
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Where Have I Been?

Just as I started blogging again earlier this year, I scheduled a right knee replacement for July 15. In order to make my house "walker-ready," I took off from work and spent over a month doing nothing but cleaning, which really meant discarding stuff. I gave away at least five huge bags of beauty products and stashed away twice that - all to get them out of my way. I didn't want to trip over my hobby, harming my knew knee, or worse, injuring another body part.

Last week, I finished physical therapy, and I can say that my knee feels good! I'm pleased. Thursday I got an epidural to help my aging spine. So far the results have been a little disappointing. I'm taking it easy today.

I know many of you thought I had deserted you, leaving the blog behind and easing into retirement.  I've certainly considered it, but there is a part of me that won't let go. I have pictures of new Chanel to show you, and I've purchased plenty of beautiful things to feature. I'm being careful not to buy more than I can wear, which is difficult. I am such an addict. Nevertheless, I hope to start taking new photos soon and get this blog moving again.

Thank you for your loyalty and love. You are wonderful readers to wait for me for a year, and I appreciate it very much.

The photo at the top is me with my friend Dustin Lujan. Fortunately, now that he has rejoined Le Métier de Beauté as its director of color development, I'll see him often now.

I hope to be back later this week with some goodies to show you. The new Chantecaille is gorgeous!

Photo by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Great to hear from you! I look forward to seeing your Chanel purchases. Hope your spine feels better.

  2. Very happy to hear your knee is feeling better and hoping your spine is similarly improved soon. I have missed your posts greatly but its good to know you are still enjoying your makeup and healing. Best wishes, Susan, London

  3. Welcome back, CG! I was wondering about you just last week! I'm glad to hear that the knee is healing well and look forward to reading your thoughts on all things beauty.
    Best wishes,

  4. I am very glad to hear you are well!
    Looking forward to the beautiful things you have in store for us readers.
    Take care, dear A!

  5. And you are gorgeous, as well! So happy to see you back, and continued prayers for your healing, CG! XOX

  6. Glad to hear and see you again. Hope all gets better and better.

  7. I have missed your thoughtful commentary and, of course, all of the beauty items! Very pleased to hear that you are okay. I hope the epidural kicks in.


  8. You cannot imagine how many times you've been on my mind. I've missed you terribly. It is so wonderful to see you posting again. I look forward to seeing anything you choose to write about. Please rest up and get well. Take good care of yourself.

  9. I am so glad to hear from you! I have been thinking of you, and wondering how your surgery went. this year has been about appreciating the beautiful things I have, and trying to make thoughtful purchases. I haven't always succeeded, but it is going pretty well. I'm very much looking forward to what you will share with us. Yours, Sylvia

  10. intotemptation.wordpress.comAugust 29, 2015 at 5:49 PM

    Welcome back; really enjoyed reading your blog in the past and look forward to future posts. Hope your recuperation goes well and you are literally back on your feet soon.

  11. So happy to see you back to doing what you love!! If there was every any doubt that makeup is an addiction, let the doubt end here. Like a squirrel stashing away nuts, you saved morsels so you wouldn't starve after you were done hibernating! That's my girl!!

    I look forward to living vicariously through you at Neiman Marcus. I went cold turkey off of luxury brands when I lost my job 6 years ago and I'm deathly afraid of falling off the wagon, even though I got my career back on track. You are my way of dealing with enablers!! :-)

    Also, I'm sorry for your loss. Sounds like Bonnie was one of your biggest fans.

    Wishing you continued good health and great photos. xx

  12. The very best news! I love that you are doing well. I have greatly missed your posts and truly appreciate your point of view and Humanity. Thank You for all you are and all that you share.

  13. Hi, long time reader here. Really sorry to hear you have had to have an operation, but great to hear that you are on the mend. I wish you all the best for your recovery. Anita

  14. Hi!
    So happy to see you in my inbox. Looking forward to your thoughts on Chanel Fall 2015, assuming it is Fall 2015? Blue Notes?
    Congrats on successful knee surgery. Good to have that behind you.

  15. Hi CG, so glad you are feeling better. Looking forward to seeing some lovely pix. Christy in Sydney xxx

  16. So happy to see you are back, and hope you are feeling better.

  17. Happy you are back! I do not comment very much, but I truly missed you! Keep up the speedy recovery!

  18. I concur with everyone else... it was a wonderful surprise to see you again! I always appreciate your taste and perspective and am looking forward to new posts. Wishing you continued good health, Pamela.

  19. Charleston Girl, you have made my day! I am so glad you are feeling better, and I can't wait for you to start the blog again! I have missed you!

  20. I am so glad you are back and doing better. I really like to hear your opinions!

  21. I am glad you are feeling better! I have been itching for some new Chanel so I look forward to your post! Keep well!

  22. I'm thrilled to have you back! I had just discovered your blog and it quickly became a favorite, and then you went on wishes for good health!

  23. Thank goodness you are doing alright, I have wondered how you are, look forward to hearing from you

  24. I'm glad to read that you are returning to blogging even if it is on a scaled down basis. I'm glad your knee replacement went well & that your recovery is progressing as expected. I'm sorry to read that the epidural didn't yield the results you were hoping for in your spine. I hope that with a bit more time, you'll feel relief with the epidural. Welcome back CG!

