
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Le Métier de Beauté is Back! The Brand is Rejuvenated!

So many changes, I don't know where to start! Let's start with Dustin Lujan, who has rejoined Le Métier de Beauté as its director of color development (or some such title). Dustin has so much in store for the brand over the next few months, you will be delighted. It's like a new brand, with the best from the past and a new approach to color.

He is reintroducing himself to Le Métier de Beauté customers by visiting some of its stores. Here we are at Neiman Marcus Mazza Gallerie a few weeks ago. That's Michael hiding in the back.

Erin Lockard has also returned (yippee!), and she is working at the Houston Neiman Marcus. Add Hyton Lea, the Global Director of Skin Care, and the winning team is taking shape - once again. I'm very excited.

There are two new Kaleidoscope Eye Kits branded by Ken Downing at Neiman Marcus. Paris ($95), shown above, is the one I purchased. The pink is actually nice and soft - not as vibrant as it appears in this photo. I'm wearing all four shades of Paris in the photo above. Dustin applied my makeup.

The other, London ($95), is shown below. I see them as one for us cool types and one for warmer skin tones, but Michael promises he can make either work for anyone. Just an FYI, these Kaleidoscopes were not designed by Dustin.

They are both available now during Camp Gorgeous at Neiman Marcus, where the Le Métier de Beauté gift with purchase (below) is stunning - and available with only a $175 purchase.

Le Métier de Beauté is well aware that they lost some of you along the way during the last few years. Trust me, they are going to rope you back in. I've already jumped back on board.

To order during Camp Gorgeous, call Michael Reinhardt or one of his colleagues at (202) 966-9700, extension 2258.

I'll bring you up to date on the blog's future later. I do have more knee surgery scheduled on July 29. I'll be publishing again, but I won't be able to publish the everyday post I had been writing. I hope you will return regardless. I've missed you!

Update: There is a step-up GWP with a purchase of $400. It is a brand new bronzer-blush combination, and the color is orchid. It's sheer and beautiful.

Photos courtesy of  Le Métier de Beauté


  1. Welcome back, CG! And what a good news about LMdB. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  2. Welcome back! It's so good to see an email from you in my Inbox. Thanks for keeping us all posted on Beauty World news and more importantly - YOUR news! Take care of yourself.

  3. I have to say I have missed you, and seeing your smiling face made me happy. The post was wonderful as always. I hope you will have the highest grace and ease with your surgery and recovery. I am grateful when you post.

  4. I am so glad to see your face! I haven't even read it yet, though I can't wait to. I first just wanted to say how badly you have been missed. Just today I was revisiting your blog regarding your thoughts on some Chantecaille. My heart hurt that you have been gone for what seems like so long, and now here you are! I so hope that all is well, and I'm sure if I get back to reading, I'll find out. That's all for now.
    Best wishes,

  5. Hi there! It seems I started following your blog right when you had to take a break! I can't tell you how many times I'd Google for swatches and come to your wonderful blog and thoughtful comments about a product. I'm glad you'll hopefully be able to come back to blogging even if in a more limited capacity. I'm younger than you but think our makeup tastes align perfectly :) Take care, will be praying as you go through your next procedure!

  6. So good to see you and a blog post. I love how the products from this brand looks but I don't own any. Hopefully someday... :)

  7. CG, it's always nice to see a posting from you. Thanks for sharing the news about LMDB!

  8. Hi CG, it's so good to see your beautiful face! Hope you're feeling well and glad you'll be around more often.

  9. Welcome back, CG! So glad to see you here again. Thanks much for the update on this LMDB. The Paris shades are stunning! Of course I'll check them out. Wishing you well and lots of happiness.

  10. So good to see you back! You have been sorely missed. I really hope that you're feeling well, you look fabulous!! Can't wait to catch up with all you have to share with us :)

  11. Yay! So nice to see you again and looking lovely in LMDB! I'm excited that Dustin has come back, hopefully what's coming up for LMDB will be great. Keep resting and healing!

  12. So nice to read a post from you again!

  13. Wow, what a treat to see you in my in box. You look gorgeous and thank you so much for the update on LMDB!
    I am glad they are rejuvenating the line as it seems to have gone by the wayside for awhile now, as already noted.
    I hope you are feeling better and will continue to get better day by day and any post by you will be a treat so I will keep watching for the email.
    I just picked up Tom Ford's Nude Dip at Tyson's but missed out on the Golden Peach cream and powder eyeshadow, thankfully I hear it is part Pink Haze and the powder part is from Golden Mink(Temptalia, I believe)and I do have both. Thank you for the update and you are a beautiful lady!

  14. Hi CG ! And we missed you !

    SO glad to see you're back ! You look wonderful ! See you soon ! :)

    Swathi (Not sure if you remember me)

  15. Hi CG ! And we missed you !

    SO glad to see you're back ! You look wonderful ! See you soon ! :)

    Swathi (Not sure if you remember me)

  16. Oh, I'm so happy to see you writing again! And you should know that you've been thought of often. What a perfect product line for you to be posting about upon your return...LMdB. I'm very happy to hear the positive changes that have occurred at the company. As several readers said, "We'll take you as often as you're willing to post!"

  17. Oh, how we've missed you, Charlestongirl! An intelligent blog, featuring gorgeous cosmetics, written by a charming and accomplished woman--yes, we've missed your voice, Charlestongirl. Between the problems with your knees and back, I was always amazed that you were able to blog as long as you did. Chronic pain can be a real downer :-( Hopefully, though, you're well and truly on the mend and we'll be treated to more of your great posts. I think we all feel like old friends and are eager to get caught up with what has been going on in your life. As intrusive as it is, I know we're all wondering how your mom, Charlie, Savannah, and most important of all--you--are doing. Welcome back CG!

