
Monday, August 27, 2012

New from La Mer: Crème Soyeuse de la Mer - The Moisturizing Soft Cream

Its white utilitarian jar gives away nothing. You have to experience La Mer's new Crème Soyeuse de la Mer ($150-275), The Moisturizing Soft Cream (or Silky Cream of the Sea), to understand how special it is. The luxuriously light formula may lead you to think it's not as hydrating as its older sister. Aux contraire!

The formula penetrates deeply to replenish moisture and improve strength and radiance, using a new delivery system that allows The Moisturizing Soft Cream to have a lightweight feel. You don't need to warm it in your hands to make it "spreadable," as La Mer recommends for the original Crème de la Mer. It comes out of the jar ready to apply, and it absorbs in a heartbeat, leaving my dry skin feeling utterly moist and satisfied. Oh, and the light scent is beautiful - very La Mer.

Crème de la Mer has, since its introduction, been the gold standard for moisture. Its unique Miracle Broth, the foundation of the formula, has re-energized the skin of so many women, it's a legendary product. Other moisturizers have come along with newer technology, but I and other La Mer fans will never leave it. We just layer it with newer, more technologically advanced products.

Many women found the original Crème de la Mer too heavy or didn't want to use it in the warm seasons, when their skin naturally has more moisture. So, La Mer developed products for them, such as The Moisturizing Lotion (which I've used and love) and The Moisturizing Gel Cream.

I've yearned for something in between: a product just as hydrating as the original Crème de la Mer, but more lightweight for summer. Now I have it, and I'm enormously pleased. The Moisturizing Soft Cream, as it's called in the United States, is the answer. This cream will make your skin feel soft and supple while it almost disappears on the skin. It's there, though. I applied it liberally last night before bed, and even now, eight hours later, I can feel a soft, protective, very light "film" on my face. During the day, your proof that it's "there" will come from your foundation application and wear. The Moisturizing Soft Cream provides all the slip you need to apply foundation and feel hydrated - all without any heaviness, and the color should look good all day.

I've used Crème Soyeuse de la Mer for about two weeks and give it an unqualified A+. I love it. After using two samples, I purchased the big jar. I'm in this one for the long haul.

I purchased mine at Neiman Marcus. The Moisturizing Soft Cream should be available at all La Mer counters. You can also find it at the La Mer Web site. See what you think.


  1. This looks delicious. I used the Gel Cream last year, and I really loved it. It has helped to balance my skin, particularly during warmer months. Do you find the Soft Cream helps to balance? It's nice La Mer has come up with so many different texture options.

  2. Hi Laetitia,

    I don't know if it has balancing properties - a question best asked of a La Mer rep. I'd hate to steer you into a product that might be too hydrating for your skin.

  3. I've used the original La Mer off and on for over ten years and find that it layers beautifully with any of my anti-aging serums. It's simply a reliable, soothing, nurturing, healing cream that is a staple in my skin care collection. Ever since reading about the new version, though, I have been eager to try it.

    The new consistency should solve the application problem that some people had with the original cream. The original is a fairly thick, stiff cream and really does need to be applied following La Mer's warm and pat directions. I think a lot of people just tried to scoop it up and slather it on the way they would a regular cream. As a consequence, they were disappointed in the product.

    This new version seems to be the answer for anyone who wants the original cream's moisturizing and soothing properties in a product that is lighter and has more slip. I still have half a jar of the original crème, so it will be awhile before I'm ready to purchase. When the time comes, though, I'll definitely be trying the Crème Soyeuse.

    By the way, Nikki at FutureDerm has a nice article about how and why La Mer works.

  4. Thank you for your review, I like to use La Mer in the winter, but always found it too heavy for the summer. I will the new one.

  5. I am late to the party so to speak. Had an order of La Mer Fluid Tint Light. After trying it for a while I decided to get it. Time was right because there was a discount available. The store included a 3.5ml sample of The Moisturizing Soft Cream. So I tried it. I admit I have been opposed towards La Mer, high price tag etc.
    I tried it and I really like it. The texture is great and now with the cooler temps I wear Josie Maran's Argan Oil underneath. A perfect combination. The cream worn solo is great.


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