course the wines were excellent entirely on their own as were the chocolates, but together, they took on a whole new character. So, you just go ahead, sister, and savor that rich deep red and smooth dark chocolate--yum :-)

    I think the key to the comradery that many of us feel on BTiB is because Charlestongirl is such a gracious hostess and she encourages reader interaction. Most blogs are strictly action (blogger); reaction (reader) and seldom do the two ever meet in a meaningful way, but on BTiB, there's lots of give and take. And, except for a brief period of time when she had some trolls stirring up mischief, Charelstongirl's readership is composed of intelligent, kind, and friendly people who enjoy sharing their adventures in beauty. Aren't we lucky?

    Hi Wendy,

    If you're reading, I just wanted to say I hope you were able to get your WG #14. I was notified this week that it was back in stock. It really is a lovely brush. As you use it, it will get a bit fluffier. At first, the hairs cling closer together because of the way it's been packaged but it will quickly open up.

    Hi Charlestongirl,

    What a project that dishwasher turned out to be. Your cousin must be a very good sport, indeed. When we built our home many years ago, the dishwasher was plumbed in the same as your old one. When we eventually got a new dishwasher, we had to call a plumber first to do a bit of work before we could move the new appliance into place. I must say, though, that the way they do it nowadays makes changing a dishwasher very easy.

    There has been nothing beauty wise on my radar this week as I've been getting ready for the holiday and it's been so hot that I haven't felt like making much of a makeup effort. I have enjoyed looking at all the fall promo pictures, though, that are beginning to surface. Before you know it, the collections will be hitting the counters. Of, yes, I did see Urban Decay's new collection of lipsticks this week. At first encounter, it's rather overwhelming. I can't say there was anything that really stood out, but I'll go back when I have more time to take it all in.

    Have a wonderful 4th of July holiday, everyone.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Trud, I have that Recovery Boost Body next to my bed. Love it!

  7. Eileen, I was lucky. Bob knew how to do the plumbing because he had spent his career working for a high-end kitchen design company. Without him, I would have had to call a plumber. Even so, he was really worn out when he finished. Two nice, very cold Michelob Ultras didn't even revive him. He probably went home and slept.

    Before we had Home Depot install that new dishwasher at Mom's, he had to go make her copper pipe kitchen ready. Same drill, although for some reason, hers was easier. He had trouble at my house getting a connector on the copper to hook to the flexible hose. All while lying on the floor with his head under the kitchen silk. At one point, I had to put a Telfa pad on his head after he banged it and started bleeding. Maybe someday it will be an amusing memory.

    I looked longingly at that copper pipe as he left. I hope he got a good price for it.

    For some reason, I'm not excited by the UD lipsticks. I'm turning into a terrible snob. Just give me Marcus and a few new colors, and I'm happy. :)


  8. Sandra,

    I think the actual shopping online may be more fun than the arrival of the boxes. Crazy, huh?

  9. Am I the only one who hates matte lipsticks? They make my lips look thin and dry. I can and do use Dustin's, but I add some balm on top. He taught me that.

  10. Trying to decide on lunch after I take photos. BBQ and beer or Mexican with a margarita.

  11. Oh, Charlestongirl, you are definitely not the only one who dislikes matte lipstick. I've seen many a young woman rock a matte lip and look fantastic, but the operative word in that sentence is "young" ;-) As we age and the lips thin, become wrinkled, and dry out (What a visual!) mattes can be deadly. I have occasionally purchased a matte because I loved the color (Tom Ford's velvety Plum Lush instantly springs to mind), but I always prep my lips well. I slather extra moisturizer on my lips and let it set while I do my makeup. By the time I'm ready to apply lipstick, my lips are quite soft. I'll add a light touch of balm, the lipstick, and then another light touch of balm on top. My goal is a moist, velvety look rather than a full on matte. I like Jack Black lip balm for that because it is not real shiny since it is actually a man's product. Needless to say, it is not exactly a swipe and go operation, but sometimes you find one of those alluring colors that whispers your name and you've got to have it no matter how much effort it takes to make it work. Ah! What price beauty! LOL By the way, don't you agree that "moisturizing matte" is an oxymoron? In my experience, all mattes are drying; it is just that some are less drying than others.