  25. I am very glad to hear from you again. Pls continue delivering new reviews, if possible. Many thanks and good luck!

  26. Hi! I'm glad you are healing and wish you all the best. I really look forward to your new posts. I love your blog <3

  27. Blog or no blog, I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

  28. Welcome back! Your voice has been missed. Yay to upcoming beautiful things.

  29. As always, CG it is great to see a post from you. Praying that you will feel better very soon and be blogging away again! I so enjoy reading your posts and visualizing the beauties that you share. I am an addict of all things beauty and skin care too and sure need to do some housecleaning there. I buy so much more than a girl can wear at a time! HA!
    Take care and God Bless-

  30. I'm just happy to hear that you are doing well! If you blog from time to time, that's the cherry on the cake. :)

  31. Glad to read your post and so happy to hear that the surgery went well. How are the animals? I am excited about your Chanel review.
    Take care,

  32. I'm so glad that you haven't fully retired your blog. It's good to hear that your knee is doing so well, and I can related to the spine thing myself. Although I wear little makeup, less since having some laser iridotomies on my eyes and having just retired so am leading a more casual lifestyle, I love reading about the beautiful items out there and your lovely way of writing about them. Be well and I look forward to your blog resuming"

  33. It's so good to see you back! You have been sorely missed!! I hope your recovery goes well, and don't trip over any of your precious cargo lol Take care, looking forward to your posts again :)

  34. I am so happy you are back ! I have missed your blog very much. really admire you in cleaning things out - re: your spine: while I have not commented on your blog re: makeup, I do hope you won't mind this: I have had spinal surgery, just a fusion here & there, and have an aging back as well: a book that has led me to greater confidence and hope is called : Walk Tall, by Sara Meeks - I hope you can check out the reviews on Amazon. hope you do not mind this - regards & good wishes ! Abbe....

  35. It was such a joy to see another post and learn that your surgery was successful. And, although recuperating from knee replacement surgery is never easy under even the best of circumstances, I was so happy to hear that this replacement was easier than the first one. Now, if only you can get that back pain under control! Unfortunately, the results of an epidural can be unpredictable so take good care of of yourself and don't overdo it. We all know what a go-getter you are :-) but sometimes rest is the best. Whenever you've got pictures of your goodies ready to show us, we'll be here ready to enjoy them along with your thoughts about them.

  36. Thank you, everyone! It's so nice to hear your kind and encouraging words.

    Consolata, I will most definitely look into that book today. Thank you!

    Tanja, I am heartbroken to tell you that Savannah died at the end of April. She had a mega seizure that basically knocked out her liver and kidneys. In failure, I had to let her go to the Rainbow Bridge. I spent $5,000 trying to save her, but failed. I still cry when I think about her. Charlie is fine. Sitting right next to me.

    Be back later! A friend is taking me to lunch.

  37. Hi Charleston Girl, nice to see you posting again and overall feeling better!
    I am preparing to take the plunge with Le Metier's Night Cream. The last time I made this big of a purchase with the company via Neimans, they offered great gifts with purchase and I'm planning so this transaction to coincide with same type of gifts with purchase. But I can't find Fall 2015 Beauty Event dates online and wondering if you would have a ballpark guess of Neiman's Beauty Event schedule?

  38. It starts on September 10, but I'm not sure when it ends.

  39. Hi CG! I've been popping in about once a week, hoping to see a new post, and was rewarded today!

    Happy the knee replacement went well, and sorry about the back issues...DH has spinal stenosis and is dealing with that. We have nixed a fusion (he originally scheduled it, but had second thoughts, thank goodness. Went for a second opinion, loved the new Doctor, and he is dealing with just cortisone shots for now. Maybe a less invasive surgery next year). Aging is certainly NOT for the weak!

    Looking forward to your lovely reviews!

  40. So good to know you are returning! Every time I see new makeup, buy new makeup, I think of you: What would BTIB say????? I recently bought most of the new fall CHANEL and am disappointed. Then I sprang for the CHANEL Blue Rhythm collection, and really hit bottom. Both quads arrived defective. The little pans of color fell out of the quad; they had never been secured in however way they are meant to be. So BRING ON THE NEW LMDB! How are Charlie and your mother?

  41. Hi CG, so nice to hear from you and looking forward to hearing lots more.

  42. Can't wait to see the new Chantecaille--and everything else you're excited to share. Welcome back, and congrats on the knee!

  43. Hey CG!!!
    Cannot wait for your return!!!! -I've been waiting and hoping for it��

  44. CG, so good to hear you're fine! I'm glad to hear your knee surgery went well. Sometimes a person needs a vacation from even the things they love. I can't wait to see your pictures of the new Chantecaille!

  45. Glad to see you are doing well and taking care of your health.

  46. Have you any news/pics on the newest Le Metier de beaute eye kits featuring trains, etc. on them?

  47. So glad to hear that your surgery went well. I hope that you soon find relief from your back pain.
    Glad to hear that Charlie is right by your side!!

  48. So glad that you are back. Feel better soon!

  49. Dear CG,
    I am so happy to see that you are back. You were missed very badly. But of course even while you took your break I "used" your blog to check for reviews and swatches of older products that I planned to buy- and found often help with your posts. Thank you so much for that!
    I hope that you are feeling better very soon.
    Many greetings

  50. I'm late to the party, but that is great news, CG! I admit I have been dropping by your blog on and off this last year, hoping that you'd return. I wish you all the best as you continue to recover from your surgery, and look forward to reading your posts and seeing new pictures. All the best to you.

  51. How wonderful to see that you're back! I'm glad to hear your surgery went well and that you've found some lovely products to enjoy!


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