
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Happy Bastille Day!

Happy Bastille Day!

Bastille Day is the French National Day, which is celebrated on July 14 of each year. In France, it is formally called La Fête Nationale (The National Celebration) and commonly le quatorze juillet (the fourteenth of July). It commemorates the 1790 Fête de la Fédération, held on the first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789. The anniversary of the storming of the Bastille fortress-prison was seen as a symbol of the uprising of the modern nation - and of the reconciliation of all the French inside the constitutional monarchy that preceded the First Republic during the French Revolution.

I hope my readers and friends from France have a wonderful day! We'll be celebrating your Independence Day with you.

Photo courtesy of


  1. I just love France...Oh Paris!

  2. yeah... Paris is just a dream land for me...

  3. Just hours after I published this feature, I heard about the tragedy in Nice. The media have not told us yet how many lives were lost. My sympathy to everyone in Nice!

  4. The news reports keep rolling in and the death toll keeps climbing. What a terrible tragedy! As of 5:58 here in California, the death toll was at 73 with another 100 injured. I'm sure we'll see the number climb throughout the evening. I'll be keeping an eye on the news and I'm sure viewers around the world will be doing the same. That such sick and depraved minds are amongst us, ready to senselessly take life, saddens me to no end.

    Vivre la France! Vive la liberté!

  5. Thank you all for your wishes and support, it is very heart-warming!
    It was such a nightmare to wake up this morning and to hear the horrifying news: oh no, not again!!!! This is Evil again...He knew people would be rejoicing as fireworks on the 14th of July are a must in every town in France, so many families and children out in the streets and so many casualties: at the moment about 84 people killed but about 20 very severely injured (probably meaning more deaths) and dozens and dozens simply injured...Horrible tragedy again..
    It looks as if it is never going to stop: how people can enjoy killing for the pleasure of killing is beyond me, they are mad, mad mad and we seem helpless in front of them...
    Just prayers for the poor innocent and their families...

  6. Eileen, it's up to 84 now, with two Americans among them. I'm so frustrated by terrorism! What is wrong with those people who think senseless violence will win over the world?

  7. Tears for Nice! Tears for France! What I'm watching on the news is horrifying.

    One man with a truck and a gun. So many dead and injured. I'm almost speechless.

  8. Clarisse,

    I am so glad to hear from you! Not knowing whether you or members of your family would be there, I was worried.

    Social media is filled today in the U.S. with prayers for France, our oldest ally. We are horrified by the senseless violence against innocent people by radicalized people who think they are doing their God's wishes. They will never win whatever they hope to achieve.

    We are praying for all of the victims.


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