
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope Santa was good to you, tucking some beauty-full goodies into your stocking. You did hang it by the chimney with care, right?

Last night, I gave Charlie and Savvy extra food. That seems to be their favorite treat. Charlie also got his first pill for hyperthyroidism. It will be temporary until I can get it nuked, the state-of-the-art treatment. I will be leaving the morning meal for the foxes and raccoons, birds and squirrels - early enough for all of them to enjoy it.

On Christmas Eve, I ran my butt all over the place. 1) Pick up Charlie's pills at the vet. 2) Pick up the prime rib roast at the Organic Butcher in McLean. 3) Drive to DC to Wagshal's to get the sides. 4) Go back to McLean to Balducci's for potato latkes and au gratin potatoes. Also got brie and crackers. Then went to the wild bird store for cracked corn for Mom's deer family. Delivered a few gifts. I am exhausted.

I was supposed to be off my feet today, but what are you going to do? I got a shot of cortisone in my right knee (and right shoulder). I was supposed to take it easy. Sure!

I'll be headed to Mom's to make Christmas dinner. She "ordered" standing rib roast. That's easy to cook. We're also having macaroni and cheese and cheesy corn grits (by popular request - no Southerners here!), two kinds of potatoes (at my instigation), French green bean casserole (yes the one with the crispy French's onions - we love it), and an Italian rum cake I purchased at the bakery. Also, plenty of wine, beer, and French soft cheese. It's going to be a delicious day.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Please stop by later to let us know how you celebrated. I still have to write up my beauty events from last weekend. I'll try to get that done this weekend after all the festivities.

If you'd like to go off to YouTube to hear one of my all time favorite Christmas carols sung by Barbara Padilla, check out this link. Incredibly hard to sing - hard to believe I used to be able sing it. I'll never forget that this song brought tears to my father's eyes - that and Ave Maria. Remembering that brings tears to mine.

It will be a happy day!

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  1. Wishing you a peaceful, delicious Christmas with your family (and that includes the animals in my opinion!). Here's to a beautiful and healthy New Year! Susan, London

  2. Merry Christmas CG ! :) and happy new year too ! Glad to hear from you !

    Hard to believe it's 2015 already ! You take care and feel better ! Xx

  3. So good to have you back,albeit maybe temporariy. I KNEW we'd hear from you at Christmas! Ive been buying CHANEL makeup like a mad woman. Just bought the whole spring collection. It is the most beautiful stuff out there, I think. We are feeding our furry friends, too. Whole Foods dates and date pits and nuts galore for the squirrels. This week I was actually able to reach down and touch a little squirrel's fluffy tail! The best to you in the new year!

  4. Hi Charlestongirl,

    Merry Christmas! I hope it's a wonderful one!

  5. Merry Christmas CG. It's good to hear you again! Wishing happiness to all your loved ones as well. Enjoy the day, the love, and the nom nom :)
    aeiokid at gmail dot com

  6. Merry Christmas CG. Hope your day has been restful, delicious, and all around wonderful. I'm currently watching a Christmas movie with my mom and surrounded by sleepy pets. It doesn't get better. Sylvia

  7. Wow sounds like you were quite busy! I hope you had a merry (and somehow relaxing) xmas!

  8. Merry Christmas and my best wishes for you and your family, hope your health issues will give you peace.

  9. I'm glad to hear that you're up and around, even though not totally "in good working order"! My daughter and I both came down with some nasty upper-respiratory virus that has killed our appetites as well, and so we haven't been very hungry...and with all of this good food around!
    We had a lovely Christmas morning, tho, with our daughter Rachel home from DC. And some really stellar gift-giving this year...not a lot of money spent, but thoughtful. Merry Christmas!

  10. have a very healthy,happy New Year!

  11. So glad you are back, and mobile, Charleston Girl. The Holiday collections were not the same this year without your assessment. I hope you have had a wonderful day, and that Charlie's condition will stabilize soon. Please know you have been missed greatly.

  12. Merry Christmas to you as well! Quite an action-packed holiday for you. I'm glad you're feeling better and out and about. Hopefully you're now relaxing and enjoying the rest of the holiday.

    It's just the family at my house today and I baked some Greek cookies that have been a hit. I'm waiting for a friend to come over and give her seal of approval as well. lol I got some very lovely things for Christmas and...I opened all the stuff I had ordered for myself for Christmas. Yes I buy gifts for me and I fully enjoy them! No apologies. :)

    Hope you're all having a wonderful holiday & are looking forward to a great new year!

  13. What a wonderful gift to have you back posting, CG! Your Christmas sounds like it was wonderful. Mine was low-key but nice just the same. I snagged the Burberry Gold eyeshadow palette from the Winter Glow collection when it came back in stock on Nordstrom online on Christmas Eve. I find it somewhat odd to be gifting myself on Christmas Eve, but I was afraid it would disappear again. Cannot wait to get it!

  14. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, got some rest, and enjoyed yourselves.

    All the best for 2015!

    cheerio, Anna in Edinburgh;-)

  15. Your Christmas dinner sounds delicious! Hope you had a beautiful day with your mom. Here in Houston we have chili and tamales for dinner on Christmas Eve. Our family had a wonderful are so happy to have a break from school (high school and grad school). Waiting on a cold front to arrive later today and bring some cooler weather.

    So glad to see you are back, I have missed you! Look forward to hearing about your recovery.

  16. Dear CG,
    Merry Christmas to you and your DM. Your dinner sounds so delicious and I am sure the foxes and squirrels appreciated your treats. Is it cold? I hope you and your family and furry friends will enjoy the best health in 2015.
    We made some visits, had some visits and ate too much. It is fun to watch the children's joy at Christmas.

  17. Sounds like you need a bit of downtime! all the best from the UK!

  18. Merry Christmas and wishing you a successful and blessed New Year of 2015. xo, Claire


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