
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Chanel Collection Libre Synthetic de Chanel for Holiday 2016

Chanel's Collection Libre is an unexpected holiday collection that celebrates the modern yet sophisticated elements of beauty. Chanel Global Creative Makeup and Colour Designer Lucia Pica experiments with striking contrasts - a clash of colors, textures, intensities, and light - to capture a contemporary edge and thrilling moment in time.

Here are the product highlights.

Les 5 Ombres Eyeshadow Palette ($80), a limited-edition palette called Architectonic inspired by urban architecture, a modern palette that gives structure to the eyes with mirror-like silver, concrete grey, and gunmetal blue eye shadows in matte to shimmery textures.

Joues Contraste Powder Blush ($45) is the staple blush in a bright pink shade called Hyperfresh that can be used lightly for a soft accent of color or built up to make a statement.

Calligraphie de Chanel Waterproof Intense Cream Eyeliner in Hyperblack ($35) is a modern way to line the eyes. This long-lasting gel liner creates a super-black, vinyl finish for a striking look. It has a a specially developed brush for precise application.

Rouge Allure Luminous Intense Lip Colour ($37) will impart fresh, bright shades of burgundy pink and strawberry red to the lips for the season. The shades are called Ultraberry and Ultrarose.

Rouge Allure Gloss Colour and Shine Lipgloss in One Click ($34) offers softer Super Nude and Super Coral tones to create the look of polished brilliance.

Rouge Double Intensité Ultra Wear Lip Colour ($37) is the best-loved, long-wearing lip color in a shocking Curious Orange that pops on the lips.

There are four featured nail shades: Les Vernis is Liquid Mirror (silver) and Hyperrose Glass (transparant pink), and Pink Rubber (a powdery pink). All are $28.00.

I took other photos of the holiday shades in the Neiman Marcus Café, but I cannot find them right now. If I can dig them up, I'll add them to this feature. I know there has been much conversation about this holiday collection, so I wanted to show you what I had as soon as possible.

The collection will be available in department stores, specialty stores, and at Chanel's Web site (now) in November 2016.

Photos by Best Things in Beauty (lip photos are from lab samples)


  1. First of all, Charlestongirl, thank you for all your sleuthing into the matter of how this collection fits into the greater scheme of things. I can now safely cross Chanel "holiday" off my list because it doesn't suit my coloring or appeal to my esthetic. I'm sure there are plenty of women who will look lovely in it; just not me. I'm pretty philosophical when it comes to the collections--some things suit; some things don't. There's always another collection just around the corner ;-) I will probably take a look at the gel eyeliner to see if it is worth a try, but that is really more curiosity than need. So, It appears I'm off of Chanel's hook until the spring collection emerges ;-) That's the Coco Code, right? As for holiday, perhaps I'll be more inspired by Tom Ford's holiday palettes. Thanks again.

  2. How interesting. I am enjoying this Libre collection tremendously right now. I purchased it on on September 12. It is still there, described as a preview collection. This is a beautiful collection of exquisite color. It may or may not be the Chanel holiday collection. It will reappear again in late October. You really should check more often.

  3. Thank you CG! I am so tempted by the pink rubber nail shade but that's it.

  4. Nemo, I check every week. I do have other things I have to do besides worry about this blog. Let's see, last week, it was a flat tire, prep for my mother's burial, and Verizon. I'm sure you can find another blogger who has nothing to do but shop.

  5. CG, I just want to say I really do not know how you keep up with everything going on in your life, along with the fact that you are a "working girl!" I have a problem just keeping up with day-to-day, let alone researching cosmetics, picking them up and then writing about them on a blog! In fact, I just had a chance to sit down and read your blog today, and thought it was a bit late to respond, but I have to let you know how much you and your great comments are appreciated! The fact that you are out in the world Net-working with real people and not just sitting around reading reviews, makes your comments even more interesting and "real!" Living in Vermont I rarely have the opportunity to see what is new up close, and your blog keeps me in the loop, and I love it! Thank You!

  6. Thank you, Sandra. I keep writing because of people like you

  7. I too appreciate your blog and look forward to it every day. As a person whom is not very good with makeup, I truly look forward to your reviews and know the work that you put into your blog and I just want to say thank you. It has been a tough summer for you and I know that your readers understand this. My hopes for you are an easier few months as we head into winter.

  8. To anyone who expects all bloggers to be super women, even those if us who do this as a hobby, not a business, you really should go find a blog that better suits your needs. It's OK. There are days, like yesterday, when I was sick, and I don't suffer snarky comments well when I can't close my jaw.

