
Friday, June 22, 2012

The Friday Forum - June 22

Yesterday was hot with a capital "H." As I was driving home from work, my car told me the outside temperature was 107! The official record set yesterday was 100. That wasn't a heat index; it was the actual temperature. When I got home, I found my hydrangeas wilted. They recovered overnight, but I think we need a thundershower to cool things down. My plants will appreciate the drink.

This was a good beauty week. It started last Sunday with a fun makeover at By Terry at SPACE.NK. I have people photos to show you, but I need to get makeup photos. If I can't get them tomorrow, I can on Saturday. I must get photos of the "rest" of the Bobbi Brown Fall 2012 Desert Twilight Collection, new-to-me Rouge Bunny Rouge, and nail lacquers that you'll find gorgeous (as I do). Additionally, my new Chanel makeup should have arrived today, but it didn't. I'm hoping to see it tomorrow.

So, today I rant a little. Last week, I called a Giorgio Armani boutique looking for a new Armani Privé fragrance, Figuier Eden. It sounded so luscious, I wanted it even though I'd never smelled it. I called New York. They didn't know what I was talking about. So then I called the South Coast Plaza store in California. They knew it, had it, and took my order. We discussed its name multiple times.

I specifically asked that they waive signature for delivery, knowing I wouldn't be here when it arrived. They didn't. So when I got the door tag, I had to call FedEx, ask that it be diverted to a local FedEx center, and go pick it up the next day. Still, I was excited - until I took it out of the box. They had sent the wrong fragrance! Good grief. So I called. After saying they would do a will-call, having FedEx pick it up for me while they shipped out the correct fragrance, they called me with the brilliant idea that they could e-mail me a label and I could attach it and then deliver the box to FedEx. Why would I want an extra trip on a 100-degree day? We finally settled on the will-call, the mistake will be picked up today, and maybe I'll get the fragrance I actually ordered next week. Am I alone? Does anyone else experience these kind of frustrations? How often do you receive something totally different from what you ordered? I expect more from Armani.

It's time for the Friday Forum, our open chat. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Please share! Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers will have moved on.

I have a fabulous giveaway contest thing week: NARS Wicked Attraction Set. I hope you'll enter. The deadline is tomorrow, Saturday, June 23, at midnight.

123RF Photo


  1. Hi Charlestongirl,

    It has been hot here, too. I am not a fan of the heat, and never have been. If it only got to 80 in the summer (with low humidity, of course), I would be a happy camper. Fall is my favorite season. I don't sweat well - there's no "dewiness" here - just full-on sweating. Not a pretty sight. Plus, there has been almost no rain this summer, so the poor farmers in the area are dealing with dying crops. I am praying for rain.

    Your experienve with Armani sounds very frustrating! I have no ability to delay gratification, so the idea of receiving an eagerly-anticipated box with the wrong thing in it sounds horrid. I have to say, I have not had this particular mix-up happen. I do get very nervous dealing with people on the phone, mostly because of the human error factor. I feel so much better ordering something online. I remember the first time I called Dustin to preorder an eye kaleidoscope. I was SO nervous that the person who took my order would mess up my address, credit card number, and my item would never arrive. And when you are dealing with highly limited-edition products, that seemed like a huge chance to me. Come to think of it, one time the LMdB sales associate charged the wrong card. They charged a previous card I had given them, as opposed to the card I specified when I ordered. Not a huge deal, but still an annoyance.

    I received my By Terry lipgloss in Honeymoon Kiss. It is such a gorgeous gloss with a stellar formula. It is fairly long-lasting, and the color is spectacular. I really like the slight duo-chrome, and the wet, shiny look it gives to my lips. I have been wearing it over a light lipstick like Tom Ford's Nude Vanille.

    I also purchased SkinCeuticals Phloretin CF Gel for my husband, although I anticipate using it myself as soon as I heal from my recent chemical peel. I had previously tried the serum and liked it very much. I tested the gel formula on my hand, and it is very light, silky and dries down fast. We'll see how he likes it, but I already know I will be purchasing one for myself.

    Stay cool and have a wonderful weekend, ladies!


  2. Hi,
    Oh it's so very HOT!

    Please provide me with an update on your La Mer routine - which products are you using? I've recently started using a mix of the Creme and the Hydrating Infusion. Plus, using all the little sample GWP's = eye cream, cleansing gel, moisturing lotion.

    Thank you for blogging and I hope your Mom is doing better.


  3. Happy Friday Everyone,

    I almost didn't read the Friday Forum because the LMdB post stopped me in my tracks. Gorgeous and unique Kaliedoscope; rediculous and laughable name. Pallid, indeed! If any of you haven't read the comments about it yet, do so. LMdB unwittingly chose a name that couldn't have been funnier. It reminded me of the infamous Chavrolet gaff. For those of you who don't know about that, back in the sixties, Chevy had a cute, sporty little car called the Chevy Nova. Because of the Space Race of the era, the name Nova had a futuristic and speedy ring to it which people loved. Unfortunately, when the Nova was marketed in Spanish-speaking countries, it was a dismal failure. The problem? "No va" in Spanish means it doesn't go. LOL That blunder became a joke for the ages and is part of Advertising 101.

