
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Special Event Saturday at Le Métier de Beauté, Mazza Gallerie with Hylton Lea, Global Director of Skincare

This Saturday, December 20, Hylton Lea, one of my very favorite skin care gurus, will be available to consult with you at Neiman Marcus at Mazza Gallerie. A beauty and skin-care industry veteran and authority, Hylton Lea, now Le Métier de Beauté's Global Director of Skincare, will bring his dynamic personality, enthusiasm for the brand, and unique ability to connect with individuals, to this special event with our friends at Le Métier de Beauté - just for Saturday.

Hylton has a deep understanding of the advanced science behind the Le Métier de Beauté skin care. As the Global Director of Skincare, he serves as the brand’s Skincare Ambassador and Spokesperson. Constantly in the field, he has the unique opportunity to educate and interact with Le Métier de Beauté's customers. Combining his experience with the unmatched technological capabilities of Le Métier de Beauté, a perfect match has been achieved. Le Métier de Beauté will be delivering new, never-before-seen products that will help all of us achieve real results, and Hylton will show us how.

Hylton's boundless energy and intense passion for the brand and skin care is infectious. From assisting in the development of ground-breaking, highly scientific formulations, to the execution of strategic client and brand initiatives, his unending enthusiasm and positive, upbeat client interactions are becoming integral components of the Le Métier de Beauté brand experience. Hylton was a brilliant "hire." I'm thrilled that he has joined the Le Métier de Beauté team.

Prior to joining Le Métier de Beauté, Hylton was the Senior Vice President Communications and Business Development at RéVive (where I met him) and led sales development initiatives for luxury brands, including Erno Laszlo, Bliss, and Boucheron. Additionally, he served as Cosmetics Manager at the Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills, California.

You can just drop in, but I'd suggest you make an appointment to see Hylton. I did. Call Michael Reinhardt at (202) 966-9700, extension 2258. That way, you will enjoy Hylton's undivided attention. I'm excited!

Photo courtesy of Le Métier de Beauté


  1. Welcome back Charleston Girl! I have been checking your blog daily hoping for an update. Please let us all know how your surgery went - hope it was uneventful and you are on the mend! Please take good care of yourself! Cheers!

  2. I was just thinking about you, today, CG, and was going to drop you a line!!! Of course, things got busy, and my scattered mind went another direction, sorry.
    How are you? Your mom?
    Wishing you the best of health, happiness and family for the holidays and 2015!

  3. I'm SO happy to see your email in my inbox today! I have been checking the site lately hoping for some news--I hope you are recovering well from your surgery. You have been missed in these parts!

  4. Hello CG! I hope you're back for good! I have missed your blog!
    Ellen B.

  5. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well. How is Charlie and your mother doing?

  6. Well, hello there stranger! I hope you're feeling fit and are ready to enjoy the holidays. It sounds like you'll be getting things off to a great start by spending some quality time with Hylton at the Le Métier event. Enjoy!

  7. Was so great to see you pop up in my inbox, CG! Welcome back and I hope you are feeling well after your surgery. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  8. Yay!!!!! you're back (at least for right now)!!! i hope all is well. been missing you and your blog.

  9. So glad to read this post from you. I have missed you. Enjoy this event.
    Best, Tanja

  10. I've missed you so much! I hope you are doing well. Take care CG.

  11. Very happy to see this in my feed. Merry Christmas and I hope you are doing well and feeling beautiful! Susan, London

  12. Welcome back! Hope you are feeling better!

  13. I was so happy to see your post in my inbox! I hope you are doing well.
    Sadly, I was unable to attend the event, but hope you had a glorious time.

    Happy holidays everyone :)

  14. Thank you, everyone! I will be writing every few days at first. Then I will see if I can sustain my pace and improve.

    I have had a slow recovery. It didn't help that I fell three times in the time since surgery. The first was the worst. I'll try to give y'all the gory details this week.


  15. You're back--my prayers have been answered! Hope you're feeling better and look forward to you slowly getting back into posting, if you want to, of course. Have a wonderful holiday!

  16. CG! Glad to "see" you! You fell 3 times? OMG!

    I am recovering from cataract surgery...nothing like what you have gone through, but yesterday, last night and this morning were difficult. A few hours later, and I'm better...follow-up with Dr. tomorrow.

    Merry Christmas!

  17. Greetings and Happy Holidays to all! Charleston Girl - wishing you, your mom and Charlie peace and joy for the holidays! Eileen, I have so missed your insightful commentary and hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday! Bisbee, please get well. Peace to all!

  18. Welcome back to the best cosmetic blog! Glad to hear you are recovering from surgery and ready to haunt the makeup counters to tell us what to expect in the new year. I wish all a Happy Healthy New Year filled with love!

  19. Just thought I'd share a friendly "PSA" with all the love BTiB readers/followers. It looks like has marked down their stock of Le Metier de Beaute items by 25%. I have not purchased from their site before but know that they are a legitimate brick and mortar boutique.

    They have some rare items in stock like the Nouvelle Vague, Chauvet Ponc d Arc, Northern Lights and Aurora kaleidoscopes and the Magic Lustre Cream.


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