    As for LMdB, I was beginning to think the company had simply faded into obscurity. They really lost their way for awhile and there were so many other new brands to lure consumers away with their innovations in beauty products. For quite awhile, LMdB put me in mind of Longfellow's little girl with the curl, "When she was good she was very, very good but when she was bad she was horrid." Hopefully, Justin's return to LMdB will propel them in the right direction. I don't think the company ever realized or appreciated what a gold mine of creativity they had in Justin.

  18. So glad to hear from you again. I hope your surgery goes well.

  19. Hi there… and welcome back. I hope all is well in your world. Christy x

  20. Thrilled to see a post from you-looking forward to many more!!

  21. So glad you're back! Love these LMdB!

  22. Oh, how I've missed you, CG! I wish u well on your upcoming knee surgery and I am looking forward to new blog posts by you. You have inspired me to buy so many nice beauty products that I truly cherish. I really miss that! Take care. --EllenB.

  23. I am so glad you are back, even more than I am glad LMdB is back.
    Can't wait to read your articles again. Xox

  24. YAY for returns!! So happy to see you looking gorgeous & healthy AND blogging again!!
    I picked up the London Kaleidoscope ....which from Europe meant a price tag of €172,- ( = $195,- ), and I seriously dispappointed.
    I picked it up mainly due to the unique packaging, so you can perhaps imagine my disappointment when I saw that the London icons were only a cheap little peel-off sticker on the top.
    The shadows are good quality, but I most certainly would have returned the palette if I could have & it would have been the last item I ever ordered from LMdB. It'll be interesting to see whether Dustin & co can breathe some magic back into the brand.

  25. Welcome back! It's good to read a post from you again and hear your thoughts. It'll be interesting to see how Le Metier has revamped themselves because I've completely lost interest in them, and I'm looking forward to posts you may have in the future!

  26. So, so glad you are posting again. I've missed your reviews! Hope you are well again. :)

  27. Welcome back, I've missed your blog so very much. Thank you for the update on LMdB, too - glad to see them making a comeback as well.

  28. I offer a heartfelt thank you to all of you who welcomed me back! I was surprised to see so many of you again. I'll be back in a day or two.

    I did want to let you know that Savannah died last month. She finally had the seizure from hell, and it sent her into kidney and liver failure. Her doctors tried very hard to save her. To the tune of $5,000. In the end, I accepted that her body had had all it could take. I still cry when I talk about losing her. So I'll sign off for now and pet Charlie.

  29. Hi!

    So excited to find you in my inbox!

  30. First, I'm so sorry about Savannah.
    Then, welcome back. I'm glad, you writing again. I like your blog a lot.

    Best wishes from Finland.

  31. I've missed reading your posts and glad that you are back! Thanks!

  32. So sorry about Savannah, Charlestongirl. Her passing was a blessing and release for her, but I'm sure it has created an emptiness in your household. Love to you and Charlie.

  33. So glad to see you back! I hope your surgery goes well.

  34. Welcome back! Missed your blog. I'm sorry to hear about Savannah. Hope you are doing well, I am anxiously waiting for my London Kaleidoscope to arrive.

  35. Hi CG! I was so glad to see you had returned to posting. I wish you luck with your knee replacement, my mom just had hers done at Virginia Hospital Center. I am excited to see what is new from LMDB. I have been pleasantly surprised by the subscription boxes and signed up for next year as well.

  36. I can't tell you how happy I am to turn to your blog and see a new post. I've been missing you and all the comments my fellow beauty lovers share on here. Especially Eileen I've missed her insight to all the new products just like yours. As for LMDB I still buy everything they make including both of these kaleidoscopes but new releases were few and far between. So sorry to hear about savannah, I hope your doing well.

    Much love

  37. Sara, that is where I have all surgery and procedures. It's a GREAT hospital. :)

  38. Dear CG,
    I was delighted to read a new post, like so many loyal readers. I have missed your reviews for the new products but health goes first without saying. I hope you are feeling much better and am very sorry about Savannah (even though I mostly remember Charlie).
    Waves, Eileen :)

  39. Wow! Happy news! I bought both Ken Downing LMDB eye kits and love them both! I have a wonderful scout at the NM in Beverly Hills who tracks LMDB for me. It occurred to me with Ken Downing's masterful involvement that NM should just flat out buy LMDB, as they have with Kate Spade and others. Thank you, Cg!

  40. I'm so sorry about Savannah! Sending hugs to you and your family!

  41. So glad to see you back...I've been checking every few weeks, and was pleasantly surprised today!

    To tell you the truth, the "return" of LMDB means nothing to me - I've never been impressed by the products I've purchased. Different strokes and all that...

    Sorry to hear about Savannah...I've got 2 elderly cats left of my original 4. One is 15 and the other 17! My old lady (Sedona) is exactly that - she walked like an old woman, can't hear a thing, and sleeps about 22 hours a day (or more). She doesn't use the litter box...but luckily she does use those puppy pads - wish I had thought to try them earlier, but better late than never. The carpet can be replaced! She is doing well...just had geriatric panels done on both cats, and other than a little bit of a high thyroid number, they both test like 3 year old cats according to the Vet!

    Enough about my kitties...looking forward to future posts, and best of luck with your next surgery.


  42. So happy to see you back. You've been missed. I've had my own health challenges this past year and just now thinking of jumping back in. Welcome back. Always enjoy your writtings.

  43. Best wishes for your operation, and hoping you get back to blogging soon.

  44. I am so thrilled you are back and I wish you a fast recovery with your surgery. I am 54 and have been trying to follow your blog for the last year!

    Is there a way I can receive your blog in my email?

    Thank you,


  45. Always enjoy your writtings


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