
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

My Mother

I wanted to let all of you know that my mother died at home yesterday at 6:33 am. So many of you had expressed your concern. I was with her when she took her last breath, which was of some comfort. Mom would have been 94 years old on June 7. I wish she had made it.

She will be cremated and interred next to my father at Arlington National Cemetery. They have a months-long waiting list, so that won't happen for months.

I selected a gardenia bouquet for this announcement because her wedding bouquet was made with gardenias - always one of her favorite flowers.

Thank you for your love and support.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Dear CharlestonGirl,
    Please accept my deepest condolences. You have been such a supportive and loving daughter to your mom and she was lucky to have had you in her very long life. From all of your updates on your mom, we all know she lived a full life and that you provided her joy and happiness. Please make sure to take some time for yourself - even if just to take a long walk or go to a small shop for some tea. It can help to provide a bit of grounding during such a stressful time. If there is a charity for which contributions can be made for your mom, please let us know so we can continue her legacy. I wish you peace and send a big hug to you.
    Love - AnnieM

  2. So sorry to hear of your loss. Find peace in the fact that you loved her and were a good daughter to her. That is everything. My own mother died 25 years ago on June 24. I miss her terribly. I took the advice of a friend and kept some of my mother's clothes in my closet to hug. It helped tremendously. You have your lovely memories, and you have Charlie, too. Blessings.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Gardenias are a beautiful way to remember your mom.

  4. God Saw You Getting Tired

    God saw you getting tired,
    And a cure was not to be.
    So He put His arms around you,
    And whispered, "Come to Me."

    With tearful eyes I watched you,
    And saw you pass away.
    And although I loved you dearly,
    I could not make you stay.

    And when I saw you sleeping,
    So peaceful and free from pain,
    I could not wish you back,
    To suffer that again.

    You didn't deserve what you went through,
    And so He gave you rest.
    God's garden must be beautiful.
    He only takes the best.

    Peace and blessings, dearest Charlestongirl.

  5. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  6. I am so sorry. I hope that you know what a wonderful daughter you were to her and that you were able to be with her for her last days. Please take time for you and to take care of yourself. This is such an exhausting & stressful time. Take time to grieve as well. Upon losing 2 children, I found that once everything is final and details taken care of, I needed the time to grieve. I hope you will allow that for yourself. I wish I could send you flowers as I know how much joy you derive from them, but do know that many, and I mean many of your followers here share in your sadness and grief as I do. Blessings to your mother, I do not know your faith but believe that God will welcome her with open arms.
    Blessings to you as well.

  7. CG - I am so so sorry for your loss. Even though I only know you through your beautiful writing, it was always so apparent what a close relationship you had with your mother. You are and were a devoted and loving daughter and that special relationship with your mother will always be with you. It will be a hard time - I know because I was through it. It is a blessing that you were able to be with her through the last and that she was able to be in her home. I send you strength and love.

  8. Dear Charleston Girl,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you very much for letting us get to know your Mom through your beautiful and loving words about her here on your blog. You write so evocatively, I feel fortunate to have just a small sense of the love and special closeness you two shared. Please know you are in my thoughts and heart - I am giving a gentle hug! If you would like to share memories of your mother here on your blog, I, for one, would truly treasure that!


  9. My sincere condolences on the loss of your dear Mother. As everyone has said, you were a wonderful, loving, supportive daughter and friend, and you need to find great satisfaction in that knowledge. My mother has been gone for 23 years...I still have very realistic happy dreams where she is present, which are a great comfort.

    Take care of yourself and make no apologies for whatever emotions you experience.

  10. Please accept my sincere condolences. I'll say a prayer for you and for your family <3

  11. I am so very sorry. You truly were a good daughter to her. Hugs.
    Denise M.

  12. I am so sorry for your loss. What a blessing that you were able to be with her to the end.

  13. I am so sorry to hear this. I know you will find comfort in peace in all the good times you had with her. Thank you for letting us know.

  14. So sorry for your loss. My mother died nearly 24 years ago and I still think of her and my father sometime every day.

    May her memory be a blessing.

    Andrea Z.

  15. Please accept my deepest condolences on your Mother's passing. I echo bisbee's comments... I hope that your memories, and the knowledge that you shared an extraordinary bond with your Mother, bring you comfort and peace. - Pamela

  16. I am very sorry for your loss. It is obvious from your writings that you loved her very much. Peace be with you as you grieve, and may your Mom rest in peace. Hugs,

  17. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

  18. My heart goes out to you and I am so sorry to hear about your loss. May she rest in peace and I wish I could give you a hug right now.

