
Friday, September 30, 2016

The Friday Forum - September 30

What a week we have had! It has rained every day, and I think our total rainfall is somewhere around 4-5 inches. I'm not complaining. We needed the rain, even though it kept me from taking much-needed photographs.

Yesterday, I sat down at my computer and saw that I had no network connection. I knew I had lost it the day before, but I thought that might have been a weather-related problem. It was pouring outside. When I saw that I still had no connection the next day, I called Verizon. There is no way I can coherently describe the three hours I spent on the phone to get my DSL service restored, but I'll summarize the debacle that prevented me from writing a blog feature.
  1. Verizon announced by letter that it was discontinuing its copper service, and anyone without FIOS would lose phone and Internet service. Naturally, I made an appointment for October 3 to have FIOS installed.
  2. Some lame brain at Verizon discontinued my DSL service, but not my phone, five days in advance of October 3. Why? No one could explain. They kept denying it.
  3. I called Verizon technical support. During the three-hour ordeal, they cut me off at least five times, and I had to call back and start over each time. One of their nitwit techs cancelled my pending FIOS order without asking me because he said he couldn't get my DSL back any other way.
  4. They kept trying to transfer me to customer service, but each time, they cut me off. By the time I got to the fifth customer service representative, I introduced myself and told him I was livid.
  5. He (Charles) stuck with me until my DSL was restored by tech support, and he set up a new FIOS appointment for October 5, the first available slot, even though my October 3 appointment had been cancelled without my permission no more than an hour before.
  6. By the time I had Internet service restored, it was about 5:30 pm, and I was tired and frustrated. I gave up on the day. It's hard for me to believe that Verizon and its people can be so incompetent. I worked for that company once years ago as a consultant, and I did not find them to be half-wits. Something has changed. I talked to about eight people yesterday, and Charles was the only one whose service was acceptable.
So, my apologies for my featureless Thursday. Wednesday, I managed to write, even though most of my afternoon was stolen by a flat tire (replaced for free because I had purchased a tire and wheel warranty when I leased my car). I hope the week ends on a better note.

I zoomed over to Neiman Marcus a few days ago and picked up the new Guerlain Holiday Collection. I can't wait for sunshine so that I can show you photos. It's very nice.

I'm now short on time for today. I am going to a pizza party tonight for my high school class 50th reunion. I've got to run some errands, including feeding the wildlife at my mother's house, and then wash my hair and start working on looking presentable for the party. I fear I won't recognize anyone. I sure hope they have name tags.

It's time for the Friday Forum. The Friday Forum has always been an opportunity to share information. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Tell us about it! Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Tell us why! Do you have questions others might be able to answer? We can help! Want to talk about skin care? I'm game. Just use the comments. We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. I hope to see you in the comments.

Photo source lost


  1. CG, Even with your tiresome day, I have no doubt you will pull it all together and look so stunning at your reunion your former classmates will be very jealous! Have a wonderful, fun evening! You have certainly earned it! :)

  2. What a shocker of a week CG so I do hope your party goes well and you remember everyone!

    Well .... Vicky Beckham has landed here but ONLY in one department store and that is David Jones . Soooo expensive .... you know that Ltd Edt Light Box ... its selling for Aussie dollars $1,600.00 Her lipsticks are $A72.00 a pop! Mmmm but .... Tom Fords cream lipsticks are selling for Aus$78.00 so Vicky's are a bargain! LOL

    I do not know how I did this but I have twisted my left foot in my sleep and cannot walk all that well so my purse will be full this weekend ... oh no ... darn - hubby and I are taking my little dog Coco to the Vet for checkup and vacc. so there goes the Beckham money if I was tempted! LOL

  3. How awful CG. I would ask them to waive your bill for the month for all the inconvenience they have caused you.
    Australia is so expensive for cosmetics and online discounters are not as cheap as they were a few years ago.
    There are so many lip products coming on the market that I am frozen with indecision right now.
    Enjoy the reunion.

  4. I am sorry you encountered so much incompetence. That and the unwillingness to help seem to be a recent trend. Really looking forward to your Guerlain post. Have a nice evening and weekend.

  5. Oh, how I wish you could send some of that rain our way! The drought and scorching temps continue here in So Cal and it seems more like August than the last day of September. Frost on the pumpkin? What's that? LOL

    The past couple of weeks I've been using the reformulated Lingerie de Peau and am terribly disappointed in it. It clings to the dry patches on my skin and emphasizes the fine lines under my eyes even though I moisturize very well. Sad to say, this new iteration isn't for me :-( On the other hand, I really like the new concealer. I very seldom wear concealer but I always have one in my stash for those times when seasonal allergies are playing havoc with my nose. A cheerful SA gave me a generous sample and I've been very impressed with the light, easy to blend texture, satin finish, longevity, and excellent coverage. If you wear concealer and Guerlain has a shade for you, give it a go.