  12. I am trying to find the discussion on the "Lilly of the Valley' cologne that CG & Eileen recommended. Can either or both of you write & tell me the brand name & title as I would love to relive those memories at camp. My mother would ship us off to camp for a week every summer as a child & the brooks were loaded with Lilly of the Valley flowers. The brooks were loaded with them in upstate New York. I would sit for an hour or more just smelling the Lilly of the Valley flowers & I miss those days when I was 7, 8 and 9 years old. I can still smell them today! Thanks so much!

  13. Trud, I can go back and find Eileen's comment. I mentioned Guerlain Muguet, which is introduced every year for May 1, and Muguet Porcelain (

  14. Here is what Eileen wrote.

    I'm a bit late coming to the May Day party, but I did finally select a muguet (lily of the valley) scent for this spring into summer. For those of you who find the French custom of gifting muguet fragrances for May to be quite charming, Le Muguet de Rosine is a lovely one. As with all the other May muguets, this one is a limited edition. I've been debating whether I should purchase a second bottle and store it safely or just wait and see what next year brings.

  15. Hi Charleston Girl!! I do not like matte lips. I still love glossy lips and glitter eyeshadow too! Although Gucci's new matte lipsticks look very enticing!!! I was wondering if you or if anyone has tried them? Also, I was wondering about Christian Louboutin's new Loubilaque's? They are on Nordstrom site now! I'm now in Summer Camp at my school. It is absolutely freezing in my classroom! Maybe this is why my lips are in the worst condition of the year. I have tried almost every lip moisture product too. I'm interested in those lip masks that they have at Sephora. EILEEN!!! Yes, I read your wonderful comments....I did get the email and, purchased the 14 along with his new airbrush. That was really an impulse buy so I hope I'll like his new brush! I've missed many of his limited editions and have had regrets. And, we've seen how long it takes for restocking! My goal is to buy 1 brush every few months until I get all the ones I need for my collection. Thank you very much for thinking of me!! Xoxo. P.S. I'm sure a lot of us here are getting Nordstrom Annivesary Collection info. Chantecaille is offering a very nice Anniversary item. The salesperson I work with is very excited about their Fall collection with a lion theme!! Oh my!! 💋💋❤️❤️❤️

  16. I agree with Eileen and Charleston Girl that matte lipsticks are difficult to wear. I can wear a Chanel Allure Velvet by prepping with a good balm and a touch of gloss. I prefer a hydrating lipstick or a satin finish, without shimmer. Long-wearing lipsticks are great, but they are drying. One of favourite lipsticks is Laura Mercier's Antique Pink--very flattering on me--MLBB shade.

    Has anyone tried any Charlotte Tïlbury products?

  17. Hi Maureen,

    When CT first launched in LA, I went to see the collection but wasn't terribly impressed because her esthetic is very Jerry Hall c. 1970's. Think big hair and lots of makeup. The problem for me is that because I did a lot of clubbing both here and abroad during that era, I look at CT's esthetic and consider it dated as in been there, seen that, done that. LOL As for the products themselves, a MA friend of mine gave me a couple CT cream eyeshadows to blind test when they were first released. Their lack of longevity and the tendency to crease made them fails in my book. The only lipstick of hers that I tried was Bitch Perfect. It was a good lipstick with a lovely satin finish but it wasn't what I'd consider a great lipstick. There are many brands that are creamier and more hydrating. Her lip cheat pencils are pretty standard and don't last as long on me as do the pencils by Guerlain and Chanel. The only eyeshadow palette I've tried was Dolce Vita. It was nice but not one that I reached for with any regularity. I guess I'd say, CT's line is OK with some hits and an equal number of misses. When CT first launched, there was an expectation that her line would be a more modestly priced version of Tom Ford but it doesn't come close to TF in terms of concept and execution. In short, CT is not what I'd consider a true luxury brand although the prices are right up there. If you want to try CT and don't have a counter, there are tons of reviews and swatches on line to guide you.

