
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 7: Dr. Tina West Open House Sponsored by Michael Reinhardt

Fall colors are so pretty. I took this picture of a maple at Mom's, but it was a grey day, so it's dark. My apologies. I also apologize for missing the last few Friday Forums. I've had more medical appointments than anyone my age should rightly have.

Between my continuing health issues and computer problems, I was unable to publish this feature today before my e-mail went out. I hope you see it before tomorrow evening's open house at Dr. Tina West's office. That is Wednesday, December 7. She will welcome all visitors, and she and her staff will be on hand to answer questions about dermatology and cosmetic surgery. If you are in the DC area and want to know how you might solve your skin problems, go talk to an expert!

Dr. West's office is at 5530 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 925, Chevy Chase, Maryland, right across the street from Saks. The open house will be from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. Everyone is welcome! I hope to see you there.

P.S. I messed up the date. Sorry! The open house is December 7.

Photo by Best Things in Beauty


  1. CG, I was happy to see this from you! I won't be attending, but I've been worried about you!

    Hope things calm down soon...

  2. I am a bit like you at the moment.... many doctors visits - gives you the Pip !
    So ... I hope I find feeling better and your doctor's visits dwindling :)

  3. I have missed your Friday Forum. I hope you are feeling better and that your health issues have improved. Computer problems are so frustrating, hope they are all straightened out now. Have enjoyed following your blog for many years and am glad you will keep writing the Friday Forum. All the best to you Charleston Girl.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your health issues, and I wish you well. You need to know I do miss your posts, as I am sure all of your followers do, but so understand. So nice to hear from you today. All best! Sandy

  5. CG, I hope you will be able to wrap up those time consuming doctor's visits. We had snow today in the Pacific NW to the joy of the children. Thinking of you,

  6. Glad to see your post. I'm not getting your emails any longer.

  7. Aw, this was an incredibly nice post. Finding the time and actual effort to produce a good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a whole lot and don't manage to get anything done.

  8. The e-mails only go out when I write.

  9. I wanted to pop in and say "Merry Christmas!" You have had such a tough year and my heart hurts for everything you have had to deal with. I hope you are well! I never really comment but I wanted you to know I think of you frequently! I do miss your posts because you are such a gem of a person. ((Hugs))

  10. Dear CG, I hope you are doing well and the new year is a good one for you! Just wanted to say hello and let you know that you are missed. I saw a new lipstick from hourglass, similar to the Clinique chubby sticks and that that this might have been a product for you to review. All the best to you! Ingrid

  11. We miss you very much.
    I can understand you may not want to blog any more, but please pop in to let us know how you are doing.

  12. I was just thinking about you and hope you're well.

  13. I was thinking of you today. I hope this finds you well in body and spirit!

  14. CG, I have thought about you so many times and wondered how you are doing. You are missed and I hope this finds you well. Hugs

  15. I keep popping back in here often just because I miss you too! I have had such an awful past four years. Part of that awfulness is trying to keep my son alive. He has aggressive heart cancer. (We discovered a massive tumor in his heart when he was ten and --THANK YOU, GOD!! -- he is still with us at 13. He still fights it hard but he is with us and still able to participate in life!)

    Anyway, I have found you such a joy and an encouragement as a person. When life got too heavy, I would pop in here and your positive fun spirit always helped me. Your realness and mature way you handled issues have guided me. This may be a makeup blog but it has been a wonderful gift to the rest of us who have come to appreciate you and your unique voice! ♡

    If you do FB, please feel free to send me a friend request. (I'm in Colorado so you can add that to it too) We all hope you have been having a nice break and are doing well!

  16. I was looking for a swatch on the internet today and saw your wrist, so I thought I would pop in and see if you have posted lately. I understand if you don't find blogging fulfilling right now or if other stressors are preventing you from having the time, but I wanted to say that you have always been a favorite of mine and I hope you are doing well.

  17. Thank you, Sandy. I'm "close" to coming back soon. I have to finish up this month of yoga and Pilates. Then, with luck, I'll gain some time.

  18. +Charleston Girl,

    Just checking in to see how you are doing. Hope you are well and will be back soon to show the lovely swatches of beauties that you are so famous for!

  19. I am happy to see your comment, CG. I pop by now and then to see if you are blogging again, or just to read past blogs. I still enjoy them. Your joy over makeup is like mine.

    Anyway, take it easy. We will be here if you start writing again.

  20. I always come across your blog whenever I'm looking for swatches of Chantecaille products, of which I can see you are clearly a fan. Just wanted to thank you for all of your lovely posts.

  21. Just stopping by to see if you are back to blogging. I enjoy your posts so much. I hope all is well and that you had a good summer.

  22. I hope you are well and will be coming back soon. I miss your posts about makeup and life in general.

  23. I miss you, too and hope all is well.

  24. Merry Christmas to you! I hope you are well. Miss your posting! Please do a post and check in with us! :-)

  25. Happy New Year to you!
    I check in to see if you are “back”.....

  26. I hope you are doing well, you are missed!! Really enjoy your blog so much, but I understand sometimes life gets in the way. Hope to see you sometime in the near future.

  27. Does anyone know what happened to Charleston Girl? I do miss her posts but praying she is well and safe.


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