    For your information, I have received quite a few e-mails asking me why I even bother to publish snarky comments, particularly from one reader. Good question. I try to give everyone a voice, but I'm getting very tired of those who have unrealistic expectations of me. I had the Chanel pics and info months ago, but it was embargoed. I will not do the dishonorable to boost my readership by publishing early. Plenty of bloggers do, but I keep my word.

    So to Anonymous whose comment will not be published and anyone else upset, please leave as you have "threatened." Please. There are more important things in life than beauty products, and fortunately, I recognize that. I can't even imagine whining at a blogger because she had not checked a Web site that week or because she spoke her mind. This was in no way the first nasty comment from said reader. Perhaps she was having a bad day. Perhaps I shouldn't have published her comment. Apparently, we have different values. I am not a wimp, and when I have something to say, I will. So the next time you consider writing a nasty, condescending, lecturing comment anywhere, not just here, think about the hours the blogger put into sharing what she knew with you. I know other bloggers who will publish such comments and ignore them. I wish I had learned their ability to ability to stop taking such criticism personally.

    Best Things in Beauty is not long for this world. I cannot continue to spend the amounts of money I spend to give all of you early peeks at new makeup. Someday, I will have to retire, and I don't want to end up in a homeless shelter. As I organized makeup this week, I asked myself if I was crazy. I'd do a grand giveaway, but the last time I did one (years ago), I received not one word of thanks from women who received boxes of makeup worth a fortune.

    I owe several companies reviews. They kindly sent me gratis products, and they deserve the publicity. Very few companies have been loyal to me, and they have earned my love and respect. Those reviews will be published. After that, I will sign off forever. This is not a snap decision. It has been on my mind for months. I will miss my many loyal readers, kind women who appear to enjoy the blog. I love you and will miss you. I'll be here a few more months publishing the backlog.

    It has been a long run, but all runs must end. My readership never recovered from my medical break, and there's no good reason to continue to spend 30 hours/week on this endeavor. I really should go volunteer at an animal rescue organization or other charity, which will likely be more rewarding, although depressing.

    If you are considering sending a lecture, forget it. I'm not impressed, nor am a I upset. Frankly, I'm sad that there are so many mean girls still out there at our age. Try to learn a life lesson. If you don't have a conversation useful to initiate, don't bother. Apparently, there are a few who have not bothered to read the introduction to the comments. You can be sure that no more snarky comments will be published.

  9. CG, I do love & appreciate your blog - it's the only beauty blog I read regularly.
    I like to randomly check it, so I don't do subscriptions.
    I am becoming more discriminating re what I purchase, and I rely on your honest
    appraisals to assist me.
    Your decision is understandable, but I will miss your intelligent and thoughtful
    insights on beauty and so much more.

  10. Hi CG! I love your blog and have been following you for years, so I am sad to hear that you will be retiring from it! Actually, I'm appreciative that you even stayed around for so long. You will be missed, but I hope you will find another hobby that will bring you tremendous joy and one where you won't have to deal with such negativity--I never understood all the mean comments. I wonder why people don't realize that bloggers are actually doing us favors by posting reviews and new releases--I certainly can't go out to buy everything nor do I have PR relationships, so why on earth would anyone need to get mad or annoyed at a blogger who is going out of their way to give us this information?

    Anyway, I will be reading up until your last post! :)

  11. CG, I've been reading for years--leaving comments when my life/work permit, but too often my own life is too hectic to engage in the community you built, which I regret, then again such is life. To echo another commenter, I'll be here until the end and think that you will find fulfillment in whatever hobby you decide to dedicate the time you would have otherwise spent on the blog.

  12. Love your work CG. I've been following you for a couple of years and value your reviews.

  13. Thank you, Tashy, Chris, and Anonymous. I appreciate that you know how much work I've put into this little blog.

    It might have been easier if I were sent gratis products for review more frequently...or even press releases. While some very generous companies, like Rouge Bunny Rouge and TATCHA, take great care of me, too many others, for whom I have "sold" countless thousands of dollars of products, like Armani, make it hard for me to even get press releases. I have to call and plead. God bless Tim Quinn. He gives me the emails of the interns du jour. Part of that problem is due to the constant movement of PR people. I used to get Bobbi Brown press releases. Now I can't get a return phone call. It's frustrating and time consuming. There's so much more to writing a blog than just snapping photos and writing. :)

    During this last few horrible months, I haven't even had time to apply for work. The blog always came first. Now you know why I've decided I'm crazy to keep plugging. Today, I didn't write. I had to clean and organize about a half ton of beauty products out of the way of my computer so the FIOS guy can get to it to install FIOS. Verizon has announced that it will no longer maintain POTS (plain old telephone service), and the government is enabling that decision. Grr...

