
Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Short Report from Gimp Land

My surgery on October 6 went well, and I was out of the hospital by the next day at lunchtime. I had to pass the physical therapy tests to get out, and I was determined to excel. I started physical therapy the next day.

My recovery went well for two weeks. Then, unfortunately, I fell. I was being careful, but my desk chair, which swivels, did not support me. I really hurt my knee, and I sprained my back. I saw the PA the next day because my surgeon was out of town. She took x-rays and found nothing wrong with me. My physical therapist thinks I just sprained an already aggravated knee.

I live at home in bed with my PolarCare machine, which pumps ice up the tube you can see above and into the flat pieces that strap around my knee with Velcro. My sweet friend has kept me in ice, so I am not swollen (much).

Had I not fallen, I think I'd be well on my way to full mobility. I want to kick myself, but it would hurt.

I haven't been terribly active with the world of beauty, although I have purchased a few holiday pieces from Chantecaille and Chanel. I purchased a new Le Métier de Beauté Kaleidoscope designed by Michael Reinhardt. I also ordered that one-day-only lipstick from Giorgio Armani Beauty yesterday. I don't know when I will be able to start taking pictures again. That requires sitting on the ground in my driveway, and if I get down, I'm not sure how I'll get back up.

I wanted you to know that I'm alive, if not kicking. I appreciate the notes some of you have sent me. Thank you. I probably won't be able to respond to comments, but please know I appreciate your well wishes.

The good news? Charlie doesn't leave my side. I think he knows I'm not "well." I'm enjoying his company.

Miss you all!

Photo courtesy of


  1. Get well soon! I know that polar machine too well, my husband used it for weeks after his knee surgery in March. It was a "lighter" surgery than yours but it made our life very complicated for about 2 months, so I can understand what you're going through. I had to go to the store twice a day to feed that polar machine enough ice (our freezer is too small to store the ice bags).
    I can't wait to read you again!

  2. I'm so glad to see and update although I am sad that you have been having some difficulties. I hope you will continue to improve and get back to kicking around the world of beauty!

    Our little furry friends always know when we're not well. When my mother was very ill, our dog stayed with her all day, she would not run to the door to check who came home nor go to eat unless my mother got up. Love them!

  3. Fell better soon! I miss you.

  4. Hi CG, I miss you too. I checked in daily and started to get worried at the extended absence. Recovery is a long enough process without hiccupy setbacks and I'm so sorry that you experienced one. Well wishes abound and I hope you will too soon!

  5. Hi CG, I miss you too. I checked every day and started to worry when your absence extended so long. Recovery is a long enough process without hiccupy setbacks and I'm so sorry you suffered one. Well wishes abound and here's hoping you're bounding back soon too.

  6. I hope you continue to recover…. take care of yourself xxx


  7. Hi CG,
    I was JUST thinking of you. Hope you will be feeling better and on you way to a speedy recovery... I thought of you as I tried the new Chantecaille highlighter in the new color "Sheen". I think you would really love it. I'm still learning how to use it.
    Sending healing thoughts...

  8. Happy to hear you are on the mend, if slowly. It will be good to hear your "voice" again online.

  9. I was so happy to see a post from you today! I am so sorry to hear of your fall but sending warm wishes that you will recover soon and back up on your own two feet and feeling well.
    Take care and know that you are missed.

  10. I'm delighted to see a post from you CharlestonGirl - even if you are not fully up to par! Sounds like you have had your share of challenges with recovery but at least you are trying to be a model patient. Please don't worry about the beauty world - it can certainly wait. Take care of yourself and please send a hug to Charlie. Cheers!

  11. I was so happy to see a note from you again, I have been thinking about how you were doing...sorry you had a little fall but knowing your work ethic I am sure you will be back on the beauty front soon. About the only things I have gotten lately are purple Chanel mascara(to much clumping) and Charoltte Tillbury magic crean which I was hoping you would review before I preordered. I'm so used to La Mer that her cream feels very heavy and makes me too oily. Take care of yourself and I look forward to your next post.

