
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lost Poodle in Lafayette - Reward

I don't usually post lost dogs, cats, and birds, but a good friend in Lafayette, Louisiana has lost his dear dog (dog slipped out the gate), and he is frantic. Buster is a black poodle, 15 years old, and nearly blind and deaf. He got out last night.

If you live near there, can you help in the search? Or send this notice to friends who might be nearby? Drew can be reached at the number above, (504) 388-3834.

Buster is wearing a black collar with red rhinestones. He was last seen by a neighbor on Clark Court. He lives on Florida Court.

I can't help search, but I can put out a broadcast to thousands of people. Thanks! We animal lovers stick together.

Update: Buster was picked up a nice lady, who saw him running on Johnston St. She kept him for the night and had to go to work, so she put him in a friend's yard in the Saint Streets while she was waiting for Animal Control to open so she could call him with his tag number. (And yes, I know how utterly stupid we were not to have a tag on him with our name and number or to have him chipped.). He escaped from the yard an hour after she put him in it. So, please share and communicate with your friends in the Saints Street area.

Update November 7: I am despondent to tell you that Buster is still missing. No known sightings since the first. Not looking good.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Short Report from Gimp Land

My surgery on October 6 went well, and I was out of the hospital by the next day at lunchtime. I had to pass the physical therapy tests to get out, and I was determined to excel. I started physical therapy the next day.

My recovery went well for two weeks. Then, unfortunately, I fell. I was being careful, but my desk chair, which swivels, did not support me. I really hurt my knee, and I sprained my back. I saw the PA the next day because my surgeon was out of town. She took x-rays and found nothing wrong with me. My physical therapist thinks I just sprained an already aggravated knee.

I live at home in bed with my PolarCare machine, which pumps ice up the tube you can see above and into the flat pieces that strap around my knee with Velcro. My sweet friend has kept me in ice, so I am not swollen (much).

Had I not fallen, I think I'd be well on my way to full mobility. I want to kick myself, but it would hurt.

I haven't been terribly active with the world of beauty, although I have purchased a few holiday pieces from Chantecaille and Chanel. I purchased a new Le Métier de Beauté Kaleidoscope designed by Michael Reinhardt. I also ordered that one-day-only lipstick from Giorgio Armani Beauty yesterday. I don't know when I will be able to start taking pictures again. That requires sitting on the ground in my driveway, and if I get down, I'm not sure how I'll get back up.

I wanted you to know that I'm alive, if not kicking. I appreciate the notes some of you have sent me. Thank you. I probably won't be able to respond to comments, but please know I appreciate your well wishes.

The good news? Charlie doesn't leave my side. I think he knows I'm not "well." I'm enjoying his company.

Miss you all!

Photo courtesy of