
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

BECCA Rose Gold Shimmering Skin Perfector

BECCA's Rose Gold Shimmering Skin Perfector ($38) sold out during Sephora's V.I.B. sale. I was one of the lucky ones who ordered it. That was basically preordained, given my love for rose gold. The lovely, creamy powder luminizer has a geometric embossed finish in a limited-edition "holiday shade." Who on earth would consign this gorgeous highlighting powder to the holidays?

Sephora has already taken down all the information about it, but you can still see a video on Sephora's YouTube channel. This long-lasting, ultra-fine powder offers luminescent pearls to reflect light in "complex ways," ensuring that your skin doesn’t lose its glow when you step inside or out.

I took swatch photos when I still thought you could purchase it. If you like them, let's hope Sephora re-orders and that the sold sign will suddenly flip to available. Plus, you know it's going to show up on eBay. People who purchased it for 20% off will be trying to sell it for full price (or more). Perhaps there is one remaining in a store near you. See the comments for additional sources. Oddly, I had searched for it at BECCA's Web site, and it didn't come up. It's there!  Also at Beautyhabit.

I took my photos in full morning sunshine. You can see how beautifully the powder reflects light. I applied the top swatch heavily with a sponge-tipped applicator. The larger swatch below was applied with a dense kabuki brush - and much less heavily, but more intensely than I would apply it to my face.

Is it pretty? I think so - very pretty. Is it the only rose gold highlighter, meaning that you should go straight to makeup jail if you didn't order it? Fear not. The color is actually quite close to the rose gold shade in Bobbi Brown's Nude Glow Shimmer Brick for Holiday 2013. Check out my swatch photos and see what you think.

Photo at top courtesy of Sephora; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. You can still get it at Beautyhabit

  2. Hi CG, even though it's sold out at Sephora, it's still available at and at Beautyhabit. So, people that want it--and I'm sure they're going to now after your review--don't have to resort to evilbay. Not yet anyway.

  3. HI CG!! Long time no speak. I hope all is well with you :)

    Anyway, this highlighter is just beautiful. I have been oggling it for a while but hadn't really thought about seriously purchasing it...until now that is :P It's really spectacular on your skin! I think I'm going to have to get it (once it gets back in stock of course). It really would be gorgeous for the holidays!

  4. I love rose gold! Oh my, I really, really, really want it. Thanks for the review.

  5. I thought this would be similar to the rose gold colour in the BB holiday shimmer brick. I am trying to toss up between the two and wonder what your thoughts were in relation to which would be the better purchase?



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