
Friday, October 28, 2016

The Friday Forum - October 28

The earliest trees are starting to change into their fall wardrobes here. There is a lone maple near my house that's glorious. I wish I could have stopped my car to get a photo, but I was afraid some looney tune would hit me. So, let's settle for this beauty.

I am afraid I'm getting this feature published too late for my Friday feed. I spent the entire day running errands, including providing all the required information to be bid on a job by some old Fannie Mae colleagues. It's not a great job, but it could be an entry point to a new company. Besides that, I'm not working now, so some dollars are better than no dollars.

I have so much to tell you, and no time. I purchased one online exclusives from Chanel, and they are very nice! I promise to try to catch up over the next week. Every day in the last two weeks has been a medical challenge. I had my epidural yesterday, my visit with the ENT Tuesday (my CT was clear - hard to believe because my face hurts every day), and next week I have an annual physical on Monday and a trip to the neurologist Tuesday to find out why my daily migraines are back. I feel like a hypochondriac.

I wanted to keep my promise to continue the Friday Forum, so here it is. I hope you have more time to write than I do. The Friday Forum has always been an opportunity to share information. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Tell us about it! Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Tell us why! Do you have questions others might be able to answer? We can help! Want to talk about skin care? I'm game. Just use the comments. We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. I hope to see you in the comments.

Photo courtesy of Flickr (photographer not identified)


  1. A neurologist may be clued into the latest meds or treatment for migrane. You might want to ask him/her whether a magnesium infusion might help.

    Have seen on instagram that the Chanel glossimers are to be discontinued and will be replaced in Feb next year with Rouge Coco Gloss.

  2. Oh CG .... I do hope you can get some rest on the weekend plus I hope the doctors can find out your migraine and face problems too. Its the "not knowing" that is just so hard and makes you depressed and feeling like a hypochondriac !!

    I have been waiting for the new release of the Lancome L'Absolu lipsticks and I have finally bought one in the colour 07 Rose Nocturne.
    I was disappointed... the colour was nice but the formula on my lips - gone in a hour !!
    No - was not eating or drinking either!
    So ... if tempted I would suggest to try first and see how long they last before paying A$52 for it! Sadly - we cannot take makeup back here :(

  3. I hope and pray that the epidural provided even a little bit of relief. I am so sorry to hear that your sinus pain is not getting better. Daily migraines - I have them as well - are just excruciating. I don't have any advice, but just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and I am sending you gentle, healing energy. Constant, chronic pain can *feel* like "hypochondria," but we know that you are suffering. I'm hoping that you can feel even a few moments of relief each day... and know that people who haven't even met you care about you and appreciate the sunshine that you bring to our days. Thank you for your online presence, I find your lovely posts uplifting and delightful. To continue to post while in such pain is a testament to your character. Wishing you the very best!!

  4. LadyJickey, I'll rest. I have no choice. I feel anemic.

    Too bad about the Lancôme lipstick! I pretty much stopped stopped buying the brand a few years ago. I can't give you a concrete reason. I used to be such a fan! Then it "went ordinary" to my eyes. I still stroll by the counter occasionally, but keep going. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Try Armani. That lipstick stays on.

  5. Rachael, your note made me cry. Thank you for your kindness. I'll keep you up to date on all my doctor consultations in case they help you and others. I didn't even mention that I have something like a cracked rib or enlarged spleen. I sure hope it's just a cracked rib. I'm sitting here with a heating pad on it. It came on me suddenly about two weeks ago. I wonder if it happened when I fell over a box I had dragged into the hall from the doorstep. Nice Williams Sonoma box of beautiful copper. Was it worth an injury? Not at the moment. :)

  6. Frances, the last time I went to her, she put me on an old antidepressant known to prevent migraines. It worked, but it dried my mouth out so badly, I couldn't take it for more than a few months. Now I'm being encouraged to try Botox. I'm not keen on having Botox injected all over my head, but I'll do it if there are no better alternatives.

    The Chanel news is interesting. I'm going to call my local AE today! I must know more. Thanks!

