
Friday, October 7, 2016

The Friday Forum - October 7

This has been the week from hell. I shouldn't complain. The folks in Florida are endangered, and the only big problems I have are a sinus infection, Verizon, and getting my 2015 income tax numbers to my accountant, an annual issue for me because my monthly recordkeeping is useless.

Last week, I went to an ENT specialist, who did a sinus culture. Then Monday morning, I awakened to a jaw that would not close on the left side. Very painful! By Tuesday, it was not better, so I called my oral surgeon, and God bless that man, he got me in that afternoon and did a 180 X-ray. That picture showed nothing terribly abnormal with my jaw, but very "fuzzy" sinuses. It was worse on the right side, which may explain why I've been having right-sided headaches, which I attributed to migraines.

Yesterday, the ENT's nurse called me to tell me my sinuses were "just fine." I told her about the X-ray and asked that they consult with my oral surgeon. Obviously, he set them straight because the next thing I knew I was on an antiobiotic and a steroid, with instructions to go get a CT scan in 10 days. So much for "fine." Thank God my oral surgeon, one of the best, sweetest docs I have ever had, took care of me.

You probably know that sinus infections can make you very fatigued. I've been having trouble accomplishing everything I had to do this week to plan for Mom's "burial" and the following luncheon reception on the 15th. Plus I tried to look for a new job in the few moments I had left. Unfortunately, I, the procrastinator, had to get all my tax numbers to the accountant for 2015, due in a week. THAT was an ordeal.I am almost finished, but because I had refinanced that year, I had to go through some extra effort to get my home mortgage interest paid amounts. Because I had refinanced, those companies had not sent me year-end statements. I "think" I have almost everything I need for my accountant (who gets frustrated with me every year for my procrastination).

Wednesday, when Verizon was supposed to appear between 8:00 am and noon to install FIOS, they were a no-show. Long story short, I am rescheduled for October 17, but I have spent almost eight hours on the phone with their representatives while they tried to get their act together. What fun! I had to go to Best Buy to purchase a wireless "bungle" so that Verizon would not have to string coax cable two floors up to my computer. I got it yesterday, and while I was over at Tysons Corner, I stopped in quickly to Neiman Marcus. I got a picture with my phone of the new Clé de Peau Autumn/Winter Collection. It's shown at the top of this feature. Two palettes are for the lips, and one is for eyes. Pretty! Too bad I can't buy it. Those beautiful cases cost extra, so the total cost of the collection far exceeds my current "budget." Actually, as you know, my makeup budget has been cut to the bone until I can find a new consulting job. Even then, I have decided to cut back. I did allow myself to purchase the new Tom Ford Shimmer Shot, which literally just arrived. I'll play with it later.

I want to tell you how appreciative I was of all of your kind comments on the Chanel feature. You are a wonderful group of women, and I'm not going to let a few snarks (or even unintentional snarky comments) ruin my memories of our seven years together. It is disheartening to me to give up this blog before year-end, but I realize I have to do it.

You wouldn't believe an "other" message (from people who aren't friends) I received on Facebook from a certifiable sociopath. I read parts of it before I deleted it. I was astounded that anyone would send such an ugly message. I guess she's an ugly woman, but my Ph.D. in psychology told me to ignore her. You can't let sociopaths upset your life. Actually, one part of it was a laugh. She accused me of writing this blog to get attention because I'm old and ugly. Had that been the case, I would have stopped seven years ago [smile].

So, that's the quick synopsis of my week. I had gorgeous new Rouge Bunny Rouge makeup to show you, but I couldn't ever get enough sunshine for photos that satisfied me. There's always next week. By then, the taxes will be under control.

I could ramble on, but I won't. It's time for the Friday Forum. The Friday Forum has always been an opportunity to share information. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Tell us about it! Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Tell us why! Do you have questions others might be able to answer? We can help! Want to talk about skin care? I'm game. Just use the comments. We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. I hope to see you in the comments.

Photo by Best Things in Beauty


  1. Paperwork for taxes, Verizon, a Facebook sociopath, and a sinus infection, I feel for you. I used to get sinus infections every year. My whole family gives ENTs and allergists robust business. The following I write because, living in Alabama, I can't make you a vat of hot tea. If you're forced to take a break from applying warm compresses to your aching face and leave the house, consider getting some cheap-o Village Naturals Aches, Pains, & Muscle bath stuff for soothing steam baths (oddly enough, the stuff labelled "cold and sinus" not as soothing). Bath and Unwind sells travel size 3-packs of Olverum for under twenty bucks, but it takes about a month to get here from England. So, if you have a suspicion that you may later encounter sinus pain, tension/stress, or trouble sleeping in late fall, you might want to consider ordering Olverum. Hope you feel better soon, SC.

  2. What??? Did you announce you were closing the blog and I missed it?? And what's all this about snark? What is people's *problem*?? :-(

  3. I too am sorry to hear your blog is ending- it's the only one I actually subscribe to. You've introduced me to brands and products I would have never tried before and taught me a lot. But I completely understand. Best wishes and good luck, I'll be reading until the end!

