
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chanel Lèvres Scintillantes Glossimer in Mystery and Intrigue from the Éclats du Soir de Chanel Holiday 2012 Collection

On Monday, I featured Chanel's limited-edition Lèvres Scintillantes Glossimer ($29.50) in Allégorie from the Éclats du Soir de Chanel Holiday 2012 Collection. Although pretty for a pastel pink, it was a disappointment to me because it offers no color - just a pink-tinted sparkle.

Mystery (#357) and Intrigue (#367)  - the other two shades in the collection - are much more exciting. In my photo above, Mystery is shown on the left, with Intrigue on the right.

Mystery is described as a fresh rosewood, which I find a bit odd, and Intrigue as a red-brown shade. Check out my swatch photos and you'll see that these two lip glosses transcend their simplistic descriptions.

I took my swatch photos in full sun, which can wash out color if you aren't careful. I think each of these shades is ever-so-slightly darker than my photos portray them.

Mystery, shown at the top of my arm could be rosewood, but it's the lightest rosewood I've ever seen. Perhaps it's pastel rosewood? Actually, Intrigue is closer to rosewood as I see it than Mystery is. (Doesn't this sound like a romance novel?) Intrigue looks like rosewood in the tube and on my arm.

While I can quibble with the descriptions and how someone else saw them, I can't criticize these stunning shades. I think they are gorgeous on my arm and my lips. They have color (one of my criteria), they offer all the marvelous properties of Chanel's glosses, and they will complement your autumn look nicely - never detracting from that focus on your eyes, but offering your lips a moist, come-hither appearance. I always have one or three Chanel glosses in my handbag.  At least one of these will be joining them.

I'd recommend you skip Allégorie and head straight for Mystery and/or Intrigue. I purchased mine at Neiman Marcus. Chanel's holiday collection has now arrived at most of the counters in the U.S.

Photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. They look beautiful. Do they contain parabens or did Chanel remove parabens from the glossimers like they did with their other lip products? Counters in my area are not getting the collection till end of the month at the earliest. :(

  2. Hi Gail,

    Yes, these contain propylparaben.

  3. Very pretty...I love the one on the bottom.

    You look lovely in that picture, by the way...

    Also, I took the plunge and ordered the Armani shadow quad in Pantellaria - I've wanted it since you posted about it!

  4. Oh, Charlestongirl! You are so funny--"I think they are gorgeous on my arm and my lips." I'll remember that the next time I'm selecting an armgloss! LOL

    Seriously, these are really pretty and they have enough color to them that they will look lovely on their own as well as layered over one of fall's rich shades. The holiday collections this year have just been stunning. Our local Chanel counter is expecting their delivery this Tuesday so it looks like I'm going to have a second week of gorgeous splurges. I can hardly wait :-)

  5. Thanks, Bisbee. My favorite is also the actual rosewood one - on the bottom.

    You will be so happy with that quad!

  6. LOL, Eileen, as you know, arm swatching is very important in my world.

  7. Great swatches as usual. I quite like that Mystery. It's different, isn't it?

  8. Love the Intrigue. It's probably as "red" as I feel comfortable with. Seriously need to consider this.

  9. Hi Lovethescents,

    I don't find it especially unique - but definitely pretty!

  10. Hi grlnxdor!

    It's not red. Go for it!

  11. Oh that's disappointing considering they took the parabens out of all of their lipsticks as well as the Extrait de Glosses. Maybe they just haven't gotten around to the glossimers yet. Thanks for the info.


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