
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Le Métier de Beauté The Countess Kaleidoscope Eye Kit - Exclusive to Neiman Marcus Mazza Gallerie

I hit the Christmas jackpot with Le Métier de Beauté's limited-edition The Countess Kaleidoscope Eye Kit ($95). Naturally, it doesn't look very much like the press photo. It is way more beautiful. See the "real" Countess directly below.

She was photographed in very full, noontime sun, which may have washed her out a tiny bit, but this photo and the one below are true.

The Countess was created by Michael Reinhardt, an artist who knows what women want to wear - how they want to look. He had a party in mind when he created The Countess, although I find the top two shades perfectly wearable during the day, and I love the rose gold Vita so much, I will wear it whenever I feel like it.

The Countess is exclusive to Neiman Marcus Mazza Gallerie, but now that Neiman Marcus shipping is free, you can purchase it easily with a phone call (see below). If you are intrigued, I wouldn't delay. A very limited quantity was produced.

The shades and textures are also limited editions. The powders were formulated by a new-to-Le Métier de Beauté supplier, and the shades are all new. Naming them from top to bottom, they are Caprice, a burnished sand; Amacord, a patinated bronze; Eclipse, a gilded sapphire that I would call periwinkle; and Vita, a rose "highlighter" that looks like molten rose gold to me. They are swatched in that order, with Caprice at the top of my arm. I used a sponge-tipped applicator to apply all shades fairly heavily and took these photos in full sun.

Caprice, the color of champagne, is light and relatively sheer (compared to the pigmentation of Amacord and the other shades below it). It's a lovely color for use as a base or highlighter. Amacord is a luxurious bronze - an antique gleams with a gentle polish.

Eclipse is one of the most flattering blues I've every seen. I seldom wear blue eye shadows. This one will be irresistible. I can't wait to ask Michael to apply it so that I can see how he will use it on me. I tried it as an accent color, and it was smashing.

The rose gold Vita looks liquid on the skin. It is absolutely divine to my eyes - unlike any other rose gold I own. I was surprised - and delighted - by the texture. Le Métier de Beauté should consider making Vita into a single after The Countess sells out - and it will.

If you'd like to purchase The Countess, give Michael Reinhardt or Chae Edwards a call at (202) 966-9700, extension 2258 or 2236. Here it is, Boxing Day, and I'm still hyperventilating over this Kaleidoscope. I got it Christmas Eve.

 Photo at top courtesy of Le Métier de Beauté; other photos by Best Things in Beauty


  1. OOh that looks beautiful. I can't wait to receive mine. If you love rose gold shades, you must check out Mac's Magnetic Nude collection. Its gorgeous. I haven't bought MAC in awhile but I think I might cave on this collection.

  2. Anahita, you silly girl! Now you'll have me out looking for MAC, when I hate the MAC buy-it-now or lose out game!

  3. OMG! I have never bought from this line but I may have to now. The colors are beautiful. Hope your holiday was wonderful Charleston Girl. Thanks for sharing this beautiful set with us.

  4. Hi CG! I hope you had a great Christmas! I had to work all week but will be up your way visiting my parents this weekend. I ordered my Countess today and I am so excited to try it. I especially love that purple shade!

  5. Wow- this is stunning! I bet you look absolutely gorgeous wearing these colors. I very rarely if ever wear blue shadows, but I bet this would be the exception.

  6. That is breathtakingly pretty!

  7. What color appears if you layer the swatches couch de colour style? From the top of the palette to the bottom?

  8. Heidid, I hate to admit that I don't follow
    LMdB's formula. I prefer my own application. Also, the periwinkle was supposed to be the bottom shade, with the rose gold above. There was a little oops in production.

    Michael encourages you to wear the shades the way they please you. I think that's great advice. :)

  9. Hmmmm...interesting! I have never tried this brand but upon seeing this, I think I will give it a try. It has great colors that seem to blend well with the skin.

  10. I <3 these kaleidoscopes :-) The shades in this one look really nice.

  11. Hi CG- it's lovely and a must have! Loving the blue. I am in the DC area presently and might just hop over to the Galleria and snatch this up! Thank You for the great swatches.

  12. Hi, any email address for contacting Michael or Chea? I live in a different time zone and it's not convenient to call. Many thanks!

  13. That rose gold looks beautiful! It reminds me of one of the rose colors in Urban Decays Naked 3 palette. The violet shade is also stunning!

    I try not to buy too many Le métier palettes because of the price and how large the shadows are, buy this is just too tempting.

  14. Michael's email is

  15. Thanks, Janice! As you might have heard, I had left work for a doc appointment and couldn't provide his e-mail quickly.

  16. Many thanks Janice and CG! I have sent Michael an email and fingers crossed that he sees it before the stock runs out. Have a nice weekend !

  17. Wow, talk about glam! I love the shimmer, and definitely can tell the inspiration was a party! Perfect for the new year, or anytime, to be honest. I'm really loving Amacord and Vita!

  18. Oh my Charleston girl, I am drooling over these shadows. I bet these get a lot of wear!

  19. A very late note...I kept going back and back to this post just loving the colors of The Countess. Finally, with trepidation that they would be sold out, I called NM Mazza Gallerie and was able to order it. So excited, just had to comment.


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