
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Weekend Rant - Clumpy Eyelashes

Eyelashes clumped together by mascara are not pretty. Would we all agree? Then why do so many makeup artists (even some of the best) paint on mascara until you have solid a black mass shading your eyes?

This photo has been on a lot of blogs. I have no idea who to credit for the marvelous example of what I mean. Look at these lashes! Is there anything about them that telegraphs "Look into my eyes"? Nope! You can't get past the lashes - glued together, sticking out at odd angles, and laden with gunk. I can only imagine how the world looked to this woman as she gazed through these babies - probably like it looks to a poor bird covered in oil by BP.

Makeover after makeover - I go home and struggle to remove all the mascara. Not too long ago, after a makeover at another store, I once asked Loyd Cassler, my friend at Saks, why so many artists glommed mascara on me. His response? You have great eyelashes. That was sweet of him, but if I have great eyelashes, why ruin them?

I'm not talking about would-be makeup artists who over-paint eyelashes. Some of the best have done it to me. Perhaps if I had been ready to walk a red carpet, my look might have called for more makeup than I would wear every day. Seriously, though, what's the deal?

Eyelashes are supposed to look long, lush, and separated. Glad I got that out of my system! I'll try not to do any more rants for awhile. Thanks for listening!


  1. hhahaa i totally agree... when I do makeup, I am so picky about the lashes. even if the person I am doing make to does not care so much. I do....

  2. Thank you, Miss Krimson! I guess they've never heard of an eyelash comb. :)

  3. Until I read your article, I thought the result on the photo was something to avoid as too clumpy: I wouldn't have thought proper make-up artists tried to achieve such a result! For me as for you, great lashes are long and separated (thank God for eye-brushes and eye-combs)A great mascara: l'Extreme by LancĂ´me does a good job in making lashes long and separated; maybe you know it already.
    PS: And anyway rather than creating such a mess, they could use false eyelashes which look far better than the make-up on the photo

  4. Hi Clarisse!

    I can no longer count the number of legit makeup artists who have sent me (or my friends) home with globs of mascara. I just don't get it.

    Like you, I do like mascaras that separate as you apply them. Even with those, some manage to overdo it! Go figure.


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