
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Every Christmas, I used to set up the nativity scene, arranging the characters perfectly. The wise men were arriving on their camels. The people and animals - along with the baby Jesus - were placed just so. As soon as I turned my back, a cat joined the scene. The figures were knocked over and spread from here to there, just so our little darling could be part of the action. It didn't matter which cat over the years; they all did it. This silly photo reminds me of those days, but this cat was much tidier. It looks like the scene was staged around him.

Christmas Eve, a day of anticipation, last-minute preparations, or both. It's almost as magical as Christmas Day! When I was growing up, we trimmed our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. My father would wire the tree to hooks on the baseboard so that it wouldn't tip over (say, if a cat decided to climb it), and we would drag out the ornaments - antique and new - to turn it from a beautiful tree into a splendid one. With the Nativity scene, cat, and all the packages under the tree, it was the focus of our living room until New Year's Day. Today, I will hang my wreath on the door in memory of our family tradition.

I know I said Friday I would write over the holidays. I haven't kept that promise well. Despite ordering online and having phone orders delivered by Santa's elves, I found I had many more things I had to purchase in stores: food gifts, wrapping bags, ribbon, cards, and more. I had to pick up The Countess Kaleidoscope Eye Kit, which has arrived. I also had to fit in a few unplanned doctor's visits. I had to work through yesterday. Now it's Christmas Eve, and I am just beginning to wrap and deliver presents. I have already taken Mom out to lunch. I am still waiting for one box that was promised to arrive by today. At this point, I'm fearful that it won't. UPS has already been there twice today.


I spent part of my morning donating to some favorite charities, such as the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and the Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary. I had already sent gifts to Recycled Doggies. Those gifts give me so much satisfaction. I hope you will remember the animals when you make your end-of-year donations.

Thank you for reading Best Things in Beauty. You have been my joy this year! I hope your Christmas brings you love, comfort, and joy.  Even if you don't celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday, it's a festive time of year - a national holiday, a day of dinners with family and friends, a day of reflection and memories. Merry Christmas!

Photos courtesy of and Jardins D'écrivains


  1. Merry Christmas CG. Thank you for being here!

    Denise at aeiokid at gmail dot com (new email address)

  2. Merry Christmas!! Have a beautiful holiday.

  3. Merry Christmas & a healthy and happy 2014! Thanks for your great blog. I enjoy it a lot!

  4. Merry Christmas Dear Charleston Girl and Fellow Readers!
    Peace on Earth
    Good Will to All

  5. Wishing you a very merry Christmas, CG!

  6. Cg, you just do not know how much that pic of the naughty little kitty in the nativity scene means to me. I love cats. Oh, do I miss mine. We too would wire our tree to walls because of the kitties. It didn't matter how sweet or infirm the cat might be, as soon as the tree went up, so did the cat--and then perch there and look down at us as if to say, So? What tree? I grew up with ponies, too, and I can remember going out to their barn on Christmas Eve at midnight to hear them talk. they did, too. What does the Countess look like? Even if you can't do swatches yet, please describe. And have the best Christmas ever.

  7. Merry Christmas ! I love reading your blog. I hope you have a very healthy and happy 2014.

  8. The Nativity photograph is simply adorable. Cats do the funniest things at times - love them!

    Wishing you and all your followers a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for a fabulous year next year.

    Thank you for a terrific year of beauty, CG!


  9. Merry Christmas, Charlestongirl! I hope the New Year brings you good health, safe journeys and much love!

  10. Merry Christmas! You are a gift to the world! Thank you for not forgetting the animals. :)

  11. Merry Christmas to you and yours, CG. I think that above and beyond the beauty-related things that I have enjoyed reading from your blog, it truly is your kindness and love for Charlie and for animals that endear you to my heart! I am so thankful for people like you who inspire so many people like me, who have a special place for all our furry friends. I wish you, your mom, and all your beloved fur babies a Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.

  12. Thank you for sharing your memories with us. Cats are hysterical. I hope this day finds you feeling better and filled with much joy and comfort. You have been a beautiful presence was all this year and I personally want to thank you for that. I am so happy I found your blog. It's truly unique and it's always filled with beautiful things gracefully written. It is always a pleasurable read.

    Merry Christmas to you and all of our fellow beauty lovers.

  13. I love this cat! What a character. He seems to be the cat reincarnation of a naughty little boy. He must have been quite entertaining. I have never heard of the Old Friends site for older dogs. I shall make a donation, thanks to you. Another good place is called Best Friends. My brother went there and checked them out and was impressed with their accommodations for lots of different animals. Merry Christmas to everyone!

  14. I just visited the Old Friends site. I made a donation to a dog named Mushy. They are all so sweet and adorable. It just breaks my heart that these poor old dogs don't have their families anymore. Thank you for alerting me to this site.

  15. Merry Christmas CharlestonGirl! I hope you and Charlie and your mom and all your friends and family as well as everyone who reads your blog have a great Christmas! Peace on Earth to All!

  16. Merry Christmas, happy new year and joy and health to you and your loved ones.
    Thank you for this wonderful blog - my daily read - and the nice community you foster and nurture here.

  17. Charlestongirl - Wishing you and Charlie, a Very Merry Christmas & a Happy Healthy 2014! I want to let you know that I love reading your posts, and that "YOU"' are the Best thing in Beauty! Peace ~ Suzy

  18. CG,
    Thanks so very much for your beautifully written blog. I know that all who read it daily are as grateful to you as I am. I thoroughly enjoy all of the comments everyone makes. May you and your Mom have a beautifully joyous Christmas along with all of your other loved ones both furry and human. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

  19. Merry Christmas! Thanks for providing guidance to your readers throughout the year!

  20. I never leave comments but tonight I had to. i absolutely adore reading your blogs and look forward to the emails in my inbox. Thank you for thinking of us on Christmas Eve and posting your pics - it warmed my heart and made me smile.

  21. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone and especially you CG!!

    I love the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust - b/c of your writing about it in your blog, I have adopted a blind rhino (Maxwell) who lives in one of the locations. I love getting updates about him and the elephants (and various other animals there). I do find it sad though b/c of why I get some of the updates...

    Best wishes for a great 2014!

  22. Merry Christmas CG! I enjoy your blog very much,and appreciate the time and energy you devote to it. I wish you all the best this holiday season and an excellent new year.

  23. Merry Christmas CG!

  24. Merry Christmas! Hope everyone is having a happy and peaceful day. :)

  25. Tee hee, cat is party crashing the Christmas scene :-D Happy holidays!

  26. CG, Iyou don't know how much I love that you think about animals too! So many people just don't care...I am fighting for animals, I love them, and always had them in my house. Thank you for them!!!! Happy holidays to you and your family!

  27. MERRY CHRISTMAS, CG! It's always such a pleasure talking to you/reading your posts. Hope you have had a lovely, relaxing holiday filled with lots of love and cheer! <3

  28. Hey CG,

    I took a break from being online and just enjoyed Christmas with my little family. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!



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