  7. I'm sure many of you are now aware of Sephora's VIBRouge 20% off sale Nov. 4 - 7. The catalogues and discount cards went out in the mail this past week. Sorry, I haven't a clue as to when VIBs will be able to participate but I'm sure more information will soon be available. I'm glad Sephora has stuck to keeping the sale scaled down to a more reasonable and manageable special event. I remember when Sephora first opened their F&F sale up to the public several years ago and it resulted in a veritable greed inspired feeding-frenzy and unending criticism. And then there came the cries of outrage and overblown entitlement as Sephora attempted to regain control by cutting back! Poor Sephora! Damned if they do; damned if they don't. Persinally, I'm appreciative that they have a special sale for loyal customers. It's a great opportunity to restock and try new things. I don't go overboard, though, and usually just pick up some holiday gifts and re-stock some of my essentials like my Jack Black products, brush heads for my Clarisonic, etc. Occasionally, though, I'll pick up a fun treat just for me :-)

    Hi Lady Jicky,

    I don't know what has happened to Lancôme. I used to have quite a bit of it in my stash, but no longer. I've never been able to wear the foundation because I couldn't get a good "fit", but now I don't bother with any of it. The pigments just look like they're sitting on the surface of my skin and the lipsticks dry my lips out as they quickly fade away. It's such a shame, because Lancôme has come out with some beautiful looking palettes and collections the past few years. I'm sure there are women who love the brand, but it is no longer on my radar--at least until they improve their formulations. I'm still loving Shiseido's Rouge Rouge and YSL's Rouge Pur. Those two formulas are like a moisture bath for my lips and the satin finish and colors are fresh and modern. And, although I'm not a fan of matte lips, I do want to try one of Armani's new "magnets". From what I've seen, they have a subtle sheen and don't look flat.

    Hi Charlestongirl,

    When I went through menopause (23 years ago), my once a month migraine pattern morphed into daily debilitating migraine pain. That started me on a three year journey that had me trying just about every prophylactic class of drug/treatment in the book: nortriptyline, topiramate, namenda, magnesium infusions, Botox, bio-feedback, and acupuncture. I had an MRI, was referred to the headache clinic, and was assigned a pain management specialist. Except for the bio-feedback and acupuncture, the side effects we're cumulative and horrific even though the doctor always started me on the lowest dose and was careful to wean me from one medication before trying me on another. Long story short: Those three plus years were hell and I was determined to let my mind and body return to normal. I finally discovered a book for us so-called "failed headache patients" called "Heal Your Headache, The 1-2-3 Program" by David Bucholz MD. His explanation of the anatomy of a migraine and his discussion of various treatment and pain management options is current and sound, but where he really excels is in his approach towards identifying and then controlling personal triggers. Since doing that, I average about 9-10 days of migraine pain a month (which is better than the very best I was ever able to achieve with meds), my migraines are not as intense, and they are shorter in duration. Yes, I'll occasionally go off the rails and have a terrible month when there are just too many triggers that are beyond my control, but most months I can manage the migraines and soldier on.

    Happy weekend, everyone, and Happy Halloween!

  8. I ordered two devices for home care, the first is the Nuface Trinity with the ele device, and second the BeautyScience Glo Pro tool
    The Nuface is microcurrent and since I get regular microcurrent facials thought I'd give it a try for maintenance
    The Glo Pro tool is a micro needling product it's sold at Neimans and Bergdorf so thought I'd give it a try
    I had a micro needling procedure at my salon and serums really penetrate after but I couldn't bear adding another series so will try this at home device
    Will let you know how it all works
    CG hope you get well soon !
    Kris in Seattle

  9. Kris, please let us know how they work! I'm really curious.

  10. Eileen, I went 10 years after the big M without migraines. Then they started again. I'm going to try the Botox. Medicare does not cover acupuncture, and my one visit cost me $125.

    I went to the ER today for my chest wall pain. X-ray showed no cracked ribs, so I either have chest wall bruising or maybe even an ulcer. My
    GI visit is not for a month.

    I totally agree on Lancôme. What's sad is that they seemed to become the drugstore version of Armani. Loyd and I both noticed it. Now, I see nothing on their counter that interests me. I used to use several of their products. Remember my story of the eye shadow that made my eyelids peel? Patch test showed it was Lancôme. Not worth the risk.

  11. Eileen, I'm sorry to hear about your migraine history. CG, my sympathies to you as well. I hope you are able to find relief, like Eileen has managed to do, even though it's not total relief.

    I was very migraines went away after menopause. I may have one or two a year now, so virtually nothing.

