
Friday, June 10, 2016

The Friday Forum - May 10

Yesterday, we had a funeral mass at Mom's church, St. John the Beloved Catholic Church in McLean, Virginia. I was surprised at how many people came with only two day's notice. One cousin and his wife came from Western North Carolina. That's a long drive.

The mass was lovely. The cantor's voice was extraordinary, and the priest was warm and welcoming. I think Mom would have loved it. Thank you for your condolences, thoughts, and prayers. At a later date, she will join my father at Arlington National Cemetery.

As you might imagine, my mind has not been on beauty products in the last two weeks (although I did receive a few), but it's time to start to get back to normal. That's why I decided to publish today's Friday Forum.

The Friday Forum has always been an opportunity to share information. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Tell us about it! Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Tell us why! Do you have questions others might be able to answer? We can help! Want to talk about skin care? I'm game. Just use the comments. We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. I hope to see you in the comments.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Oh, you are a trooper. I am happy to hear you had a nice service for your mother. I cannot even think about makeup products and has been three months. You lift my spirits.

  2. Our children gave us a digital "Frame" several years ago, and my husband was able to download hundreds of photos of our parents, friends, and, of course, our children and grandchildren. So as the photos flash by, I am using this time to reflect on how we are blessed to have shared in the lives of those who have passed, and the joyous moments and love we share with those who are still with us. Charlestongirl, you are in my thoughts and prayers as you continue your healing journey. Hugs.

  3. Dear CG, the service for your mother sounds wonderful. Still sending warm wishes your way. What have I loved beauty wise lately? I am still using the Chanel Aqua Crayon in Oasis daily, it is so easy to use and a quick and effective look. The Chanel body oil is a morning indulgence as well - do you love yours? So really nothing new from me; bought a Kevin Murphy conditioner at my salon and will see how that works. I lose so much hair when I brush out my wet hair after washing and would love to find something that makes the detangling process easier (conditioner or brush or towel or whatever :).
    All the best,

  4. Tanja, I love my body oil. Now I want Chanel's new Boy fragrance.

    My hair really detangles well and quickly with the L'Oeal oil-based conditioner I featured not too long ago. I use one of these brushes made for wet hair. It's the best I've ever used for detangling my hair, which mats after a thorough wash.

  5. I bought the Pat McGrath Skin Fetish kit -- it wins for my worst. purchase. ever. You begin by digging the products out of a tightly sealed pack filled with gold sequins. They are all over my rug now, and will end up in the vacuum eventually, I hope. I am still finding them.The products (a brush, a compact and a deal-ended tube) are packaged very cheaply, like dollar store cheaply, and the products themselves are . . .okay. This kit is being hyped all over the place and I have to admit I fell for it - I had an extra $5 at Sephora and somehow that led to my going overboard. The highlighter is no better than another one I have (which was also overpriced, I think) and the balm stick seems to be just grease on one end and another highlighter on the other. All for $72! I was not disposed kindly to this product to begin with, after the enraging sequin experience.

    Finally, my condolences -- I lost my mother at such a young age that I have no idea what the loss must be like for you. It's a struggle either way, for different reasons.Peace to you!

  6. Although Mark Twain is famous for his acerbic wit, some of his most memorable and powerful sentiments were written when he was being serious. When his beloved daughter passed away at the age of twenty-four, he adapted an obscure poem written by Robert Richardson. Knowing that poems should be a crystallization of thought and that there is extraordinary beauty to be found in simplicity and eloquence, Mark Twain crafted a rendition for his daughter's headstone that never fails to bring tears to my eyes.

    "Warm summer sun,
    Shine kindly here,
    Warm southern wind,
    Blow softly here.
    Green sod above,
    Lie light, lie light.
    Good night, dear heart,
    Good night, good night."

  7. CG, sounds like a beautiful funeral that is befitting your mother.

    When my mom passed away last year, I was in awe of the many visitors that I met. My mom died in the city where she grew up, and some of her Elementary School friends were there to visit her one last time during her funeral. Yes, Elementary School friends. I don't know how my mom had kept in touch with them throughout the year, but I took big comfort in that.

    May you be comforted by the people who loves you and your mom, and my her legacy lives on. I'm sending many thoughts and prayers to you.

  8. Tweewma, I bought those Pat McGrath sets. I am afraid to open them. I don't want sparkles all over the place. I'm seriously considering returning them unopened.

    Don't people realize that mess and makeup should not be used in the same sentence?

  9. Thank you, Claire. One sad thing about Mom living to 93 is that her friends were almost all gone. My father used to note that his old friends had all died. Even when surrounded by family, they feel a loneliness that can't be replaced.

    When one of Mom's very best friends died last year, I saw a sparkle die too.

  10. Hi Tweeymma,

    I, too, was so tempted by those PMcG kits, but thankfully came to my senses before making a blind purchase. After watching "real people" (as opposed to MAs) posting about the products, I quickly realized these sets fell into the realm of special effects makeup. Since I don't go clubbing and you won't see me strutting the catwalk any time soon ;-) the highlighter kits are not for me. I do go out frequently to concerts and the like and I adore highlighting my cheekbones and browbones, but these kits just seem needlessly complex for anything other than editorial work. I know a number of makeup artists were singing hallelujahs, but I think their responses were coming from a place of loyalty and fandom for a woman who has become a legend in the fashion biz rather than from a place of objective product assessment. They over-complicate what is actually a very simple step and you know darn well that in the hands of the average woman, these kits are not going to produce the same beautifully edited and photoshopped looks that PMcG creates :-( I hate to be a nay-sayer but "Naaaaaay!" LOL

  11. Eileen, the Mark Twain poem is very touching and he was such a wordsmith.

    CG, I remember your review of the L'Oreal conditioner and will look into that one. I usually avoid those kinds of brands and buy shampoo/conditioner either from Salon brands or health food stores since I don't want sharp ingredients on my scalp and hair. A brush especially designed for wet detangling might be helpful, too.

    Have a nice weekend, everybody. It is chilly here after 5 days of almost 100 degree weather.



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