
Friday, July 16, 2010

The Friday Forum - July 16

It's that crepe myrtle time of year, when our world is brightened by these beautiful ornamental trees. I love everything about them, from their bark to the lacy, colorful blooms. They add a feminine touch to the summer garden.

This has been an eventful week at Best Things in Beauty. We have two contests underway. There's the Vaseline Aloe Fresh Giveaway of three fabulous Aloe Fresh body lotions and gels, along with Benefit's Stay Put Set to help your makeup adhere in our hot and humid weather. Make sure to enter the Vaseline summer contest before Saturday night's deadline!

Our second contest is only for followers - a thank you for reading. There are four prizes, and if you were a follower on Wednesday when the contest was published and haven't entered yet, make sure to leave a comment here by the Monday, July 19, deadline.

Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale starts today! There are great specials in every department in the store. I received some of my Beauty Exclusives, and the rest were sent to me earlier in the week via UPS. I wish I didn't have so much to do at work today. I'd be at Nordstrom! I hear that when the stores open, there may be a few surprises.

It's time for The Friday Forum! Most of you know, we share information in The Friday Forum. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Tell us about it! Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Tell us why! Do you have questions others might be able to answer? We can help! Want to talk about skin care? I'm game! Just use the comments. We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. Either way, I always enjoy hearing from you. Definitely let us know if you pick up any beauty goodies at the Nordstrom sale.

As usual, I will share the best beauty bits (noteworthy sales and special offers) with you over the weekend. I'll put them in the comments.

The microphone is yours!


  1. Hi Charlestongirl!
    Did you really experience an earthquake in your place? I thought that's what it was when I read your Twitter notes on the right side?
    Nobody informed us on this side of the Atlantic!!!It must have been scary (I experienced one when I was 4 and have still a vivid memory of the furniture shaking all around me!!!!)
    I do hope you'll have a very good rest this week-end to recuparate:-)

  2. Hi, Clarisse!

    Yes, we did have an earthquake in the DC area. They are so rare, and yesterday's was the strongest in my lifetime, I think.

    It was only a 3.6, and the epicenter was in Maryland. They had furniture, shutter, and shelves rattling near the epicenter. I only felt the earth's energy (a second or two unlike anything I had ever felt) through my body and heard the rumble. It was fascinating! I have never felt an earthquake before.

    Everyone in California thought we were crazy to get so excited about a little earthquake, but most of us have never experienced one. The quake was felt in Maryland, DC, Virginia, and southern Pennsylvania.

    I was sitting at my computer when it happened (5:04 am). I realized almost immediately what it was through a quick mental process of elimination.

    I suspect that the one you experienced when you were a child was a lot bigger. Had it been a 3.6, you might not even remember it. :)

  3. Through today, Saturday, you can get free shipping at YSL Beauty on the fall collection items. Use code FALL2010 at checkout.

  4. I just got my Babushka Beauty Secrets book! Thank you so much! I promise to leave a review within the next couple of weeks :)


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