
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Can you believe this is a carved pumpkin? Yesterday's Washington Post Magazine featured Noel Dickover, who elaborately carves more than 40 pumpkins each year for his Centreville, Virginia front yard. That's dedication!

In my search for a photograph of Dickover's work, I also found this elaborate, award-winning pumpkin, carved by Karyn T. in Forth Worth, Texas. Who knew Halloween could inspire such creativity and passion?

I hope you enjoy Halloween! Remember, don't let anyone give black cats and bats a bad rap!

The last time I went to a costume party for Halloween was in...Charleston...where else? I dressed as a fashion victim.

Photos in order courtesy of Washington Post,,, and last photo copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos


  1. Happy Halloween!! I wish they would celebrate it here in Spain too...

  2. Happy Halloween to those who celebrate it! Here in France, it's a very new festivisty (about 15/20years) so the children like it but I have never really seen the point of it (I didn't have it when I was young) and it's mainly a commercial thing but I know it's much more than that in Anglo-Saxon culture.
    CG, I love the gorgeous photos you chose to illustrate your post (the black kitty too:-)

  3. Thanks, Ruth! You can celebrate in spirit and eat chocolate! :)

  4. Hi Clarisse! Thanks! Actually, Halloween isn't a big holiday for me, but I enjoy that the young children love it. It's VERY commercial here.

    I thought that black kitten was the cat's meow. :)

  5. Halloween at our house is a very big deal. We decorate inside and out and have an annual Halloween party the weekend before All Hallows Eve. We typically get about 200 trick or treaters, young and old, visiting our home on that special night. That's a lot of snickers!

    For thousands of years cats were honored as sacred animals and, in some cases, worshipped as goddesses. Then, in the 14th century, they were proclaimed demons. Believed to be at the center of witches' devil worship, cats throughout Europe were slaughtered. The irony is that many historians now believe the Black Death of 1348-1350 (bubonic plague carried by the fleas on rats) would not have killed over twenty-seven million people had it not been for the mass extermination of cats. It was the prevalence of cats prior to their demonization that had previously kept the rat population in check. I guess that's a good example of "You get what you give."

  6. Happy Halloween! I love that kitty, her eyes are like two lamp lights. I do miss having a pet, ah well one of these days.

  7. Hi Eileen!

    I just heard on the radio that Snickers are the most-mentioned Halloween candy. Glad I got a bag because I'm not likely to get more than 2-3 kids here, if any. My road is very dark, and there are no sidewalks leading to it. So, it's a bad place for the little gremlins. I hope your party was great fun!

    There were so many mistakes made in history through ignorance - many cruel. How about the way women considered witches were treated in Salem and surrounding areas?

  8. Happy Halloween, Evelyn!

    I've always loved black cats, ever since one adopted us when I was growing up. He appeared on the window ledge during a snow storm. We took him in, and then we learned that he had just moved in up the hill. Over time, Max spent more time with us than his "real family," where he hated the children. So one day, they agreed that we should keep Max because that would make Max the happiest.

    In those days, cats could roam, so Max would go up the hill and visit now and then, but he always considered our house his home. He was such a good boy.

  9. Aw, I love pumpkin people! There's a man in my hometown, Bill Habedank, who carves 100 pumpkins a year. I tried to find a link to show you, but couldn't find one from this year. I haven't been able to see the pumpkins since I moved to NOVA. Wish I had known about the Centreville guy!

  10. Hi Jane!

    Such dedication. Can you even imagine finding the time to expertly carve so many pumpkins?


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