
Monday, November 21, 2011

Gwyneth in Glittering Green

She needs no introduction or last name. When I saw photos of Gwyneth Paltrow in this dazzling green Elie Saab gown earlier this month, I changed my opinion of plunging necklines.

She wore this stunner to the Bambi Awards in Wiesbaden, Germany. I think she's got the perfect figure for it. Had she spilled out of the dress, it would have looked vulgar to me. Her Tracey Anderson workout routine, plus what's probably a natural, genetic predisposition with a thin frame, gave her the perfect body to wear the daring gown.

I think everything about her look was stunning. Her simple, characteristic straight blonde hair was a great contrast to the elaborate green sequins. After I got over the mechanics (how much fashion tape does it take to make the "V" stay put, as it did in all the photos?), my eyes fixed on her diamond necklace. If I were given the choice - gown or necklace - I'd choose the necklace, and then plot to have an event, even if I had to host a black-tie party at my house (which I did years ago, it was fun!).

Take a look at her makeup. Just as "simple" as her hair style, it complements the entire look. She appears to have worn natural eye shadow, flattering eyeliner and mascara, a peachy-pink natural blush, and the same peachy-pink tone in her lipstick/lip gloss. She wore no earrings to detract from that amazing necklace.

What do you think? Did you see these photos?

Photos courtesy of Getty Images


  1. She looks amazing! But, then... when does she ever not look amazing! One of the few celebrities I'd love to meet!

  2. Agreed, BushingNoir! She's gorgeous.

    It's said she's really nice. Her personality came through on the food series she did with Mario and Mark Bittman. It was "slow," but fun to watch.

  3. She looks fantastic! I absolutely agree with you about her figure, she can wear just about anything. She's never over the top, much easier on the eyes!

  4. I had seen the photo a few days ago and yes, Charlestongirl, she is stunning as usual...even if it takes a lot of energy to be as gorgeous as she always is, it's worth it. She has a great sense of balance and natural elegance and I love her personality!

  5. Hi Sophia and Clarisse!

    I agree - she looks so elegant. I think most of us would kill for her looks and figure.

    I don't want to burst out of my clothing. I know enhancements seem to be "the thing" these days, but there's too much cleavage on display. :)

  6. It's nice to see someone looking classy even with a plunging neckline. It is possible! That necklace - wow!

  7. Evelyn, I searched celeb sites trying to find the source of the diamonds, but failed. The necklace is amazing!


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