
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Exclusive Follower Giveaway Contest

As promised, here's our contest for Best Things in Beauty followers. If you follow by e-mail subscription, RSS feed, or on Twitter (BTiBeauty), and you were following a few minutes before this post was published, you are eligible to enter. I downloaded the lists.

I want to thank you, my followers, for sticking with me. Best Things in Beauty just passed the one-year mark, and I love my regular readers. Your e-mails and comments always brighten my day! Thank you.

I have four prizes to give away. Here's the list.

Number 1. Giorgio Armani Beauty's Blushing Fabric in Pink Chiffon - I saved one for you! It's the shade Loyd Cassler at Saks calls the most wearable of the three. You can see a swatch of this light peach beauty at this BTiB link.

Number 2. A Laura Geller duo: Her enormously popular Blush-N-Brighten in Apricot Berry and Baked Marble Shadow Duo in Water Lily/Wood Forest (raspberry and copper brown shades) - brushes not include with these. These colors are perfect for medium or dark skin.

Number 3. The new Leopard Love Complexion Perfection Kit from Two Faced. When I purchased mine, I bought an extra for one of you. I like it - hope one of you will too.

Number 4. YSL's Mascara Volume Effet Faux Cils (Luxurious Mascara for a False Lash Effect) in #1, High-Density Black and a Dior Addict Ultra-Gloss Reflect in #877, my all-time favorite blue-rose Dior shade. Two beauty essentials - mascara and gloss!

How can you enter to win one of these prizes? Just leave a comment here once. In your comment, please tell me your first and second choices for a prize. I'll use to select the winners. The first winner selected will definitely receive her first choice. The second winner will receive one of her selections. After that, I will attempt to honor requests from the third and fourth winners selected, but I can't guarantee what you'll win - just that you will win one of these prizes if your number is selected.

After you comment, feel free to e-mail and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing your e-mail address on a blog, so I would follow this second step if I were you (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment).

The contest is open to anyone who is a follower - from any place in the world. The deadline for entries will be Monday, July 19, at midnight. The next morning, I will use a random number generator ( to select the winners. I will e-mail the winners at that time. The winners will have 48 hours to reply to my message and provide a shipping address. After 48 hours, the prize will be forfeited, and another winner will be selected.

Good luck! Thanks for following! We'll do another follower contest in a few months.

In the meantime, don't forget to enter the fabulous summer essentials giveaway featuring Vaseline and Benefit. The deadline for that contest is Saturday, July 17.

Photos courtesy of Armani Beauty, QVC, YSL Beauty, and Sephora


  1. I follow you on RSS Feed and am so glad I found your blog. I love it.

    Thank you for the opportunity - what a hard choice. My first choice would be the YSL Faux Cils. Second Laura Geller. Third - Leopard and Fourth the Armani which I already have thanks to your recommendation.

    Happy 1 Year Anniversary!

  2. Congratulations on your 1 year milestone!
    I'm an e-mail subscriber and I follow you on Twitter.
    My first choice would be YSL and my second choice would be Giorgio Armani.
    Thank you for the lovely giveaway!
    lynnx512 at gmail dot com

  3. What a fabulous way to celebrate your blogiversary. Congratulations!

    1. Armani
    2. YSL/Dior

    All four are fabulous prizes!

  4. Hi! I'm a follower!!! (@jules792000) on twitter, and I subscribe via e mail and RSS feed! :) LOVE your blog!

    My choices:
    2nd: Laura Geller (actually tied w/Leopard for 1st! LOL)

  5. Waow! Happy anniversary and many, many happy returns to baby BTiB! We all love your blog, Charlestongirl, and are happy to read your posts ( always so interesting and beautifully presented)
    Thank you for the terrific opportunities of this new contest.
    Being the happy owner of an Armani Blushing Fabric and being fair skinned, I think that my first choice will be number 4: YSL Mascara Volume Effet Faux Cils (which I have never tested!) and the Dior Addict Gloss and my second the Leopard love complexion Perfection Kit (didn't put it 1rst as you said it was rather shimmery).
    Thanks again for this generous giveaway contest and long life to BTiB:-)))

  6. Happy 1st! SO GLAD I found your site; it's the most current and well-written advice I've found. Of course, being a lip color addict, my first choice would be the Dior gloss, then the Too Faced. All of your prizes are great!
    Thanks again!


  7. Thank you for sharing, I love your blog! My #1 choice would be the Too Faced Leopard Love Pallet, and #2 would be the YSL / Dior combo. My email is regina.reed at hotmail dot com

  8. yay anniversary! i follow via rssfeed(googlereader)
    first pref- #4
    second pref- #1
    they all sound great though!

  9. I follow you on twitter.


    Happy Anniversary to you!

    1st choice: YSL Volume Effet Faux Cils

    2nd choice: Laura Geller Blush-N-Brighten.


    charisscharity at yahoo dot com

  10. I am subscribed to your email newsletter. My first choice is the Giorgio Armani Beauty's Blushing Fabric. Second choice is YSL. Thanks!

  11. I am a subscriber of Best Things in Beauty blog via email and RSS with email address kalei7796782 at yahoo dot com. My first choice would be Giorgio Armani and second would be the Leopard blush.

  12. Congrats, and it's really generous of you to run this lovely giveaway.

    My first choice would be #1.
    My second, #4.

    To tell you the truth, I'd be happy with any, because I'd be happy to win.

    At any rate, thanks for the possibility.