  19. I'm so sorry for your loss, CharlestonGirl. I wish you peace and comfort.

  20. I send my love and prayers to you. I am sorry.

  21. Passing of a loved one is so very difficult on those left behind. Parents and children are the toughest. I'm very sorry for your loss. May your heart mend quickly.
    Cindy N.

  22. Love, light and peaceful thoughts

  23. My deepest sympathy, Charleston Girl. Your mom fought the good fight, and you were with her right til the very end -- in time, this will be a rich source of comfort to you. For now, please just take care of yourself as best you can. Many are thinking of you.

  24. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mother ten years ago last week. I miss my parents every day. Take peace and comfort in the fact that you will see both of your parents again some day.

  25. I am deeply sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. You have my very deepest sympathy.

  26. I am so very sorry for your loss

  27. I am so sorry for your loss. We all know how close you were to your mother and your love for her. Please take the time to grieve. Love never dies. Hugs.

  28. Dear CG, I am so sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences. You are in my thoughts.

  29. Sorry to hear about your mom passing. May she RIP

  30. Sending you peace at this difficult time. Thank you for sharing a little of your mother and of yourself with us.

  31. I am so sorry to hear about your mother. It's never easy to lose our precious parents, they were there for us through everything, always there to support us in anything we did. I'm sure your mother knew and was comforted that you were there with her. You'll be in my prayers.

  32. Dearest Charlestongirl, I just wanted you to know that I absolutely adore you and I'm very sad to hear about your mom's passing. Xoxo to you.💐

  33. So sorry my dear. I hope you are feeling all our love flowing towards you.

  34. Dear Charlestongirl,
    So sorry to read about your mom. Thinking about you and sending prayers for peace and comfort in the days ahead. I am a longtime follower and have always enjoyed reading about your mom when you mentioned her in a post. I always thought it was so sweet of you to bring her favorite food on holidays and her birthday. You took such great care of her and I am sure it was such a comfort to have you with her. xoxo

  35. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I can;t think of anything worse than losing the one person who means the most to you. There's nothing I or anyone can say that will make you feel better except to say you and your mom are in my and everyone else's prayers. We are all a family and we adore and love both you and your mom. Speaking for myself, I am here for you.


  36. Dear CG, I was so sad to read this and am wishing you strength. May you be comforted by your strong bond and love of your dear mother.

  37. I am very sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you at this time. I am sure the time you had together through the years was a great comfort to both of you. Wishing you peace and healing.

  38. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my mother in 2014 to Alzheimer's at age 91 so I have some empathy for what you are feeling right now. I wasn't able to be there for her when she died but my brother was, which was a big comfort. I'm really glad you were able to be with her, which was a comfort for both her and you. You are in my thoughts.

  39. My deepest condolences for your loss. Sending love and support to you and your family.

  40. So terribly sorry to hear of your loss. You will be in my thoughts during this difficult time.

  41. I am so sorry for your loss & hope your many precious memories offer some comfort. Your deep love for your Mother has been beautifully conveyed to us & you are in our thoughts & she will be in your heart forever.

  42. Sending my sincere condolences to you. It is a blessing that you were with your mother and now your mother and father are reunited. You need to look after yourself now and I hope you derive comfort from all the wonderful comments you have received on your blog.

  43. I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your Mom with all of us who read your blog.

  44. I am so sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is to lose your mom, you are so lucky you had her for as long as you did. Please take care of yourself.

  45. Dear CG,
    Please accept my condolences. Like everyone has said, perhaps more eloquently than I ever could, I have admired how faithful and devoted you were towards your Mom. It's not difficult to imagine how much you will miss her. After all, in your Mom's eyes, you always would be her daughter, her baby, once upon a time and forever. Sending you warm regards, Ruth.

  46. Your Mother will always be with you. Every time you think of her she will be there.

  47. It hurts my heart to read this. I know how close you and your mother were. I held my breath when I read the title. Hoping for good news but expecting the what you wrote. How wonderful that you have such beautiful memories to cherish. Praying for you. The gardenia bouquet is perfect!

  48. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Because I shared with you the other day about losing my mother, I bought this book.
    When things settle down a bit, you may consider getting this book. It has helped stabilized my emotions. The book helped softened my blow. Don't let people tell you how you should be. I wish I could give you a hug now.

