
Thursday, December 5, 2019

My Sweet Friend Gaia Has Gone to Be with Her Cats in Heaven

When I saw this picture of Gaia Fishler and Ori's announcement on The Non-Blonde that she had died, I burst into tears. I haven’t been able to write since that tearful day; I’ve been too emotional. Gaia was one of my first blogger friends and certainly one I knew was a saint. Did God take her knowing that Ori would take care of their cats on Earth, but needing a hand with those in heaven?

I can’t count the hours we spent on the phone or e-mail. I took the train to New York to shop with her. We still had unaccomplished plans for me to visit her at home. Legionnaires’ disease, the fire, rebuilding my house, unpacking what was saved and conserved, buying all new things, like upholstered furniture—and, of course, easing Charlie through all the disruptions in his life, being here for him—disrupted those plans. Now a grim realization that our reunion will have to wait for heaven has depressed me. I wasn’t supposed to lose a 49-year-old friend to heart disease.

At first, I panicked. I had to know how such a thing could happen. I called and wrote Ori, but didn’t know he had gone to Israel. I finally reached Gaia’s dear friend Josie, who filled me in on the heartbreaking details. I’m grateful to her, and I cry for her too. Losing a best friend can be worse than losing a beloved family member.

I am sure Gaia and I had been friends in another life—somewhere in time.  We both adored cats and their individual charms. We both appreciated art, beauty, antiques, reading, the natural world, good food, so many things in our lives. She was a better person than I am. We disliked many of the same things, dishonesty being one, but she lived with stressors so much better than I did.

I haven’t figured out how to honor her in a way that’s fitting of her example. If I had the money, I would start a charity to care for and love homeless cats, giving them a home like Gaia would have done. I hope she will send me an idea, something I can do to honor the time and wisdom she shared with us.

As I type through tears—yes, they are flowing again—I’m petting Charlie (he senses when I’m upset), thinking about Gaia, hoping that Ori and their Jersey cats will find the strength to go forward without her, knowing I can't adequately describe her here, and sadly acknowledging that Gaia is now a memory. I loved her.

Photo courtesy of The Non-Blonde


  1. I am so very sorry for your loss. Even the angels are purring to welcome Gaia home and cats from many lives all come
    forward to brush against her, to let Gaia know she is safe and loved, as above so it is below. Love, Joanne xx

  2. Oh my god, I was so shocked to see this--she was one of my favorite bloggers, I have been following her blog and instagram for years. She was my favorite and most trusted source for perfume information and her love for her cats and husband was evident every time she mentioned one of them. The internet and world have lost a special voice. I am just so sorry.

  3. She posted this on Twitter 12/27/16: "Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not."

  4. It was a teary evening when I learned the news and I only had the pleasure of knowing her, my deepest sympathy to you. I had an idea that I mean to share as well on the Perfume Professor's site. Wouldn't it be nice if the perfume and beauty communities established an annual Gaia's Day? On Gaia's Day, one could give what one could (money, time, a signature on a petition, etc.) to an animal welfare charity and signify the donation by spritzing on a beautiful scent afterwards.

  5. Very sad indeed, I was shocked to see the news of her passing. I had followed her blog for many years. Loved her straight forwardness, honesty, clean layout, and of course, cats! She was a class act.

    On another note, do you see yourself blogging again?

  6. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear of Gaia’s loss, Adrienne. I know the pain of losing best friends. They’re irreplaceable. Much love to you and Gaia’s family. ❤️

  7. I was also shocked when I saw this on Facebook...I remember saying “Oh no!” out loud.

    May I suggest making a donation to Beth Stern’s charity in honor of Gaia? Beth does wonderful work rescuing and fostering cats, and she has an organization that is operated to perfection. She is an angel, and I’m sure Gaia would approve.

  8. I was saddened to hear of Gaia’s passing. She was a bright, articulate, and humorous woman. As “Unknown” said above, Gaia was a class act. I started reading her blog back in the day when blogs were personal journals; not monetized commercial businesses designed to “influence” our purchases. Her opinions were an honest reflection of her own exquisite taste and I enjoyed spending a bit of time every morning reading her blog while relaxing with a cup of coffee or tea. Beauty products, fragrances, her travels, the arts, her devotion to her loving husband, the joy she found in providing a nurturing and caring home for her kitties, all those things made for an interesting daily read the likes of which we just don’t see nowadays. Let the love of many guide you, Gaia. Rest In Peace.

  9. I was so sad and shocked when I read about Gaia from Facebook. She was someone with unique perspectives and charm, definitely I'll miss her writings (and her inspiration for new fragrances!). I can only hope that time will bring you, her dear friends and family, peace and healing. If Gaia had a favorite charity, perhaps we can donate to them in her name.

  10. I am terribly sorry about the loss of your friend. On the other side, I am happy to see a post from you. I've followed you for many years and have missed you this year. I wish you peace, and I hope you will write again soon.

  11. I can't stop thinking of her lost, since I read her husband's announcement on her blog, even though I didn't know her personally! She was very special in my opinion and I've had been following her for many years. She was a voice, that insisted on genuine quality, that stood out from internet pandemonium. Big hugs from Greece and happy holidays to everyone!

  12. What a tragic loss - Gaia died prematurely, when she was at the height of her powers as an observer, blogger, cat protector and loving wife and auntie. I am sorry for your loss and that of her family's.

  13. I am heartbroken to be reading this. Gaia was so unique and had such grace and humor. It hurts that she was taken from us so prematurely. Prayers for you, her family and friends.

  14. I'm sorry to learn of this, it's always so difficult to lose someone you care about, knowing the plans you hoped to make won't happen now.
    On another note, I miss you blogging and hope you are doing well.

  15. Gaia was a gem. I'm shocked and saddened along with you, CharlestonGirl.

    I love this idea that Anonymous (whom I also know by another name via Wordpress) posted above... "Wouldn't it be nice if the perfume and beauty communities established an annual Gaia's Day? On Gaia's Day, one could give what one could (money, time, a signature on a petition, etc.) to an animal welfare charity and signify the donation by spritzing on a beautiful scent afterwards."

    I'd be happy to help spread the word however I can, through Now Smell This, my own blog, etc.

  16. It must be fate that led me to Google "Charleston Girl" today... I check periodically to see if you are posting. The Non Blonde and your blog were the very first ones I read and I loved them! I miss reading both of you-so articulate and forthright. My heart is broken to hear of Gaia's passing. May she Rest In Peace. kiss your Charlie; I will give my pups an extra hug tonight, and be thankful-for so many things. I wish you well.

  17. Omg this make me so sad. As i am reading this I come to realize the years I spend reading her amazing blog I love her style and her beauty taste. May rest in peace and I hope that her cats r ok.

  18. I was so saddened and shocked when I read her husband's post on her blog. She had an amazing voice and made perfume recommendations that led me to step outside my comfort zone and try new things. She will be missed by many.
    My condolences to you, Charlestongirl, as you lost a dear friend. I also want to add that we miss you. Your voice is as honest and refreshing as Gaia's.
