
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lost Poodle in Lafayette - Reward

I don't usually post lost dogs, cats, and birds, but a good friend in Lafayette, Louisiana has lost his dear dog (dog slipped out the gate), and he is frantic. Buster is a black poodle, 15 years old, and nearly blind and deaf. He got out last night.

If you live near there, can you help in the search? Or send this notice to friends who might be nearby? Drew can be reached at the number above, (504) 388-3834.

Buster is wearing a black collar with red rhinestones. He was last seen by a neighbor on Clark Court. He lives on Florida Court.

I can't help search, but I can put out a broadcast to thousands of people. Thanks! We animal lovers stick together.

Update: Buster was picked up a nice lady, who saw him running on Johnston St. She kept him for the night and had to go to work, so she put him in a friend's yard in the Saint Streets while she was waiting for Animal Control to open so she could call him with his tag number. (And yes, I know how utterly stupid we were not to have a tag on him with our name and number or to have him chipped.). He escaped from the yard an hour after she put him in it. So, please share and communicate with your friends in the Saints Street area.

Update November 7: I am despondent to tell you that Buster is still missing. No known sightings since the first. Not looking good.


  1. I'm a Lafayette girl. Doing my best to get this spread around. So glad your newsletter reached me. :)

  2. Rusthawk,

    Thank you so much! We need all the help we can get. It's Buster's dinner time, and he's still lost.

  3. I just sent you an email. I know someone in Lafayette that might be able to help your friend. I sent you his number, have your Drew get in touch with him. He used to head up a lost pet group in my neighborhood in Houston.

    Sure hope he finds Buster soon.

  4. I truly hope he is found and soon! Make sure he checks the pound. I lost a dog once and did find him the next day at the pound. Wish I could help.

  5. Lisa,

    Thank you so much! I just posted the message on Drew's Facebook page where he will see it.

    Buster is still missing.

  6. This is heartbreaking. I have always owned poodles and love them so dearly. I pray that Buster will be found tonight and that he will be unharmed. Please keep us informed.

  7. Oh, I am so sorry for your friend and Buster and really hope he returns safely. We love our animals!
    Keep us posted if possible.

  8. Hi CG:
    There is Home Again pet ID microchip. If Buster has one, it might make it easier to find him. I'm sorry that your friend has lost his dog and I hope that he gets home safely soon. Also it's good to hear that you are doing well after the surgery, in spite of that nasty hiccups that
    you had. Home Again website is :


  9. Jolster,

    Unfortunately, Buster is not microchipped. I'll bet he will be as soon as Drew gets him back, God willing.

  10. I saw your update and was so elated, only to be utterly deflated a nanosecond later. WHY DIDN'T SHE KEEP HIM INSIDE?????????

  11. Any updates on Buster? Praying for his safe reunion with his family.

  12. Please update us on Buster. I am so hopeful that he is now home.

  13. I am depressed to say that Buster has not been found.

  14. I am sorry to read this. Still hoping for a happy end and reunion.

  15. Sorry about this...but the lady who found him and lost him again really can't be blamed - she had no idea he would get out of that yard. :-(

  16. All, no one can be blamed except Drew. He should have shut the gate immediately upon seeing the lawn guys left it open. He didn't. He's going to carry that guilt for life.

    That lady meant well. Would I have left the dog in a garden? No. I would have taken him up to the police department for safekeeping. She had no way of anticipating he would escape. She tried. A good person...maybe without understanding the little guy was itching to go somewhere. I'd like to think home.

    I have cried over Buster every day. I'm starting to think he's gone forever. I hope he didn't suffer if he's dead.

  17. It is very sad...perhaps someone has taken him in...we can hope!

  18. I'm so sorry to hear this and see in the comments that he still hasn't been found. I would be an absolute wreck if this happened to my dog. Still holding out hope he's found...

  19. I'm heartsick that Buster hasn't made it home yet. I can only imagine how devastating his absence must be for Drew and you. I will continue to pray that he is well, is being treated well, and that he will make it back home safe and sound.

  20. I just wanted to say hello and ask how you are doing. I hope recovery is going well and that you can enjoy the holiday season.


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