    I may use Twitter to communicate exciting introductions. You can't review in 140 characters, so it's fast. I'm not sure yet. The only thing I'm sure of, and sorry about because of readers like you, is that I have to make a change.

  14. Hi, I've been following your blog for some time, all the way from sunny England and I just wanted to say I'm really sorry you are discontinuing your blog. I look forward to your posts but tbh I for one don't expect you to purchase all the latest kit, I enjoy your previews as much as any review. We all have budgets, some bigger than others but it's our love of all things beauty which brings us together and we your genuine readers understand that. So thank you for taking the time to share your love of beauty with us. One thing I would like to say is that I hope a certain snarky poster (troll)is ashamed of themselves. Their response to comments you made in response to the situation at Nieman Marcus disgusted me. How anyone could object to the totally sincere comments you made about ordinary hard working people losing their livelihoods is beyond my comprehension. I totally got the point you were making and as someone visiting the States next week, I will try to ensure that my custom goes to the right people.

  15. I've just read your rules for commenting and I apologise for my comments about a certain reader and I totally understand you may not wish to post them. I would like to say however that my comments are genuine and that person disgusted me so much that I was tempted to respond at the time. As far as I am concerned your comments were sincere/genuine as it's clear from your blog that you have a rapport with many of the SA's in Nieman Marcus. I fail to see what that person could find so offensive especially in this day and age. You are clearly a decent person who doesn't deserve this. TBH if that's their real attitude then I can't say I'm surprised they complain about how shall I put this, indifferent service, they should just be greatful they don't live in the UK.

  16. Hi Charleston Girl,

    I'm sorry to read your lasts comments in the blog. I, rarely, comment because my english is very poor and I don't want to get very embarassed!
    I want to say that I love your blog because the way you write, your comments about life, etc. it's just not about the make up. Don't get me wrong, I love make up but I can't afford myself spend much money. Thanks to you, now I have a very long list of wishes and perhaps in the future I could try some labels, unknown here, like Thatcha or Clé de Peau, than you have recommended us.
    I've been reading your blog from five or six years ago, I'm subscribed but I also visite it almost every day. I've learnt so much about life in your country, the hard way you have to work, the way you stay involve with your community... Beucause like I've been trying to say, it's about make up but also about making friends around the world. Your blog is not a copy, it's unique because of you and I, like others I suppose, appreciate that. If you decide to continue writing I will continue reading your blog from here like the pasts years although you decide to write about the weather or whatever.
    Few years ago I receive a gift from you, it was a hair conditioner, I expect don't be one of those ungratefuls who doesn't even bother in say Thanks.
    Thanks for everything from Barcelona!!

  17. I absolutely LOVE you! I was so worried about you when you couldn't post very much over various periods this past year. I would check back often to see if you posted an update and I would always pray for you and your mother.

    My son has heart cancer (as well as Type 1 diabetes). It is a very aggressive cancer but we have (thank you God!!!) been able to keep it stable for 2 years now with CONSTANT chemo treatments. I have a host of other horrible things in life that I am dealing with as well. Do you know what I crave when I need a mental break to refresh me: you! :) I love your blog because I think you are wonderful. It would break my heart if I couldn't tap into your maturity, fun, creativity, caring and friendliness anymore. I certainly understand your need to let this hobby go to grow in other areas but, please know, this little place you have created and the lovely women who populate it feel like a safe place for me in a world full of unsafe places. I would miss you all TERRIBLY.

    I do not participate in the comments most of the time because I am exhausted since life sucks but I do love them. As an aside, I also buy much more expensive makeup now because you share such FUN stuff with us. I find it simply delightful and empowering to put on my fancy lipstick or use that super rare highlighter when I go to my son's mostly weekly chemo sessions. (Now, I probably tracked down that baby on the used market and disinfected it like crazy but I learned about it from you!) :)

    I am not sure how I will cope with life without you but I know from your absences this past year it will be very hard! ♡ ♡ ♡


  18. I am so sad to hear of your retirement from blogging, even though I can understand why you would want to. You have created a wonderful community here, and I have always appreciated and love your swatches. I'll keep reading until the end!

