
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday This and That - Tom Ford Fête at Neiman Marcus Mazza Gallerie

I arrived at the Tom Ford counter for Friday's Tom Ford Fragrance fête, and was struck by the glamorous flowers. Yes, friends, that is an original Gene Davis at the top of my photo. The artwork in the store is amazing.

I took photos with flash and without, which may make these snapshots look like they were taken at two different events. Trust me; they were all taken Friday.

Most of my photos are of Jason Layden, Tom Ford representative, and the most darling 88-year-old woman I've met in a long time. I talked to her for hours while I waited for my lost friend to show up. She is a long-time customer and she walked uptown to get to the party! I had a hard time walking from the car with my bum knee.

I purposely left out the full view of Jason, who was wearing a large, post-surgical shoe/boot. I'd rather see that happy smile anyhow.

Can you believe this stylish lady is 88? I want her skin - and her glasses. She's got great taste in chocolates too.

It was a great party. Neiman Marcus Mazza Gallerie knows how to entertain.

Photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. What a stylish lady! Which chocolatier did she recommend? I recently discovered Eclat Chocolate in West Chester, PA. OMG! Their heart truffles are miniature pieces of art. It's like tasting love when you eat something that was created with passion.

    Tom Ford scents are lovely! I need to add to my fragrance collection.

  2. Unfortunately, Wendy, her Belgian chocolatier at a little shop in Georgetown went out of business.

    Have you ever tried Fran's Grey Salt Caramels (dark chocolate caramels with little chunks of grey salt on top)? Divine!

    Another one I love is A. Kirchmayr. Here is his Web site.
    I was introduced to Albert by friends in Baltimore who since moved near you to go to a retirement home. Albert grew up in Bavaria and makes some of the best truffles you will ever eat. I didn't tell that sweet lady about him, so now I must send a message through Jason. Except that she doesn't have a computer!

  3. What a dear! Eighty-eight and still a delightfully stylish lady. Since the two of you entertained each other for hours, she was obviously not just a looker, but a great conversationalist as well. Chocolate, champagne, and lively conversation--what a perfect way to spend the evening :-) Perhaps it is because I grew up in a multi-generational household, but I've always enjoyed events that bring out young and old alike. And, when it comes to special events like the one you attended, I think it is important for young women to see that beauty is possible at every age so that they don't feel threatened by the aging process. Doing our best to look great as we age is not necessarily an act of denial; rather it can be a celebration of every year we've lived. Just look at that lovely lady! She's beaming with joie de vivre!

  4. Thank you for attending our TF Soirée! What a memorable event and so happy your friend made it too! It is always nice way to end Beauty Event with a gathering of friends and clients to celebrate and chat our passions/obsessions....big grin! The florals and the Jardin Noir smells have truly made me start craving spring, but snow on Wednesday :-)?? Gotta love DC!
    Have a wonderful week! All the best and thank you again. Jason

  5. Hi Eileen,

    She is a dear. Old enough to be my mother, and except for her "modern challenges" (she doesn't drive, and she doesn't have a computer), you'd never know she's that old. She looks so hip!

  6. Thanks, Jason! You throw a great party! I had a blast.

  7. Love that classy lady, she reminds me of and looks a little like my grandmother whom I miss dearly.

  8. I'm sorry, Claudia.

    If your grandmother looked like this, she was an incredibly beautiful woman. I should have expected that!

  9. CG, that lady is so chic! Hope I can look like her when I'm at that age.

  10. Love the lady - it should make us all hopeful and determined to be like that in 20+ years (for those of us on the far side of 60)!

    But CG - you told us about the lady and the event, but you didn't tell us what you saw! Some product reports, please!

  11. What a fabulously stylish lady! Definately something for me to aspire to! Thank you for sharing!

  12. I've met Jason and am so impressed with his professionalism and panache! Neiman's is so lucky to have him!

  13. Hi Claire,

    If Jason hadn't confirmed her age, I wouldn't have believed it!

  14. Hi Bisbee,

    I already reported on the TF garden collection. I like everything except Cafe Rose, which is kind of skanky to my nose. :)

  15. Hi HRH Paula!

    Yes, she gave me hope. :)

  16. Hi Anonymous,

    Jason is a total gentleman, an encyclopedia of knowledge, and a sweet friend.

  17. How wonderful of you to include this stylish woman on your post today. She gives us all inspiration that we don't have to go downhill just because we aren't young anymore. She looks classy and well put out, not overdone but stylish and up to date. I admire her. I'm glad you had a wonderful time at this event.

  18. Thanks, Meredith. I gave her my phone number. I'd love to meet her for lunch. I'm sure I'd enjoy the conversation.


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