
Friday, May 13, 2011

The Friday Forum - May 13

At last, Google Blogger, which hosts Best Things in Beauty, is back up - sort of. They have not yet restored the two days of features they wiped out when they restored their software to a point in time Wednesday, when Blogger crashed after they installed a software upgrade. At least I can check in with you. They have assured us (via Twitter) that they will restore our missing posts, and I'm still waiting. I wanted you to see the Alima Pure and Givenchy features I wrote.

Last night's American Idol was a shocker. Rocker James Durbin was eliminated. His fans went crazy on Twitter. I'm sorry for all you gals on the West Coast. Don't even look at Twitter if you don't want to see what's happening live on the East Coast. I also discovered I've been spelling Haley's name incorrectly. Sorry, Haley! I have a friend named Hayley, which seems to me to be the proper spelling, and I misnamed you. I'm glad she's in the top three, along with Lauren. I think the gals are talented. The "story" of James Durbin was inspiring, and his elimination (by the voters) was a complete surprise. Everyone thought he would win the competition - even me. I was not a fan of his type of music/singing, but, like Jennifer Lopez, I was sad for him. He seems like a sweet guy. Never fear - he will have a career. Anyone remember Diversity? They won Britain's Got Talent. They are history, but Susan Boyle, the runner-up, is an international sensation.

Can you even believe it's time for The Friday Forum? We use the forum to share information and chat. Did you find any deals you couldn't resist this week? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By Monday, most readers have moved on.

Don't forget that I have a giveaway contest going for NARS Laguna Multiple! The deadline is tomorrow, Saturday, May 14. Make sure to enter before then. If you don't enter, you can't win!

What did you see this week that grabbed your eyes? Is there anything you've been waiting for me to feature? I have a lot to tell you about - all bottled up because I haven't been able to write.

Update 5:45 - My missing features are back! I can't make up for lost time today, but I'm grateful to have them. Google's problem must have been a whopper.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Hi Charleston Girl,

    I did receive Edward Bess' luxury face brush today in the mail. Oh my goodness, I've yet to use it but was blown away with the presentation and softness of the brush.

  2. Hi Hopelessly Devoted!

    I am so jealous! I haven't ordered his brushes yet. I also haven't bought the new LMdB ones. I guess I need to catch up!

  3. Oh, I'm so glad you're back! I was going through some major withdrawal! [not pretty] :-)

    So I have a makeup rant. I'm really liking the Chanel concealer shade I recently purchased but even though I use only a tiny amount and stamp it with a brush, it still sits in my lines and seems to fade away quickly (as in 4-ish hours). I don't have that problem with my EL one which I use in the summer. I decided to use MAC's Prep + Prime Vibrancy thingy first, to see if it helps. It doesn't! I wonder if you, or anyone else, has had this trouble with Chanel or perhaps it's just me?

    Thank you in advance!

  4. Hi Lovethescents,

    Maybe our readers can help? I have never used Chanel's concealer (on a regular basis). When I apply my concealer, no matter which one, I make sure to use a good amount of eye cream and also pat the concealer into my skin extremely thoroughly. I don't like that pooling in lines either!

    Anyone use Chanel concealer?

  5. Hi Lovethescents,

    You're not alone. I had the same problem with the Chanel concealer and finally just gave up on it. It was a nuisance to be wondering if the concealer was still doing its job or if it had migrated into every nook and cranny :-( No one should have to go to so much trouble to get a product to work.

    Hi Hopelessly Devoted,

    Edward Bess makes fabulous brushes! I got my luxury eye brush as a GWP (quite a gift!) and, before the week was out, I had ordered the luxury face brush. I've been using them for about two years now. Two years of daily use and weekly washings and the brushes have not shed a single hair nor have they lost their shape. They're still just as soft and effective as when they were new. BTW, after washing them in a mild shampoo, I add just a drop of conditioner to the final rinse water. After all, they are hair.

    Edward, dear and talented man that he is, is able to apply a full make-up on a woman using just his fingers and those two brushes. Me? I need a few more brushes. I actually decided to buy a second face brush when I found myself wanting to use it for everything: bronzer, highlighter, blush, finishing powder; you name it. As for the eye brush, I use it for everything except detailed crease work or smudging along the lashes. If Edward would come out with a crease brush about the size of my Chanel #3, I'd by it in a nanosecond!

    Nothing much happening here beauty-wise. I spent the afternoon helping my son install a doggie door for his little Italian Grayhound. She's such a little busybody: in and out, in and out, in and out! Now she can go in and out to her heart's content without my son having to jump up and down to get the patio door. They'll both be happier.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  6. Well ladies, Eileen is an expert, so the concealer is forget-worthy, and the EB brushes to die for! Now I must have the brushes. After reading Sabrina's feature this week, I was sold. Too bad I don't need brushes. :)

  7. Eileen, I hope the doggy door won't put doggie in harm's way (traffic, predators, thieves)!

    Happy Sunday! I'm heading to dream land.

  8. No, little Sophie will be quite safe in her fenced in garden with the butterflies, birds, and occasional lizard.

    Sweet dreams, Charlestongirl.

  9. Ok, so Eileen just sold me on his eye brush. I really regret getting all those MAC brushes years ago as some of them are so harsh and really aggravate my eye lids now. Oh well, nice to know that these quality brushes will last me years and years. Thanks for the nudge, Eileen.

  10. I have been layering my Sublimage concentrate under my Acyl-Glutathione from Dr. Perricone, and I am liking the Sublimage concentrate a bit better. Acyl, on the other hand, is a real stand out. Have you thought about picking up a jar?

  11. Hi Laetitia!

    Funny that you mentioned Perricone's new cream. I bought a jar recently and intend to start using it this week. I am a serial tester, meaning I test only one new skin care product at a time to be sure I know the effects, and I was testing something else.

    I am so glad to hear you like it!

  12. Hi Eileen!

    Sophie must be one happy little dog!

    I have neighbors who let their beloved yellow lab out unattended. I was angry one day last year when I came home from work and found him in the middle of the closest intersection. I jumped out of my car to get him.

    This is a suburban city, not a place with huge, safe properties for pets to roam. That lab is extremely lame too. Those people are pretty careless in general, but the way they endanger their dogs really gets to me. :)

    You probably know already I would do (and have done) just about anything for an animal. The escapades here would fill a book.


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