  19. Dear CG I have read your blog for years but just started to comment.
    I am sorry to hear you are going to retire but I really understand . It takes a lot of energy, money and time . You will be missed.

    * Oh little pekingese called Coco had a good report from the Vet ... she is in early stage Kidney failure but the Vet was pleased with her tests and although she is 10 years old I hope to have her with me for a few more years.

  20. Oh, no... I am so sorry to hear that BTIB is not going to last long... I understand wishing to cut down products - personally I would still come here even if there weren't any swatches of the latest and greatest...I like your thoughts on beauty and products in general - these seep through your reviews- and the style (poised, polite, witty and enjoyable - a very classy mix!) with which you convey them. There are many beauty blogs out there, but only a handful have a distinct character, a real and lovely person so apparent behind the words and pictures.
    Blogging must be a pleasure, given it is a hobby (albeit a time and money consuming one, I can imagine!), and I get how nasty comments can ruin it... Yet, may I hope you might reconsider retiring from this adventure? I am not a subscriber, but I read you regularly and root for you - in both your 'virtual' and real life endeavors!
    You rock CG, and you give so much pleasure to readers of all ages and backgrounds!!! Thank you for all the time and love you have put into this venue. It is and has always been very appreciated!

  21. CG, like others here, I have been reading your blog for years and enjoy it so much. I don't comment very often but read daily. I will never understand the mean girls either, although they're everywhere :( Your reviews are honest, down to earth and FUN! I will miss you but I understand why you're retiring. If you ever write in other formats please notify your loyal readers! Sending you love and light, S

  22. I've read your blog for years, and purchased many products based on your reviews. I'm so sorry that people have made you feel unappreciated, because you have done a great service in this space. As a person living in Vermont, most of my shopping has to be done online and it has been so helpful to have honest reviews. I wish you the best of luck, and shame on people who persist with bullying tactics.

  23. Hi LadyJicky,

    I'm glad your little love, Coco, got a good report from the vet and I wish you much happiness and love during the remaining years.

  24. Hi Charlestongirl,

    As so many have already mentioned, you will be greatly missed, but we all understand the reasons for your decision and wish you well in all your other endeavors. Unfortunately, the Internet has provided a platform for an overwhelming number of people for whom civility is a complete unknown. The lack of respect for differing points of view, the bullying and the shaming, the sanctimonious PC police, the mean girls, the self-proclaimed gurus, the vulgarity and vitriol, the senseless attacks--in a climate like that, it's no wonder so many hobbyists have abandoned their wonderful blogs. Who needs all those headaches, all that grief? When a hobby is no longer fun or satisfying, it is time to hang it up and that is truly a loss as we're already awash in monetized blogs and havens for trolls.

    You've had a hellacious year, Charlestongirl, and I sincerely hope that as you move forward, you regain a sense of peace, contentment, and ease. Please know that all of us--new readers and old--wish you nothing but the very best.

  25. Stumbled onto your blog today when looking for swatches for Lancome's Gold Mine highlighter. Then I noticed how poised and lovely your profile pic is! I hope to be half as lovely or as graceful in years to come. Thank you for being an inspiration Charlestongirl!

  26. Your blog has been a little ray of sunshine in my life but I have also worried about the time and money you have poured into it with little return. We as the reader have benefited from your high standards and ethics. You have showcased a hell of a lot of Armani product, more than any other blogger around. One would think that any PR working for them with half a brain would automatically send you press samples. Having to continually jump through hoops with these people is to me a deal breaker. So what I really want for you is to do what's best for you.

  27. Like so many others, I've enjoyed your beauty blog so much more than any other. Over the past several years I've discovered some real gems thanks to you. Your integrity is spotless, your comments honest and fair and your photos true all of which earned my trust. I've recognized this was a true labor of love for you with a hefty investment of time and money all the while as you managed complex life events and a paying career. But all good things come at a price and I can appreciate that you're ready to close this particular chapter and embrace something new that hopefully will provide you with much fulfillment. I'll really miss you and this community of commenters- it's like getting together with my girlfriends to chat about beauty tips and this and that. Until the last post though, I'll keep checking in. Be well and stay sweet!