  13. Ah, oh! I was so enthused, I forgot to leave my email addy. So here it is.


  14. Oh my first choice is always going to be something by Armani and my second choice is the too faced leopard

  15. I love your blog so much and you are always so generous with your giveaways. Thank you for yet another!

    I follow via RSS feed (my email is

    My first choice would be the Leopard Love Complexion kit
    2nd choice would be the Laura Geller duo

  16. Congratulations!! I follow on Twitter (dragonfly777) and by email. I've learned so much from your posts. Thank you :) My first choice is the YSL mascara, second choice is Too Faced complexion kit.

    vac924 at gmail dot com

  17. Your blog makes me soooo happy inside! I'm all warm and fuzzy just thinking about this giveaway!

    Of course, i'm a follower of yours on Twittter as well as an e-mail subscriber!

    I would LOVE to win ANY of these products but, if I had to choose...

    1. YSL Faux Cils
    2. Too Faced Leopard

    Happy 1st Blog Birthday, Miss Charlestongirl!

    Liberty_belle22 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  18. You are a terrific person and I love your blog! Congrats on one fabulous year and many more to come!

    1.Giorgio Armani Beauty's Blushing Fabric in Pink Chiffon
    2.The new Leopard Love Complexion Perfection Kit from Two Faced.

    I'm an email subscriber.

  19. Happy Anniversary! I read your blog via Bloglines and just love it. Thanks for posting and for your cool giveaway! Here are my wishes:

    1. A Laura Geller duo
    2. Leopard Love Kit

    zoethecat at gmail dot com

  20. Happy Anniversary. That's a lot of articles to have written. I subscribe via email. My first two choices would be the Armani Blushing Fabric and the Too Faced Leopard set.

  21. I follow you via twitter @shopgurl

    My top choices
    1) Number 2 Laura Gellar
    2) Number 4 YSL & Dior

    shopgurl101 AT gmail DOT com

  22. Congratulations on your 1 year Anniversary!!!

    I look forward to receiving your email updates each afternoon and love to read your fabulous reviews.

    All four are great giveaways, but I would love to win #1, the Armani Fabric Blush or #4 the YSL mascara and Dior gloss.


  23. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! It's an amazing milestone and you should be proud with everything you've done with this blog : ) I love it here! This giveaway is just one of many and I know you haven't let any of your followers down. I've purchased a few amazing products thanks to your lovely posts and I really enjoy reading your thoughts... keep up the good work!

    If I were to win, my first choice would definitely be number 4! Followed by number 1!

  24. Thanks for buying and saving products for us! My first and second choices are the Laura Geller and the Armani pink shiffon.

  25. I enjoy you blog and are an email subscriber. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! I would love to win any of these prizes but if I had to pick favorites it would be Leopard Love followed by Giorgio Armani.

  26. I enjoy your blog and follow via RSS feed in a Google Reader.

    Thanks for the givaway. My choices if I won:
    (2)Leopard Love Kit


  27. Happy Anniversary!

    I would feel blessed to receive any prize, but I think 2 and 3 are my favorites.


  28. What an awesome prize you are giving your followers. I'm a blog follower.

    1. Armani
    2. Laura Geller

  29. I am an e-mail subscriber! Yay!

    I would love to try anything you are giving away but my favorites are:

    1. YSL
    2. Too Faced

    Happy birthday to your blog!


  30. Happy Anniversary!
    I follow you via email, RSS feed and Twitter (@hofken).
    My first choice for a prize would be the two mascaras. My second choice for a prize would be the Leopard Love Complexion Perfection Kit from Two Faced. Thanks!

  31. Am an email follower. If not all the options.

    I'd love Too Faced for my first and Giorgio Armani for my second!

    Congrats on the anniversary!

    reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

  32. My first choice is the Leopard Love Kit and my second choice is Number 4 the YSL mascara.

    I follow via Google friend connect

  33. Hard to decide but my first choice is
    Second choice is

    winit6 at hotmail dot com

  34. I follow via Twitter! Happy 1st anniversary!
    1. YSL
    2. Laura Geller
    3. Armani
    4. Leopard

    Thanks for always having great contests!

  35. I follow via email. Glad I am! Thanks for the chance!

    Me think #1 should be Too Faced and #2 should be Laura Geller. I have none of the choices so I'll take almost anything. Although, that Too Faced one looks mighty pretty!

    Thanks again!

    shiki6210 at gmail dot com

  36. ----> E-mail subscriber here! <----

    Great giveaway!

    My #1 choice is the YSL and my #2 choice is the Too Faced.


    Deine.kable -a-t- yahoo -d-o-t- com

  37. Happy 1st Anniversary
    Wish you many more to come
    Thank you for your terrific blog
    My first choice would be Laura Geller
    And my second choice would be Two Faced
    Warm regards

  38. I love starting my day with your blog! Thanks for keeping it so interesting....If I were to win, my first choice would definitely be number 1! Followed by number 4!

  39. my first choice is #4 - mascara and gloss

    second choice would be too faced

    thanks and congrats to you

    ewhatley at

  40. I follow on yahoo reader & on GFC

    I just found your blog & love reviews you give on make up. I might be too late for the giveaway but i'm still going to follow from now on..I would have choose the Leopard Love Complexion Perfection Kit first and the second choice would be the Blush-N-Brighten in Apricot Berry

    btw congrats on the 1 year anniversary

    lyromero77 at yahoo dot com & lyromero77 at gmail dot com


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