  18. CG..thanks so much for the Lilly of the Valley names... I so want to buy a bottle to escape back to my summer camp fantasies. As far as Matte lipsticks are concerned, I won't bother with them. There are at least 10 lusciously, beautiful lipsticks today, so I will not bother 'fighting' with any lipstick. I chose to ENJOY all of my make up, by making good friends with everything that I wear. Just like clothes, I don't buy anything that I have to 'train' to wear or settle for less since my dollars and time are precious. I'd also rather buy something I absolutely LOVE for $200.00 than settle for a $50.00 top that just ends up sitting in my closet as I pass it by for others. Been there, done that. lol

  19. Trud, the Guerlain Muguet is a numbered edition and rather expensive. My Mugurt Porcelaine came from France. Not sure if you can get it here yet. However, Suzan at Shop France goes every month and shops for people.

  20. Hi Trud,

    I bought Le Muguet de Rosine from Beautyhabit. It was modestly priced at $125 and I had a 20% off coupon :-) Most of the year I'm more of a Musc Ravageur kind of gal and I also love TF Noir Pour Femme, but come the warmth of spring and summer, I'm ready for something more redolent of fresh flowers. Lily of the Valley is one of those fragrances that has me figuratively sitting on the banks dangling my feet in the water :-)

  21. I laughed aloud when I read Eileen's comments about the Charlotte Tïlbury line--my first thoughts were "Studio 54" makeup. Her look is young and hip. But some items intrigued me. I did read copious reviews, which ranged from poor to fantastic, depending on the item.

    I asked about CT's line here because of the discerning consumer of this blog's followers. I will stay with my favourites for now. Although, that has changed in the last few years, as I age and have different needs than five years ago.

    I am kicking myself for not buying a backup of the Guerlain Rouge Automatique lipsricks before they discontinued the product. The new lipsticks are too highly scented for me.

  22. CG, I feel your dishwasher pain. Have had a pipe/dw problem in 2 houses.
    Eileen, your comments about CT made me laugh as well. Being 56 I don't want to go back to 90's lipsticks or the metallics that are cropping up. Got myself the Chanel Rouge Coco Stylo in Message - it leaves a lovely even stain. I do appreciate the Matte look and am intrigued with the Chanel RA Ink liquid lip coming out. One Russion instagrammer wrote that they take 20 minutes to dry but stay elastic. Not transfer resistant. I guess the holy grail for cosmetic companies is to come out with a comfortable matte liquid.

  23. The latest reinvention of contouring:

    You'll be hearing about draping.

  24. I was reading about "draping" a few days ago while checking out the details on the new Marc Jacob's blushers--what's old is new again! Thanks to Way Bandy, MAs have been using two tones to blush and subtly sculpt for ages; thanks to Marc Jacob's new product, this technique is going to be getting a lot of buzz. The technique is not new and many brands have embraced the concept for years as they quickly realized women would rather carry one palette rather than two or three separate ones. Personally, since I love gradient looks, I've always liked the idea of using one shade to diffuse the edges of another, to add a pop of color to a softer and more neutral background, or to add more light and luminosity to the high point of the cheekbone. Yes, draping is a lovely way to blush. Of course, some of those Instagram lovelies will take it to an incredible extreme just as they did eyebrows, contouring, strobing, and correcting, but for those of us who are not into face painting or drag looks, two complimentary shades of blush (one lighter and one darker) will do the trick and if they conveniently come in the same palette, so much the better. A number of brands have already done this, but Marc Jacobs' marketing folks are the ones making the Way Bandy connection and, I must say, the design of the MJ's blushers is quite pretty.

  25. Eileen, I ordered two of them a few days ago. Frankly, I'm sure they are "just blushes." I do love stripes, though.

    Even though they were dubbed a pre-order, I got a notice they shipped.

  26. I ordered Kink & Kisses (What a name!) and was also notified that it had shipped. Mine should be here on Wednesday. Which shades did you order?

  27. Kink and Kisses and Flesh and Fantasy.


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