
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Luminous Matte Lip Color

The much-anticipated Rouge Allure Velvet ($32) has finally arrived at department stores and on Chanel's Australian Web site. I couldn't find it on Chanel's U.S. site today. You may remember that I gave you a sneak peek in August. Even then, the excitement was building.

Rouge Allure Velvet creates another way to wear lipstick. An alternative to shine.

"Bringing a new level of luxury and sophistication to the world of lip color," Chanel has unveiled a "next-generation matte lipstick." Smooth and very comfortable on the lips, this modern matte is not at all drying. Rouge Allure Velvet provides long-lasting, luminous matte color. Eight alluring and intense shades are available in Chanel's iconic black lacquer click-open case.

Ultra-thin mother of pearl pigments deliver rich color with a soft matte finish. Jojoba oil and shea butter combine to provide creamy, moist comfort. Rouge Allure Velvet will hit the spot for anyone who's looking for a matte lip color with life.

Janine and Kathy at Neiman Marcus graciously gave me a sampler card with four shades to allow me to test the new Rouge Allure formula. Here are the shades on the card. Few cards arrived, and I hear the supply was exhausted quickly. I feel extremely privileged to have one of them.
  • LA RAVISSANTE (#32), categorized by Chanel in the beige family
  • LA RAFFINÉE (#34), categorized as pink
  • L'EXUBÉRANTE (#37), also categorized as pink
  • LA FASCINANTE (#38), categorized as red
I'm wearing LA RAFFINÉE, applied lightly, today. It feels great and looks very natural.

I swatched the shades in the same order listed above, with LA RAVISSANTE at the top of my arm. I applied them with the little disposable brush that comes on the sampler card and took my photos in full, afternoon sun.

LA RAVISSANTE looks orange to me, not beige. It's bold! LA RAFFINÉE, the shade I'm wearing, looks like my own lip color. I did apply it lightly and could get more punch from it, but I'm happy using it as a stain-type color. L'EXUBÉRANTE is a brighter pink - a beautiful shade for those who love bold rose lips. The red LA FASCINANTE is a very pretty neutral red that will suit many skin tones.

Can you see the "life" in my photos? These matte lip colors don't shine, even in full sun, but they have a gleam to attract attention. The colors are definitely intense - no shrinking violets here. These are full-on glam lip colors.

If you need help selecting a shade because you don't have a Chanel counter near you, I have a couple of suggestions. Call Janine Greenberg (my favorite Chanel rep at Neiman Marcus) or Kathy Shoreman at Neiman Marcus at (703) 761-1600, ext. 3268. Or you can call Loyd Casser at Saks Fifth Avenue at (240) 497-5363. They all contributed to this feature - Janine and Kathy with the lovely samples and Loyd with the promotional information from Chanel.

What do you think? Will you be looking for Rouge Velvet Allure to brighten your winter?

Update 11/1: Chanel's U.S. Web site now has Rouge Allure Velvet online.

Photo at top courtesy of Chanel; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. These are very pretty - I definitely want to pick some up. I think maybe #32 and #38 are my favorites!

  2. Have fun, Larie! With eight choices, you know you'll need at least two. :)

  3. I'm here in California and I take it that these helpful folks are elsewhere? I looked at Neiman Marcus online and also SAKS on line and no luck, if I were to call these folks from home here in San Jose, would they be able to help me, at least with knowing when they might be coming online for purchase?

  4. Hi Michelle,

    I'm sure they can help you. The online businesses are often separate. I know that's true for NM. However, ask Kathy about free shipping. Any of them can help you from their stores.

    Be ready to describe your skin tone, eye and hair colors, and preferences.

  5. My wallet is not so glad you reminded me about these. I was looking forward to them but got distracted by all the holiday goodies. The 37 & 38 are calling my name! Hopefully they will look better on me than typical matte lipsticks - dry & crackly. ugh!

  6. I bought one about two weeks ago, La Raffinée. Being a lippie fan I couldn't go without it. It's really wonderful. Lips feels really moisturised and the color stays on for ages. I got Pivoine 32 lip liner to match it. Gorgeous! I hope they add more colours though as being pale I don't really suit the darker tones.

  7. Hi Evelyn!

    I do like the way these lipsticks feel - not at all chalky or dry.

  8. Hi there, Rachel!

    I would rather see some light colors too. They are way too intense for my coloring - at least I think that. :)

  9. I absolutely agree! A nice nude tone for example, and something paler would be an excellent choice for fair people like us. I think the texture would suit these tones too. So creamy but not greasy... When I see swatches on your arms I think: "If it suit this lady it suit me too!":D
    Let's see what happens next season. i have a feeling thy'll include more. They're selling weel and I've heard the same "complaint" for several lippie-lovers.
    Have a nice Halloween!

  10. Excuse my mistakes but I'm fighting the cat for the keyboard!!

  11. That made my night, Rachel! Charlie likes to plant himself in front of my iPad, so I totally understand. :)

  12. I have two little fluffy friends and they BOTH adore my keyboard!! Eva is more discrete but little Ralph is a pest. I adore them both of course!
    Have a nice day!

  13. Rachel, I swear they see the keyboard as competition. :)


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