  12. Has any doctor thought or suggested your FACE PAIN could be Trigeminal Neuralgia? Often one side of your face hurts so badly you can barely exist, along with a migraine type headache? Dentists are often sought out thinking it's tooth related. After several Dental-teeth procedures the pain still persists. It's a part of a set of 7 nerves in your brain that is branches out into our faces. That nerve is not lying flat like it supposed to be. It wiggles around in your brain and causes the FACE pain. It happens mostly to middle aged females for no known reason. Rarely an accident can cause it too. It's often called the 'suicide' disease it's so painful. Migraine headaches are part of it. If you have intermittent facial pain for no known reason after; brushing your teeth, chewing food, a cool breeze, laughing, and talking the pain comes on. It's sometimes intermittent and other times just stays for 5 minutes and then the pain goes away until the next episode explodes for no known reason. Look it up on BING and see if some of your symptoms match up to diagnosis of 'Trigeminal Neuralgia'. Given your age and facial pain along with migraine headaches all match up to this little known hard-to-diagnosis pain.(non medical person here, but when a middle aged woman mentions facial pain, my antenna goes up).

  13. Trud, I'll ask the neurologist about it this week. Thanks!

  14. Yikes! I hope the doctors can sort out what's going on and come up with a helpful plan. It's frustrating to see people struggle to get help (my mom has chronic pain and it seems like the doctors say just live with it). Always a push to get thorough medical care. On a more cheerful note, I'm just planning out what I'd like to buy during the Sephora sale. Some refills for me from Korres, gifts, maybe a new perfume. I have plenty of stuff, I only want to buy what I will use, not the latest greatest thing. I haven't bought anything from Lancome either, it's been a long while. Nothing has really grabbed my attention except for La Vie est Belle which I enjoy. Ah well! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and Happy Halloween!

  15. Charleston Girl, Your kind and supportive words truly touched my heart. Thank you very much. I cannot imagine how painful it must be for you to breathe. I'm so glad that you don't have a cracked rib... but how frustrating to not know what exactly is causing the pain! Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on your doctor consultations - it is very thoughtful and generous of you to do so. It absolutely helps me learn from others on how to manage pain and what treatments may or may not be beneficial.

    Botox doesn't seem to help my migraines, but I have heard many, many success stories. Hoping and wishing and sending good energy that you may find relief and comfort very, very quickly.

    Trud McD - wow, I had never heard of Trigeminal Neuralgia. This brought tears to my eyes - the symptoms sound so "spot-on" for what I experience. What a revelation to know that this is "a thing." Will ask my neurologist about this also. Thank you for sharing this!!!

  16. Hi Eileen ...... I am with you and CG about the Lancome.... I was just hoping this new formula and lipstick design would be a change for the better and it will turn it all around - Plus - they have that makeup artist Lisa Eldridge that is heading it ... but ... what a flop!!
    Still loving the Shiseido's Rouge Rouge and I will check out the YSL Rouge Pur. Not sure if that new Armani is here Eileen.

    I know this is Friday Forum so here I go ..... whats happened to Isabella Rossellini .. she was to come back as a "face" once again !!!
    They did those "cushions" foundation and blushers but that is not going to save them!

    Will check out Armani CG and I wanted to add..... If you do not like that Neuro .. go to another until you get some answers!Sending healing and positive vibes to you.

  17. My sympathies to you CG for all you're undergoing lately on the medical front. I'm aware of Botox being used to prevent migraines but know little else about the therapy. I sincerely hope it will bring you the relief you're seeking and send a big bundle of wellness wishes your way. I have to second LadyJicky in her advice to seek a second opinion if your neurologist doesn't seem to get to the root of the issue. In the face of all you're going through, thanks for your discipline in continuing to bring us the Friday Forum and other posts. I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn from you and this community of readers. I've never heard of Trigeminal Neuralgia either and will share this with one of my coworkers who's been unable to sleep due to severe facial pain and is at her wits end!