  12. I miss you, too, CG. I am so sorry you fell and that the fall set your healing back. What does the PT predict? Will it take a while? Do you have to lie down or can you sit? Are people taking care of you? Thank goodness for our furry friends and for dear Charly.
    Take good care of yourself. The Holiday cosmetics are gorgeous and tempting. Have you seen the Guerlain Meteorites for the holidays? So pretty. All the best wishes to you and speedy healing.

  13. It is good to hear from you, just so we know that you're all right! I hope you get well soon! I hope the swelling goes down and you're able to go back to therapy soon!

  14. I was wondering how your surgery went a couple days ago. Sorry to hear about your setback. Hang in there. Sending good thoughts your way

  15. Don't hurry, please! I just had back surgery a month ago, and I know how important the rehab part of your recovery is. Take it slow, and do what you have to in order to get back on your feet.
    We've missed you, but YOU are the top priority! ❤️

  16. So glad to see your post! I have been thinking about you and hoping that you were recovering and doing well. We miss your posts and look forward to hearing more about your recovery to good health. Also happy to hear you have made some nice choices in beauty while you are recovering. Charlie must be such a good companion, keeping you company while you are on bed rest. Take care and keep us posted as we look forward to your posts. Get well wishes always!

  17. Thanks, all!

    Lulle, we keep a big cooler at my front door. The ice will last for 24 hours.

  18. MamaVal, back surgery is in my future. I hope you are OK.

  19. Thinking of you and sending every good wish. Have missed your postings, but most importantly, be well.
    Chris in Florida

  20. Dear CG - I am sorry to hear there has been a speed bump in your recovery process. I'm glad it was not more serious. You are missed but I echo what others have said - you are far more important than a beauty blog post. I'm glad you have great company from Charlie! Take care!

  21. It's great to hear from you! I have been checking to see if you had posted, and was glad to get your email today. Glad your surgery went well. Recovery is tough, but you have already come so far. Charlie is true blue. My dogs stayed by my side during my recovery and they were a great comfort - as I'm sure Charlie is to you. Take good care. We'll all be here when you return!

  22. Miss you, CG and wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. Hurry up, I don't know what to buy without you!

  23. I hope you continue your pass to recover ASAP. We miss your post a lot. Please do care of yourself.

  24. Not seeing any new posts here was getting worrying so it's nice to see an update from you. Wish you a speedy recovery. Take care.

  25. I was just thinking of you and there you are! I am so sorry to hear of your setback. Yay Charlie for being such a good companion.
    Sending healing thoughts!

  26. I hope despite your recent setback that you continue to recovery quickly. Please take the time you need to heal fully. My cousin is an occupational therapist and she told me after a bad spill (off my horse) "no rolling or swiveling chairs until you heal completely". She also nagged me to use a four footed cane until I could walk steadily.
    It's so amazing that our animals know when we are not 100% and they try so hard to be a comfort to us. Charlie is a good kitty.
    Sending positive, healing thoughts your way. Take care of yourself.

  27. Dear CG, I hope you get well soon and recover from the "holy heck did I just do that" syndrome. I won't talk more than that because a cute specialist ... emphasis on the cute lol lol told me Friday I am at a complete body collapse and can have a heart attack just like that because of dangerously low potassium and other things. But my heart is great ... YAY heart. Gotta be happy about the little things in life. So, push over on your bed and make room for me .... we can look at make-up to our hearts delight. Someone pass me the Chippendale calendar I'm sure we will feel better afterwards lol lol. Positive thinking and such. Are you game???? lol lol

    Get well soon ,,, on the other hand I intend to be around next month too!!!! See you then

    Joanne ... VancouverChic
    Ps ... thank goodness the doctor was cute because getting this news from a not so cute doctor would have totally sucked. lol lol

  28. Hi, I love to hear from you again. I've been missing your posts and your comments about everything. Well wishes from Barcelona!

  29. Glad to hear you are recovering! My heart goes out to you, so sorry about your fall. Best wishes for another speedy recovery.

