
Friday, November 1, 2013

Tom Ford Ice Queen Collection for Holiday 2013

I just snapped this photo under total cloud cover. I'm amazed it turned out as well as it did.

Tom Ford's Ice Queen Collection has arrived. The Ice Queen Eyeshadow Quad is a study in silver and grey - perfect for winter. The two lip colors shown above are Bare Lip Color Shine on the left and Peach Absolut Ultra Shine Lip Gloss on the right.

I truly doubt I will have the weather to swatch and photograph this afternoon. I'm constrained by a doctor's appointment too. It's time for my annual physical. I will show you swatches as soon as humanly possible.

In the meantime, if you want to order from this collection, call Dustin Lujan at the John Barrett Salon in New York City. You can reach Dustin there at (212) 872-2714. They offer free shipping now too!

Update: The sun "sort of" came out for about a minute. I got one swatch photo before my camera battery died (argh!). For what's it's worth, here is a photo from the quad. Lots more to come.

Photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. How different is it from the She Wolf Trio and the Titanium Smoke Quad? I hesitated because its seems so similar in the pictures.

  2. S, it's not like She Wolf at all:

    I don't have Titanium Smoke, but it doesn't look similar in photos.

  3. I saw this online today @NM- not sure if I'll purchase site unseen or wait to swatch myself. Your pic is great- but grey isn't my fav shade. There's too much of that white/ light shade- that's a difficult color to pull off on a mature eye. If it's silver hued that might help- but I'm not jumping for joy on this. Dior does the best grey in my opinion-Thanks for the swatch tho CG!

  4. I found Ice Queen to be a mixture of greys and blues. It is very cool toned, which may turn a lot of people off. The white shimmer and silver glitter shades are fairly light in tone. And the slate blue is very deep. The only problem I really had with it, is that I wish the dove grey satin shade was a little darker. The palette has an incredible texture and formula, but basically you're getting three light shades and one dark shade. I think this one will appeal more to some than others--but I'm really glad i picked it up. I'm really loving it. Thanks for the review and swatches CG!

  5. The eye shades are beautiful, but I'll admit I'm more captivated by the lip shine which looks like a beautiful mauve pink. I don't recall seeing a shade quite that color when I've looked at Tom Ford before. I may have to check it out at NM tomorrow.

  6. Thanks CG. I have Titanium Smoke and She Wolf. I'm glad to know the colors are different. I think I'll pass though. I'd prefer a darker shade of grey. Thanks for swatching.

  7. I can't decide on this one...on one hand I love love TF...on the other...icy blues aren't my fav :P Yet I still feel like I need to buy it. ;p


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