  28. Hi, Charlestongirl,
    I am so sorry to see you go. I've been one of your avid fans, always making sure to read your blog daily, whenever possible. I cannot thank you enough for your reviews of product, most especially the high-end ones. Through your objective and professional reporting, I have learned to be a savvy shopper for things Chanel, or Dior, or even for more mundane things such as shampoos ;-). You will be missed but you must do what is a best for you. Oh, thank you also for sharing stories about Charlie and your other baby kitty (sorry I can't remember his/her name...). I felt for you when your Mom passed away not long ago. I know it is selfish of me to want to keep seeing you write more in your blog, but I sincerely wish you all the Best in your future plans. Let us know if you
    decide to post through other social media, i.e. Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter. Rest assured I will continue to follow you. Take care and God bless!

  29. Hi Eileen !!
    Yes ... very happy with Coco's report !

    Not only will I miss Charleston Girl but I will miss YOU too!
    I know if CG and Eileen likes something --- it must be good ! :)

    Eileen - do you have a blog yourself ?

    This maybe 'cheeky" but .... do you both visit any other beauty blogs .... a nice way to stay in touch :)

    How many huskies do you have Eileen ? You do see them in Australia but they are sort of rare.

  30. I am so sorry that you have had to endure such nasty and vicious comments from the few bad apples that followed your blog. This is not the first time for one of them, as she appears to criticize often. It is a shame that she is pushing the buttons for a long loved blogger who gives her all. I know that a few trolls feel they have the "right" to be mean and nasty but in reality they do not. It is always easier to be like this when you are anonymous to the rest of the readers and maybe perhaps you. I only hope that you may block these people and come back as your beautiful graceful self. I guess what I am trying to say, is please don't let one bad apple spoil it for you and the whole bunch of people who follow you. It is wonderful the way you have blogged about makeup and all the other beauties that we love, but it has also been a pleasure to hear of your life, your love of animals, your pictures of flowers and of course the very difficult sharing of your health and your loss of your mother. I hope to follow you on Twitter but I also hope that you reconsider and not go away from your wonderful blog. Even if you cannot do it all of the time, it is refreshing to hear from you when you can. With that thought is something I have always thought, do what you love, but love what you are doing too. If you go away you will be sadly missed but I will follow you until the end. With only best wishes I hope that you are feeling a little better today!

  31. So sorry to hear you will be retiring the blog! You have exquisite taste and a unique voice and most readers posted interesting and illuminating comments. I just wanted to let you how much I appreciate the work you put into the blog and I sincerely hope you find peace and health after your difficult year.

  32. Hi LadyJicky,

    First, thanks for the complement. No, I don't blog. I have no patience when it comes to the lack of civility and respect that has become rampant in the blogosphere--even amongst some of the bloggers themselves. Just the other day, I unliked a Facebook feed because it had gotten out of control and had become a place where ugly and senseless attacks were tolerated. I guess that is why blogs like BTiB have stood out for me over many years. They are places where people can come to chat about their discoveries in the world of beauty in a friend-to-friend sort of way. It will be greatly missed; especially the Friday Forum where it's always been a delight to read what others have to say even when not related to beauty products :-)

    In this highly competitive age of beauty blogs, getting the attention of PR's has become a herculean task. They are inundated with requests from both legitimate bloggers and the wannabes who are only in it for free products. Consequently, they winnow their contacts down to those bloggers that have huge readerships/followers and ignore all the others. They spend their advertising budgets where they think they'll get the most bang for their buck. That's just basic Advertising 101. I'm sure Charlestongirl could give us an earful about how hard it is to get their attention; much less their products. That forces bloggers like Charlestongirl to spend their own money to fuel our craving for reviews. And, as those of us who purchase department and luxury brands know, that can become very expensive very fast. I'd imagine it really stings when the blogger's efforts to review current products and their generosity (give aways) go unappreciated.

    I read a few blogs on a regular basis and hop-skip-and-jump around several others. One of my favorite daily must reads, though, is The Beauty Look Book. Sabrina is a highly intelligent, articulate, artistic, gracious, humble, and genuinely kind person and her blog reflects all of those qualities. I know we're not supposed to mention specific blogs, but hey! Fangirl, here! LOL Even when she is reviewing brands I'm not interested in, I'm always interested in her superb photography and beautifully written copy.

    Huskies are wonderful dogs. They're very friendly, energetic, adventurous, playful and mischievous ;-) Because they are pack animals, they are more cooperative than obedient, but if they regard you as a member of their pack, a more loyal dog you'll never find. We used to have three huskies but we lost our "big boy" to cancer in August and so now we're down to two. He was almost 15 and so he had had a good long run filled to the brim with love and companionship. None of us have quite recovered from the loss just yet. It takes time and I know that he will always be in our hearts. After his passing, the veterinary clinic that cared for him sent us a hand written letter signed by the entire staff along with a framed copy of "The Rainbow Gate" poem. The clinic is called Caring Hands and that they are. Every step of the way, we were treated with love, gentle care, and respect. But enough of that! I'm becoming maudlin.