  30. Inez, I will not be buying the Charlotte Tilbury. From what I've seen and read, I don't need any of it. I did order four pieces of the new Gucci collection from Neiman Marcus. I hope they come this week. I was intrigued.

    My friend Kathy Shoreman has been delivering me goodies from Neiman Marcus, so I have not gone into complete withdrawal. I have, however, realized that I cannot and should not continue to purchase beauty products at the same rate I was. Someday, disability will be my norm, I fear, and you don't need makeup to hang out at home all day.

    I do hope to start working again part time next week, returning to some semblance of normalcy. I doubt I will be able to blog for some weeks. I'll have to get my therapist to work with me on getting down on the ground and back up. :)

  31. So good to read your update. Sorry to hear about your setback. Hope you continue to recover and make progress getting around.

    Wish I lived close by so I could drop off some off some chicken soup!

    Glad that Charlie is taking good care of you!

    Lisa S. in Houston

  32. Hi CG, it's so good to hear from you. I'm so sorry about your fall and hope you are well back on the road to recovery. I bought the LMdB kaleidoscope in Obsidian Odyssey, is that the one Michael designed? It's gorgeous! Don't worry about taking pictures and getting back to blogging for goodness sake. Especially the pictures. It would be nice to hear your opinions on some of the new releases if you are so inclined and can take a break from recovery to chime in but by all means do not worry about getting pictures for us. I'm glad to know your furry friend is by your side and offering you comfort. Take Care!

  33. Wishing you all the best for a speedy and complete recovery, CG.

    cheerio, Anna in Edinburgh:-)

  34. Dear CG, I was just reading through my blog roll and suddenly thought of you. Glad to hear you are on the upswing despite of challenges & interruptions. Speedy recovery to you and bless little Charlie's heart for being what sounds like the best company!

    xo, Claire

  35. Good to hear from you!! Glad you are on your way to recovery.

  36. Get well soon, CG! We've been missing your posts. Take good care.

  37. Thanks for the check in ��

  38. So wonderful to see a post from you! You're missed much. Continue to take care of yourself and sending wishes for only progress from here on out.

  39. I've never posted but have enjoyed your blog for a while now. Glad you're doing well and look forward to when you're back at blogging :)

  40. Ah, dear Charlestongirl, how wonderful it is to read your update! I think we've all been eagerly awaiting news as we knew your surgery was for early October. I'm so pleased it went well and that you were on course for a speedy recovery--until the fall. Yikes! I bet that was painful, but at least no damage was done and you'll once again be on course.

    You said you haven't been particularly active in the world of beauty, but that is simply not true. Your generous and indomitable spirit, the love and care you invest in so many of God's creatures, the time you devote to preserving our natural heritage, the abundance of love and devotion you feel towards friends and family (including the little furry ones :-) ) all combine to make you an extraordinary woman. You, dear Charlestongirl, are The Best Thing in Beauty!

    It sounds like Charlie is taking good care of his mama with his warmth and purr-y goodness. Give the lad an extra cuddle from all of us and please keep us updated. You know we truly care.

  41. Get well soon CG! I'm sorry to hear of this set-back, but you'll be back and mobile in no time!

  42. Thanks for the update!

    I was at the Guerlain store in Las Vegas a couple of days ago and they just received the holiday collection. Hope you are able to order a few items.

    Take care!

  43. Hi Dreamer,

    I purchased the palette, gloss topper, and my favorite little powder balls. I gift them here at NM because the LV boutique let Johnathan go over ludicrous accusations. I'm not going to reward people who are evil or incompetent.

  44. So happy to hear that you are on the mend. I don't know why I missed your last two posts. I found you though. Miss your posts and your insights and photos. Miss you the most. I don't blame you for reducing your beauty expenditures. Most of us have no possibility of using up all the makeup we currently own. Yet we still NEED more. I have decided to look from afar and to shop more from my own collection. I am sending good thoughts to you, Charlie, and your mother. Stay warm and be safe!

  45. Speedy recovery! Miss your posts! Xo


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