Naturally, someone asked, "What are some must-have beauty items?" The suggested items are represented here in the photo. Who doesn't love NARS Orgasm Blush or Benefit Cosmetics Benetint? I'd say their suggestions are fabulous!
The nice folks at Snubbr have offered one lucky reader - and they called out our Free!Grechen friends too (love you) - your choice of one of these five items! All you have to do to enter to win is comment here (not on the Snubbr site), telling us which of the five must-have beauty items on this Snubbr page you would like to win - and why. If you are already using your favorite item, make sure to tell us why you like it so much. That way, we'll all learn something!
After you comment, e-mail bestthingsinbeautycontests@gmail.com and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing your e-mail address on a blog, so I would follow this second step if I were you (or code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com). The deadline for entries will be midnight March 20. A small panel of judges will select the winner. If they can't agree, we will use a random number generator.
While you are over at Snubbr, have fun browsing! There are fabulous shopping cat

I will be posting this contest at Free!Grechen. Hope you enjoy Snubbr. Good Luck!
Photos courtesy of Snubbr
DEINFETLY Nars Orgasm Blush! I've heard soooo many wonders about it, and I love that it goes with every skintone!
I would LOVE to try the Nars Orgasm Blush! I have been searching forever for a perfect blush!!!
They all look fab, but I love the NARS Lipstick Satin the best! Thanks!
nars orgasm blush all the way!!
I would say the Dior Show mascara. Heard it is great!
scarter305 at aol dot com
definitely the Dermablend Quick-Fix Concealer,
because concealer is a much needed thing so having a good one is essential
I really would like to try the Benefit Cosmetics Benetint!! A friend told me that it is a great product! Thank you!
I would love to win the LARS ORGASM BLUSH, the name alone makes it sound like a wonderful product! Molly
i'd love the dior mascara. My lashes need it!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
I've been dying to try NARS Orgasm Blush!
I have the NARS Orgasm Blush and it is terrific. However, I could really
use the Dermablend Quick-Fix Concealer for my dark under-eye circles!
I would chose the Dior mascara. I have never tried it.
NARS Orgasm Blush! Most other commenters seem to agree too :DDD
I want to try anything NARS but this seems to get a lot of praise so I pick NARS Orgasm Blush!
I would definitely choose the DermaBlend Concealer in Tan!
I would LOVE to win the NARS Orgasm Blush because I haven't tried NARS before because I can't afford it. I've heard/read SO many good things about this blush. It is a makeup staple!!
Thanks for the chance!
It would be pretty awesome to win the DiorShow Mascara. I'm a 4th year biology major, so I rarely have more than 25min in the morning to get ready. And since beautiful eyes is first thing that stands out on a woman's face, if you have a quality mascara, you can get away with a quick 2 step make up routine every morning AND STILL LOOK GREAT! An awesome mascara is all it takes.
Thank you for this giveaway!
Nars Orgasm Blush for sure! I've heard so many great things about this product! :)
Nars orgasm blush!
NARS Orgasm blush, cuz' who doesn't love an "Orgasm"??? lol..Seriously, it's a universal color--great on EVERYONE!
HANDS DOWN the Dior DiorShadow Mascara! I am obsessed with msacaras & lip glosses and this is one mascara I haven't had a chance to try yet. I'd love to win it! Thanks!
@HavillandSavage - Twitter
The lipstick! I love new lipstick!
I would love to win the NARS Orgasm Blush
I've read so many positive things about the Nars Orgasm Blush & would love the chance to try it!
The NARS Orgasm Blush! I've never tried it before, but I've heard so much about it!
I'd love to win the NARS Lipstick Satin!
I am wishing for a Diorshow Mascara. Mascara is my favorite beauty item, and if i could only have one, that would be it. Another reason why i need this mascara is because I love super dramatic lashes. However, I have a tendency to pull my lashes with my eye curler (i know, i need to buy another one) and i just snapped half of my lashes on my right eye, so I really need to work some miracles on whatever is left :)
I would choose the NARS Orgasm Blush- I've heard what a great blush this is but have never tried it.
Elaine R
I would choose the Benefit Cosmetics Benetint because my current bottle is almost finished!!! I absolutely ADORE this item because it gives me the hint of color on my lips and cheeks and looks oh-so-natural!!!! LOVE IT! Thanks!
I would choose the NARS Orgasm Blush! I have never used it myself but have heard rave reviews about it. It looks like it would be the perfect blush color for that perfectly flushed look.
kkondek at gmail.com
I've heard amazing things about Dior DiorShow Mascara and would LOVE to try it!!!
jrlazar at gmail dot com
I would like to win the Dermablend - Quick-Fix Concealer SPF 30, because I have the dark circles and sun spots. And because this is supposed to blend well and not look cakey.
I would love love love to win NARS Orgasm Blush! It's one of the NARS products I've yet to try! it's also my birthday on the 18th, so if I win, I'll be super excited! :)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Thank you!
I would love the Dermablend concealer. I'm *always* on the hunt for a good one!
proficiscamur {at} gmail {dot} com
I would most like to try out the Dior DiorShow Mascara.
I had a makeover of dior products once and they were of high quality! So I'd like to try it for day to day wear and see how it holds up.
lilygreig at gmail dot com
I have used the NARS Orgasm Blush before and I LOVE it!!!
I'd love to win one since I have almost finished the one I have now!
I would like to win the NARS Lipstick Satin. I have several tubes - just bought one this weekend. Great color and feels satiny on my lips
Wow...I'm sad to say I haven't tried any of those products! They all look wonderful though.
I have heard of Nars Orgasm Blush and that's the one I'd love to try! I've got two reasons- One, the name is amazingly creative. Two, I have naturally rosy cheeks that just about EVERYONE points out to me. You'd think this might be a good thing, but it gets really tiresome after a while...I always look flushed or cold! I spent a lot of time and have gone through a lot of products trying to blend them more naturally and even out my skin tone. This blush seems just about perfect the way it's described!
thanks for the giveaway xx
DolphinV27 [at] aol [dot] com
I woudl choose Benefit Cosmetics Benetint. it sounds great as "2 in 1" product. i have very light coloured skin and i think that best for it is make-up in one tone. Thanks.
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
I'd SO pick NARS Orgasm Blush. Firstly, I don't get NARS in my country so it would be so totally awesome if I won it. Secondly, I have read so many glowing reviews about it that I just want it even more. And, I don't have a lot of blush so this would be a cool choice.
I'd love to win the Dermablend concealer because I've been looking for a good concealer for quite some time!
NARS Orgasm Blush for me please. Have heard and read lots of good stuff on it. I need a good blush. Have always just stared at people’s lovely cheeks when they use the product. I want cheeks like those too. That is my excuse anyway.
Thanks for the giveaway
shiki6210 at gmail dot com
I have Nars orgasm blush -- its great.
For the contest, I'd vote for BeneTint. Would love to try it.
I would like to try the NARS Orgasm Blush
Oh, I love NARS blush but I'd opt for the lipstick -- I'm craving something in purple, for a edgy summer!
I would love to win the DiorShow mascara because it makes my lashes as thick and long as fake ones! I also love the Nars Orgasm blush, but I already own it and it will probably last me 10 years. :-)
kittylitter1 at gmail dot com
I would love to have the Dermablend - Quick-Fix Concealer. I have a few sun spots that I would like to hide.
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