    It's been a donkey's age since I've purchased any Lancôme products. Come to think of it, the only things I used were their mascaras and Bi Facil. I feel the same about the eponymous Estée Lauder line - those brands just lost their shine for me. Kris, I'm curious to hear about your experience with NuFace Trinity. I bought one this summer but haven't been disciplined about using it. I'm a little concerned that it might create small broken blood vessels on my face and that wouldn't be good! I'd love to hear from anyone who has mild to moderate roseacea who uses this device. I don't have the ELE attachment but might think about getting it during Sephoras sale

  18. Oh CG, first I love reading your posts. They are always so honest. I too am (was) a sufferer of migraines and the big "M". A neurologist in the Northern Va area put me on Amitriptyline 50mg at bedtime, Vitamin B2, and Magnesium. He also told me to watch the barometric pressure as this is often a cause for migraines and take 1 Sudafed at the onset. When I do get a migraine (very rare now), I take Relpax. I think I have tried every drug out there and the Relpax is my fix. My migraines have gone from lasting 2-3 days to maybe 2-4 hours! Hope this helps.

  19. Hi Lady Jicky,

    I've also been waiting for Isabella Rossellini to make her Lancôme comeback ever since reading an interview with her that was in "The Cut" this past spring. Supposedly they offered, and she accepted, a contract. We shall see. She's an incredibly busy woman so perhaps it's a matter of timing and developing the right campaign. In the interview she talked about her Lancôme history, about changes in the beauty industry, and about why she thinks women wear makeup. When she said that she wears lipstick and perfume every day on her farm, even when it's only her and the chickens, I wanted to give her a big kiss :-)

    Isabella brought up an interesting point. When she started with Lancôme, all the execs were men and they thought of makeup as only a tool for seduction. Hence, the focus was on youthful sexiness in product development and in advertising. Now that many execs are women (mature women, at that), there is a much broader understanding of the reasons why women wear makeup---beauty, certainly, but also to have fun, as a means of self-expression, as a way to look polished and poised, etc. A myriad of reasons go far beyond the old notion that makeup is only worn to seduce a man.

    We also have the baby boomers to thank for the shift in attitude. Boomers are sending a loud and clear message that they want to have fun expressing themselves with makeup, they want to look vibrant and modern, and, yes, they want to look beautiful---and they have the money to spend on it! Last week I stopped by the Guerlain counter. There was a lady there who was probably in her 80's and she was having her makeup done. The kind and charming MA kept up a lively banter with her while he applied products and gave her tips about how best to use things. When he finished, she gave him a radiant smile and said, "I want everything you used. Wrap it up." That lady dropped over a thousand dollars without a moment's hesitation because she felt beautiful and happy. How many teenagers and twenty somethings can do that? Moral to the story: Just because we have aged, we haven't lost our femininity or our desire to look our best (even if just for the chickens! lol) There's a lot of money to be made by capitalizing on that simple fact.

  20. Anonymous, it was Amitriptyline that took away my headaches, but dried my mouth out to the max. When I stopped taking it, I went months without headaches, but then they returned. It is a very old antidepressant, known to prevent migraines. My family physician called it a nasty drug. I'm sure you know that dry mouth is really bad for your teeth.

    I'm sorry I'm turning this blog into Medical Central. I hope sharing medical care info will help someone else. Did I tell y'all that I went to the ER Saturday? I've had something like rib pain for two weeks. I started to think I had cracked ribs. The x-ray showed no cracks, but the doc diagnosed a bruised chest wall! That's one that was new to me. I know I've got GI problems, but I can't see a specialist for a month. Anyhow, I'm wearing lidocaine patches. Why is my whole body going south after Mom died?

  21. Eileen, I didn't see that. I read WWD, but seldom read the monthly mags, like Vogue. I stopped my subscription because I could read it at the hair stylist. I only subscribe to Bazaar now from the set of monthlies...oh and Allure, even though I think it has declined in quality since they fired Linda Wells.

  22. One more thing...Amen to the interest from boomers in beauty products! Why can't industry executives get it? We want high-quality products that enhance our looks. We have more money to spend than the kids.

  23. I actually have tried a Lancome product fairly recently and had frustration with it, Teint Idole Ultra Longwear Foundation Stick. I got it to use as a concealer for a birthmark between my eyebrows. The color and coverage for it was actually decent. Having super dry, dehydrated skin, I realized that it would be too dry for me when winter came and gave it to my mother who has less dry skin. That's not my frustration with it. My frustration comes from its packaging design. The stick is designed so that it doesn't fully retract into the metal tubing. The top portion of the stick remains out and you have to carefully put the cap on so you don't get product all over the inside of the cap. Just try putting the cap back on without mess during a morning rush. I have since switched over to Make-Up Atelier's fluid concealer--still working out my application technique with it, but none of the packaging problems and good color. Anyway, I don't get how Lancome could ask for over forty dollars for something with the packaging flaw of a Wet'n'Wild lipstick. I could forgive Wet'n'Wild for that flaw, but not Lancome with its Lancome prices. Plus, it seemed like the top of the stick was oxidizing faster than the rest from being exposed to more air. On a side note, I've dealt with tension headaches from TMJ my whole adult life. So, my experience doesn't help you, but it makes me very sympathetic to your situation. Isn't it interesting how you can pretty much go into any group of women and find severe headache sufferers? SC