    Anyway, after my epic fail with LdP, it's back to my trusty Clé de Peau. The Radiant Fluid is perfect for me in every respect so why argue with success? Yes, it's ridiculously expensive, but I use just one small pump for my application and so it seems to last for months on end. I very seldom recommend it because I know it is more than any normal, sane person should spend, but it is the best foundation I've ever used.

    Does anyone know what is going on with Chanel for holiday? I've read that Libre Synthetic de Chanel is another fall collection (and an underwhelming one IMHO) although its launch is at the same time as many of the holiday collections. What is going on?

    I hope you're having a great reunion, Charlestongirl. You deserve a night of fun :-)

  6. Hi Cg and all! Well, I gave up on LaMer and bought Dior Star foundation. I really love it. Went into Blue Mercury for shampoo and there are the testers for the newly reformulated foundation along with the reformulated powder that is wanted by everyone. I used to be Crème in the old formula but was matched to Linen this time, so came home with a sample. I wore it tonight and I feel it is still a really good foundation, but somehow I am happy with my Star and have no plans to return it. I will revisit in about six months when my Star runs low.

    I would love to discover the Victoria Beckham collection, but I would have to drive too far. I enjoy your reviews CG and all the comments. Wishing everyone a great weekend! Tell us how the reunion went CG!

  7. CG-Sorry to hear about you lousy customer service experience-I know that's the last way you want to spend hours out of your day. I had a terrible experience this week with the airline losing my luggage on my way back from Europe so my frustration is still very fresh in my mind. However, I did have a facial at Omorovicza and I loved it! A week and a half later, my skin still looks and feels amazing. So worth it! Eileen questioned the Chanel Libre collection and my SA told me last month it was replacing the Holiday collection. I'm very disappointed as its very underwhelming. Let's hope they're wrong and a worthy holiday collection pops up. Does anyone know about a collection called Coco Code?

  8. Hi Anonymous,

    Thanks for the info. It's hard to beleive that the Chanel Libre Synthetic collection is actually the holiday collection. There's been little to no fanfare associated with its promotion, holiday is never mentioned in connection with it, and it doesn't seem festive in any way. Although there are a couple of pretty things, as a whole I'd describe it as pedestrian :-( After the fall Rouge collection, I had high hopes for the holiday one. Even though Rouge was not everyone's cup of tea, it was, at the very least, cohesive and exciting. Libre, not so much :-( Let's hope Chanel gets back on track. As for Coco Code, all I've heard so far is that it is set to release in December and it is labeled as a Spring 2017 collection.

  9. I was just googling various posts about the Chanel collections and all I can say is that there are a lot of very confused people out there so I guess I'm not alone. Some people are saying Libre is another fall and Code is holiday; some people are saying Libre is holiday and Code is spring. The only thing consistent is that nobody knows for sure and Chanel certainly isn't helping any by being so secretive. This tactic doesn't stir my interest or pique my curiosity. It frustrates me and causes me to lose interest :-(

  10. I have Chanel's official PR and will try to get to it tomorrow.

  11. My SA shared the brochure that announces all the various releases with me. It said that the Libre collection is in place of the holiday collection per Lucia Pica. It sounded like she wasn't a fan of holiday collections.

  12. CG, I hope you'll be able to get word from Chanel PR re a holiday collection. I'm surprised that the Libre collection (meh) would be in place of holiday. Even more surprised that Lucia Pica would think a Chanel holiday collection is not necessary. I'd think that the holiday collections would be quite profitable for beauty brands. If Ms. Pica didn't want to do a holiday collection, perhaps the Le Rouge collection should have been holiday and this Libre collection the autumn. But what do I know?

  13. Thank you Tanja!

    I haven't had time to stop by the Chanel counter in awhile and so I was clueless as to just what Libre was going to be. I wonder what Pica's rational is for doing away with something so traditional as a holiday collection.

  14. I just published Chanel's training info on Holiday. I don't know why some are calling it a second fall collection. The training materials clearly call it Holiday. Perhaps because it arrives in November? Remember, don't expect the norm from Ms. Pica. She is shaking things up and will continue to do so.

  15. The reunion was fun. I was surprised at how great most everyone looked. I only went to the first night. That was enough for me. :)

  16. LadyJickey, unless you aim to be a glam queen when you go out at night, you don't need the Victoria Beckham Collection. It's beautiful, but Coco is more important.

  17. Frances, Charles gave me some free FIOS stuff. I think he was embarrassed by his own company.

  18. Eileen, you have talked me out of LdP. Glad to save some money! Guerlain's PR person was sending me gratis products, but she left. Sigh!

  19. Eileen,

    Holiday is Libre. Definitely.

  20. I am very smitten with the Illusion d'Ombre Rouge contraste. It is the dark brown and looks great on the lids. Sometimes, I apply it alone, sometimes, I draw a line with the new Cream Eyeliner in Hyperblack along the top lashes over it, and sometimes, I deepen it with the dark brown from the fall quad. I have green/hazel eyes and really like the look.
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
    Eileen - we have six Turtle Doves now and I told my children the story of the palm tree dove :)

  21. Hi Tanja,

    So pleased to hear about the doves. They are such sweet and gentle birds.


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