  49. So sorry CharlestonGirl. All the warmth, love, and smiles you have brought to us over the years-I wish that reflected back to you now.

  50. Thank you to each and every one of you. Your wishes have reminded me I'm not alone.

    I'll go back to work today. Need the money! It may also help me redirect my mind. When I'm home and the sun shines, I'll get photos and start publishing again. I hope that will be soon.

  51. charleston girl, always remember, you have been loved. kaylene

  52. I'm very sorry for your loss and hope you find comfort in your memories.

  53. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your mother. You were a blessing to her, as she was to you. Take the time you need and we'll be here whenever you are ready. May she rest in peace.

  54. I am so sorry, CG.
    To die @ age 93 (almost 94) at home, in your own bed w/your beloved daughter by your
    side;one could not ask for a better passing.
    Watch for the signs that your mother will provide that she is with you still.

  55. I am so terribly sorry CG. I know how much you loved your mother. Mine will be 88 on June 4th and she is not in good health. I want my mother to stay for my own selfish reasons, but I wonder if I should not think this way and try to be at peace with the fact that she doesn't want to be here anymore. I feel conflicted and guilty. We all must face the death of loved ones and it is so very painful, partly because we are powerless to do anything to prevent the loss. We owe so much to our mothers. How does one express all that they did for us? I wish you peace and healing. Please know your friends out here are with you in your sadness.

  56. So sorry to hear of your mother's passing.
    You will be in our family's thoughts and prayers.

  57. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Praying that God will grant you perfect peace that only He can give. ---Pemberley

  58. My deepest sympathies to you. You were a blessing to your mom and she was lucky to have you with her at the end. May she rest in peace. Take your time and know that all your faithful readers will be waiting patiently for you to come back whenever you are ready.

  59. I too am sorry to hear of your loss. The relationship you shared with your mother is a blessing that some families never experience. The love you have for her was palpable in the posts you shared with your readers. Thank you for allowing us to have a glimpse of something so precious.

  60. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear mother. I will be thinking of you and praying for both you and your mother.

  61. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you. Lisa

  62. My mom passed away about two months ago, so I feel you, CG. I hope you receive comfort in the coming days. Sending good thoughts and hugs your way.

  63. Dear CG,
    I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how painful this must be. She was a lucky woman to have such a caring daughter in her life, and it is so beautiful that you were able to share such an incredible bond. Sending you strength and love.
    With Condolences,

  64. You have my deepest sympathy for the passing of your Mom, Charlestongirl. I'm glad that you found comfort in being with her to the end, as I did, 15 months ago when my Mom passed a month shy of turning 96. Prayers for you and her tonight.

  65. I'm a long time reader, although I don't often leave comments -- and a theme through all the years has been your ceaseless love for your mom. Everyone who reads your blog has witnessed the care and compassion you've shown her, and for myself, it has given me a clear sense of the kind of daughter I want to be to my own parents as they age.

    Though I did not know your mom, I am grateful to have been on this planet with her for a time, because you and she have helped me understand what a family really is.

    I am so sorry for your loss, and will keep you both in my thoughts...


  66. I am so sorry for your loss x you're in my thoughts and prayers x

  67. So sorry for your loss. Thoughts are with you.

  68. My deepest sympathies and condolences at a time of great sadness and mourning. May the cherished memories you shared with your beloved mother lift your spirits in the days and weeks to come.

  69. Dear CG, My sincere condolences to you. I, too, just lost my mother, almost a year ago now. I know too well the hole she left in my heart. I will be thinking of you for the next few days. May you find peace in this difficult time.

    xoxo, Claire

  70. So sorry to hear of your loss CG! You have our deepest sympathy.

  71. I am so sorry for your loss.

  72. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  73. My deepest condolences! Thoughts and love to you!

  74. From having read your blog for years, I have a sense of how much you love your mother--and what incredible care you gave her. How fortunate she was to have you as a daughter! May your many, many joyful memories of time with your mom bring you solace during this sad time. My thoughts are with you.

  75. Dear CG - I am so sorry to read that your Mother has passed. You shared such wonderful glimpses into your relationship over the years I have read your blog. My youngest one's birthday is also June 7. I will remember you both when that day comes in the years to come. I know she loved you & that you loved her so dearly in return. Take the time you need to grieve. And do it in your time frame & on your terms. There is no set time to get over a loss. I'm glad you were able to be with her at the end. You will be in my thoughts & prayers.


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