    I had the opportunity to see Chanel's Premier Regard quad and was disappointed. It's pretty to look at in the quad, but the formulation seems off in comparison to what we're accustomed to getting (US formula). I have plenty of colors in my stash that have more depth and a better formula so I can easily replicate Chanel's pretty fall look. The individual eyeshadows were very pretty and are creamier with better color, but once again, I have a lot of other Chanel colors that are very, very similar. The SA hadn't unpacked the rest of the testers yet, so the eyeshadows were all that I saw. I guess I looked rather disappointed because my favorite Chanel SA told me to buck up; that I'd "swoon" over the new JC. So we shall see. Do you think I should bring my smelling salts with me when I go back to the counter :-)

    Hi Charlestongirl,

    Our Midsummer's Night dinner party was a success and all the baskets of hydrangeas surrounded by candles twinkling in lanterns looked lovely. The baskets of flowers also made nice party favors for the ladies as I sent a basket home with each of them. See, we get more than makeup inspiration from your blog :-)

    Happy Summer Everyone!

  4. I feel lucky--it's been pretty nice here lately. I'm just trying to enjoy the calm before the storm, aka: the unbearable, sweltering summer heat.

    I hate when mistakes like that happen--I think that if they sent you the wrong item, they should eat the delivery costs for next day shipping or something. I would be SO frustrated--I already am impatient enough as it is, so to be told that I had to wait an additional week even though it wasn't my fault would infuriate me!!

    I received a box of the new Ultra Plush Lip Glosses from Benefit this week and thoroughly enjoyed them. They have a super smooth and silky feel on the lips and are never sticky. They're pretty basic for the most part, but I like them and I'll get a lot of use from them this summer. I am really wanting to order some of the Rouge d'Armani Sheers and Gloss d'Armani's this weekend. I tried to hold out, but they're just so beautiful I can't resist!

    Anyway, happy weekend Charleston Girl! Hope all is well!

  5. OMG! I just got back from the mall where I made a quick stop at Chanel to chat with my favorite SA. The delightful counter manager was there and she showed me the pictures for Holiday 2012, Éclats du Soir de Chanel. Whereas fall's Les Essentiels de Chanel collection is made up of barely there color in combination with silvered grays and satin blacks, Éclats du Soir is a treasure chest of deep jewel tones and precious metals. The color palette is shades of plum, deep red, pink, soft beige, deep gold, and rich bronze. To judge from the stunning promo pictures, the eyeshadows are satin and metallic like the Bysance quad from last year (And, who could ever forget that beauty!). I all but drooled on the pictures. Last years's holiday collection was pretty but rather unimaginative--light gold on the eyes with a pop of red on the lips. This holiday collection has done a 180 and is far from demure. It definitely won't be for everyone as it makes a fairly strong color statement, but for those who can't get enough of plums, berries, and deep golds, this collection will be a sure hit. When the SA asked what she could put aside for me for the anniversary sale ( meaning, of course, Fleur de Lotus and Les Essentiels) I said everything from Holiday 2012! It's just so dramatic.

  6. Eileen,
    Oh my, I'm drooling at your description of the Chanel holiday collection. Sounds like my kind of colors. I can't wait! Do you know if the Bombay collection is out yet?
    I've been on the hunt for the shimmer powder in that collection.

  7. Hi Mary Ann,

    It's up on, but I haven't seen it on counter anywhere yet. The lovely Reika of Front Row Beauty has a picture of the actual products--not a promo, but one that she took. I was surprised at how much more golden and sparkly the highlighter actually is in real life. Reika couldn't swatch it, but she said it reminded her of the JC in Or from the Bysance collection.

  8. Hi Kate!

    We need rain too. We had one little shower around 8:00 pm, while areas just a few miles from here were getting pounded by T-storms with lots of rain.

    Now I'm having a meltdown over my Chanel order, which Bergdorf Goodman says was shipped and delivered. Only the tracking number says it was delivered to Rye, New York. Waiting for a call-back. So frustrated! I should have had it Thursday.

    The Armani Beauty Manager was willing to send me the right product with a label to return the wrong one, but someone overruled her. So I wait.

    I love those By Terry glosses. I have photos now, so I need to feature my By Terry makeover from last weekend.

    Happy weekend!

  9. Hi Chris,

    The two La Mer products I use regularly are the original cream and the Concentrate. I love to go to sleep with the Concentrate giving my skin a big drink overnight.

  10. Now, I am absolutely furious. The BG order I placed Monday was never charged, never sent - so wonder I never received it. They have no record of it. So, the clueless wonder who helped me apparently didn't want the huge commission. This is absolutely amazing.

  11. Thanks, Eileen. I was dubious about the quad, but I ordered it anyhow. Now, when I re-buy, I'll skip it. Money saved!

    Your guests must have been thrilled to have the hydrangea baskets. How classy!

  12. What the heck is wrong with these retailers?? Very frustrating and annoying indeed. The only issues I have is that usually international shipping is very expensive so it prevents me from shopping, or there IS no international shipping. Lucky for me I have enablers in the US who always offer to help :-)

    The only beauty news I have is my quest for a sulfate free shampoo. I struggle to get my curls to look beautiful, frizz-free and full as well. So many products for curly hair weigh them down. A friend recommended the Curly Girl Handbook. Reading through it now :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Mary Ann,

    Not only is it available at, it's supposed to be a Chanel Boutique exclusive.

  14. Hi Lovethescents,

    There are plenty of sulfate-free products for you curly girls! I don't think Living Proof No Frizz Shampoo has sulfates. Available at Sephora. Bumble and Bumble Straight Shampoo is another.

  15. Thank you Eileen, will look on Front Row. If it's too sparkly, may pass.

  16. Oh my - Chanel holiday sounds absolutely divine!
    CG, I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with your Armani order. : ( I hope you get the correct fragrance soon!


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