
Monday, April 16, 2012

Dior Addict Lipstick from the Croisette Collection for Summer 2012

There are three gorgeous, limited-edition Dior Addict lipstick shades featured with the Croisette Collection for Summer 2012. They are all warm colors - stunning for summer. The colors, as show below from left to right are Casual Gold (#414), Jet Set (#541), and Palace (#354). I meant to do that in numeric order, but sometimes my plans don't pan out. I switched the order in my swatches. Just blame it, please, on the stress of having Mom at the hospital.

As I shopped, I selected the pinkest one first, thinking that perhaps the peach and brown shades might be a bit too warm, too orange, too something. Unfortunately for my bank balance, all three appealed to me. I couldn't get over their shimmering, sheer lure as I swatched.

So, let's take a look at all three of my new lipsticks [she says with a Cheshire Cat grin]. The tubes gave you no hint of the colors. They present a modern look that reflects whatever light and colors surround you. Look at the subtle pastel shades in the tubes above. They came from my surroundings when I took the photo.

Now, I'll share with you my exhilaration as I swatched these enormously hydrating lipsticks. Palace, shown at the top of my arm, is a very warm pink. I think most of us would call it a peachy pink. I worked pretty hard to get a photo that isolated the lipstick's shine from the sun's rays. The photo below turned out the best. Look at the shade in the tube above, then look at the swatch. The only difference is that the swatch is more sheer. I think it's absolutely gorgeous. First one swatched in the store, and I couldn't pull out my credit card fast enough.

Then the brown Casual Gold grabbed my attention. It's a fabulous light brown. The effect on my lips is nude - a flattering nude that allows my own light rose lip color to show through. The luscious Jet Set at the bottom of my arm is like a ripe peach. Even orange phobes should love it. It will be perfect for the upcoming season.

All of these lipsticks scream summer - summer at the beach, tamed by the reality of real life. They are everyday wearable and are not at all "frosty," as some of the younger gals say (they weren't alive when we had lipstick that was seriously frosty). Dior Addict lipsticks are deliciously clear and shimmering - and they will make sure your lips feel moist, not parched, when you step outdoors into the summer sun.

If you are on a spending hiatus, you won't want to go near Dior's summer display. If you are looking for a treat, proceed straight to your favorite Dior retailer. The collection will knock your socks off. I purchased my shades at Neiman Marcus. I am about to order more - from Sephora. You can find the Croisette Collection for Summer 2012 at all Dior counters and sources.

Photos at top and bottom of feature courtesy of Dior; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. I have Jet Set as well and love it even though normally I can't wear an coral this looks lovelly for the summer. I agree I with you if you are on a budget stay away from the dior counter because I am buying almost the whole summer collection in the mean time. Cannot wait to see wat you purchuse next! Thanks for posting.

  2. wow - these look so gorgeous. I had better steer clear of the Dior counter!

  3. Beautiful shades....argh, I will never even finish the lippies I currently have but do want these

  4. ha, ha I have the same probleem never finish any of my lippies anymore because I keep buying new ones.
    But Jet Set is a beautiful coral and I could not resist.

  5. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! I have been dying to see pictures of these since my Nordies doesn't have them yet.

  6. These are gorgeous!! I believe I will go pick up all 3 as well this weekend. I was originally planning to check out Jet Set only--but your swatches are so beautiful, I have to have all 3 :)

    PS: I hope your mom is doing better, CG!

  7. I have the feeling Jet Set is on many a wishlist. I know it's on mine :-). I stopped by the local counter today to see if the collection had arrived yet, but I was a day too early. It's due tomorrow. On my to see lost is Jet Set, the new Diorskin Healthy Glow Enhancing powder in Sunlight 002, and the pastel eye palette in Swimming Pool. That last item is quite unusual for me as I don't often gravitate to pastels. It looks so pretty and aquatic, though, just like a garden by a swimming pool. Who could resist that? So, looks like I'll be headed back to Dior tomorrow. I think Dior has created one of the prettier summer collections this year. Some collections are more dramatic, some are more bold, some are more unique, but Dior is just downright pretty.

  8. I'm heading to Sephora's website right now for Jet Set! I love the color. I'm very cool-toned, but it looks like a shade I can pull off, anyway.

    I was wondering if you saw the Nude powder at the Dior counter, and if so, what you thought of it!

  9. Hi, my name is Evelyn and I'm an orange-phobe. :) Very pretty colors but not quite me...maybe!

  10. Thoughts and prayers for your mom (and you!)

  11. Wow, so many comments, and I am so far behind on life with Mom still in the hospital. Please forgive me for not answering everyone individually, and thank you for your prayers and thoughts. They are working!

    Looks like Jet Set is doing the trick - even for orange phobes like Evelyn. :)

    Adele, if I can wear it, you can too.

    I have two more collection items coming: the bronzer and the lip balm.


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