    Wow! This was long-winded! I guess you all can tell I don't have anything to do this morning. LOL. Have a great day, everyone.

  33. Hello CharlestonGirl,
    I read your post this morning with a mixture of sadness and gratitude. I am sad that you have experienced anything but kindness and appreciation in your efforts on this lovely and informative blog. However, I am grateful for having found it and getting quite the beauty education. Yours is the only beauty blog I read with regularity and will continue to do so until it is no longer an option. I am in my early 50s and it is so refreshing to see a beauty perspective from someone who is mature and understands the skin and color challenges that a 20-something blogger would not. (LadyJicky - I second your comment to Eileen as I find her comments very informative as well.) I wish you well in finding work/volunteer opportunities/ hobbies in which you feel both fulfilled and appreciated. Thank you for all that you have done for your readers - you will be missed! Peace and best wishes to you!

  34. This is my second ever comment. Apologies for being so long. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate all you have done. With a family medical situation, beauty blogs have been a refuge for me, specifically intelligently written blogs where the blogger made a genuine emotional investment in her blog.
    I myself made a recent decision to disengage from something I've done on a volunteer basis for personal reasons. In our society, it can be so hard for women to walk away from something. Too many times, it seems like women are pressured to ignore our own needs. So, while I'll miss you and your blog, I'm so pleased for you that you're showing your strength (because that's what it takes) by doing what you think is best for yourself. I think you exemplify how a woman getting older can mean achieving the elegance and sophistication that one was still figuring out in previous stages of growth. Something I love about beauty for women is that it often reveals what we like about ourselves, eye shadow for big eyes, lipstick for a nice mouth. So, I think your exit is in keeping with how you expressed your beauty on your blog: you have the grace and good sense to like yourself and your life enough to take care of yourself. Thanks again, SC

  35. I really appreciate all the comments and will respond soon. I had another day from hell. Verizon stood me up, so I lost a half day. Then as I tried to catch up, nothing went according to plan. ARGH!

  36. Thank you so much for all the effort you have poured into your blog over the years. I've rarely commented, but have always enjoyed your opinions about products as well as updates on your garden, the bald eagles you shared with us and so much more. Selfishly, I'll miss your blog as well as the (mostly) kindly-written comments of other readers, but I sincerely hope this affords you more time to pursue other projects you're passionate about. Thank you for introducing me to Chantecaille (and others) and I'll continue to read until your final good-bye.

  37. Dear Charleston Girl, very sorry to see you go......but onwards and upwards! Keep enjoying beautiful makeup and pampering beauty.....I had a renaissance in loving makeup and luxury skin cosmetics as I came into my sixties after a few hippy au naturel decades; it was sparked a lot by my perfumemania and finding other maniacs like me on the interwebs about ten years ago....and seeing so many women across the world loving the fun and self expression of it. To me there is great art in perfume, beauty, and fashion. And we do it because we love ourselves and have good self esteem. I still get the urge to add to my huge lip collection and have a cart full of Tom Fords Lips and Boys at David Jones in Sydney right now! I love the strange Stavros and those funky colours still suit me! Craving a couple of Victoria Beckham's for Lauder, I adore and admire her.....And if Daphne Guinness can sport punk hair, so can I!!! I have loved your genteel spirit and really high quality writing. Hope you pop up on Facebook still! The greatest of best wishes for the future from the Australian farm girl...Marion McP.

  38. I am deeply saddened but completely understand your decision to leave your blog behind. I have enjoyed and learned so very much from your blog. Your blog is one of the most elegant and educated of all the ones I follow. You will be greatly missed by me. I look forward to your last posts and wish you the most wonderful of lives.


I love comments, but please do not insert hyperlinks or direct references to your or any other Web site. Those will be deleted. The comment feature is not intended to provide an advertising venue for another blog or your commercial site. Additionally, off-topic comments will be deleted at my discretion. I will NOT publish comments critical of me or other readers. I don't write this blog to argue, but rather to come together to enjoy our shared love of beauty products.

I am moderating comments. If there is a delay in publishing, please forgive the delay and know that I will get to comments and publish those germane to the feature where they are left.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.