  24. Hi Charlestongirl,

    Speaking of Linda Wells, that interview with Isabella Rossellini was written by her :-)

  25. Hi Nan,

    Several years ago I used a NuFace device (at full power) and never had any problems with it aggregating my mild rosacea or with it damaging facial capillaries. NuFace was effective and did slightly lift my brow and jawline, but the issue I had with it was the amount of time that needed to be dedicated to it for what was a very subtle result. After weeks of using it daily, I was able to get on a schedule of 4-5 times a week, but it's not a short procedure and I just didn't have the time for it. Also, the NuFace does not produce permanent or long lasting results. If you don't use it frequently enough or if you stop for a week or so, you will lose all the transient benefits. It is a great little gadget, but it requires dedication to sustain results. When my NuFace eventually died, I didn't bother replacing it. BTW, you don't need to use the NuFace brand of conductivity gel which is vastly over priced. You can purchase conductivity gel that is appropriate for use on the face on Amazon for a fraction of the cost. If you use NuFace as intended, you are going to go through a whole lot of gel!

    Instead of NuFace, a few years ago I started getting Ematrix treatments at the dermatologist. Initially I had a course of three treatments with a month between each one. Since then, I have one treatement about every 10 months and use a FaceFX device 1-2 times a week for maintenance. I really like the FaceFX because it actually stimulates collagen production which results in a better "lift". I also like that I don't need gel or any special prep other than a clean face. I give myself the 20 minute treatment while watching TV in the evening and I actually find it relaxing.

  26. I actually just caved and bought the Audacity in London eye shadow palette from Lancome - the first one Lisa Eldridge designed from the ground up. (According to her Facebook page, anyway.) It is the first time in several years I have bought anything from Lancome but my beloved Bifacil. I have been incredibly impressed. It does have four shades that are basically a glitter bomb (though, surprisingly, do not seem to have a ton of fall out), but the rest are just gorgeous with fantastic texture and blendability. I even found the grey shadows, which tend to give me a sort of dead-eyed look to be wearable.

    I am hopeful Lisa's continued collaboration with the brand will result in more fabulous products and will certainly be looking closely at anything she develops with them after the experience with the palette.

  27. I actually just caved and bought the Audacity in London eye shadow palette from Lancome - the first one Lisa Eldridge designed from the ground up. (According to her Facebook page, anyway.) It is the first time in several years I have bought anything from Lancome but my beloved Bifacil. I have been incredibly impressed. It does have four shades that are basically a glitter bomb (though, surprisingly, do not seem to have a ton of fall out), but the rest are just gorgeous with fantastic texture and blendability. I even found the grey shadows, which tend to give me a sort of dead-eyed look to be wearable.

    I am hopeful Lisa's continued collaboration with the brand will result in more fabulous products and will certainly be looking closely at anything she develops with them after the experience with the palette.

  28. OMG ... they sacked Linda Wells !!!
    In Australia we might ... I repeat .. MIGHT .. get Allure in our newsagents.
    Ladies ... I have to say ... when I read blogs and You tube in my country (Australia) I have a real "hate" with my age (6o's) ... the young ones today think everything should just fall in their laps but we did not have that but you cannot tell them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. I read with interest all medical reports. CG, maybe you can also havemthe chiropractor look, especially since you have had an injury.

    I am enkoying the Olay ProX set of treatment, I think they are nice and very well priced too. The real test is in the long term so keeping a close watch on tone, wrinkles and brightness...

  30. Oh ..... sorry ... I meant the young ones do not like the "old rich ladies" - not me as I mistakenly wrote ...... I am 60 and what they call a "old rich (nuh - not rich ) lady! LOL

    I really dislike it when people say a perfume is "old lady" or "only rich old women can buy this make or that" Rrrrr

    You will be old one day too...... its just that we got there first! LOL

    Hope you are feeling a touch better today CG !