  4. No, no , no you can't give up your blog 😢 Please don't give it up as there are so many of us who enjoy reading it.

  5. I am so sad about all the bad stuff happening especially regarding the blog
    Sending you hugs and hope you get better soon
    Kris in Seattle

  6. Alex, yes, I did. Read the comments in the Chanel Holiday feature.

  7. Hi CharlestonGirl! I roared when I read your comment about taxes; I STILL have to get my numbers in and thought I was the only one who sat on this. Too funny! I'm so sorry to hear you have had such a challenging week. Please take care of your health first - everything else can wait. Enjoy some herbal tea and please try to have a restful weekend.


  8. A PhD in Psychology? I find that so cool, probably because all my siblings have a psych degree, but none have gone on to get a PhD. Plus, a PhD in anything is such a huge accomplishment academically. :)

    I just bought my Guerlain holiday Meteorites, and I love them. I think I love the presentation more than the actual product, but that's okay--at least I use mine. I'm at the point where I only buy the meteorites that I think are stunning visually and won't make me look tan, since I'm fair and think I look funny with a little color. I'm tempted by the eyeshadows in the Dior holiday collection, but I rarely find their eyeshadows pigmented enough for my tastes. The sequin design is just stunning, so I might cave and buy at least one palette. And of course, MAC Spellbinder eyeshadows have me very intrigued; a pigment that isn't messy to use? Count me in!

    I'm going to Japan in less than two weeks, so I'm trying to be very conservative of my budget. I think I went nuts last year and bought everything that came out, which is atypical of me, since I don't like clutter; my collection grew ten fold in one year, and I ended up having to purge because I didn't have room for more makeup. LOL! It's been tough, though, because I'm a sucker for packaging and for all things sparkly and pretty. Japan is going to be an exercise in restraint, especially since this is the first time I'll be able to see brands like Suqqu, Addiction, etc. in person! I sure hope I stick to my budget!!

  9. I just found your blog -- I was looking for a review of Le Metier de Beaute eye serum -- and I can't believe I am finding you just as you are planning to stop writing! You are fabulous, and I hope very much that you change your mind. In the meantime, I look forward to reading all of your past posts and reviews.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a horrible week and also sorry to hear that you are giving up the blog, Charlestongirl. I've never commented very often but I have always relied on your expertise in high end makeup and you are no doubt responsible for my love for Chanel makeup. I've been seeing some of the holiday collections being posted here and there. So far Dior looks like they will be getting some of my hard earned money. I returned to work yesterday after my son's wedding last Saturday. I now have a wonderful daughter in law and am walking on cloud nine!

  11. It's not about beauty, but about life. Please don't give up in this blog. We don't need to hear about the latest makeup daily. Remember what Dr, Phil says to people on his show who waste his time. "You just wasted 15 minutes of my life I can't get back." Ignore those nasty comments people say. Because they cannot be fulfilled, the like to drag people down to their level. Fill your life with positive energy. We are all components of energy. Don't give your precious time to those negative people. Life is short and fleeting. Be well. As I told you, my mother pass away 7 months ago, I could not have the spirit to do what you do and plug on. You are an inspiration.

  12. Hi CG:
    Thanks for putting up those posts about Victoria Beckham for Estee Lauder.(I haven't had the chance to go to Saks to check out the line though) I am sorry to hear that you are putting an end to your blog fairly soon, but I understand the reality that you really need to concentrate on working and paying your bills so that you can survive. It is very unfortunate that people from the Baby Boomer generation may never be able to stop working simply because we can't afford to do so. I have great respect for your postings, and that the things that you have posted are items that are of good quality and generally wearable for most people, and not chasing after willow-o-wisp trends.Thanks. Will miss your blog.

  13. Hi CG -

    Thank you for this wonderful blog - I will miss it and you. But I'm proud of you for doing what is right for you!

    I have had sinus infections my whole life due to my allergies. i hand so many environmental allergies that my allergist told me I should live on a rock my the water. I'm in my 40s now and had a terrible sinus infection earlier this year that had me off work for two months. I have been using a neti pot every day for the last 10 years and, while that has helped, I still have had to take three different allergy meds every day all year long. I saw a different ENT in the spring and he prescribed that I add one nebulae of Pulmicort to my neti pot and that I do so 2x a day. This has changed my life. For the first time that I can remember, I have days with no pain in my sinuses. I didn't even realize that I had constant pain because it had always been there. And I've been able to reduce my other meds as well.

    I've been loving the Chanel lipstick from the Rouge No. 1 collection, Rouge Allure Velvet Rouge Feu - such a fabulous color for fall.

    It is Thanksgiving weekend here and we had a huge dump of snow yesterday topped off with freezing rain - tons of car accidents. Snow will continue through the weekend - good timing for comfort food and staying warm and cozy inside! Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!!

  14. Oh no! Sometimes I wonder how humanity survive, the kind of people there are in the world. And just as I was lamenting the demise of the early rank of bloggers.

    I wish you well in everything CG, and many, many happy makeup moments!

  15. CG, I had to go back and read about your decision. Let me say that, like so many others, I will miss you! Your comments were always totally genuine and beautifully written. I do understand why you will be ending...a few of your readers somehow have a sense of you being out there to bend to their wishes. So strange!

    I have, at times, worried about you feeling obligated to spend so much of your hard-earned money in order to review countless items. You should be able to buy just what you want to use.

    I too will continue to read until the bitter end. Nothing but good wishes from me to you in your future endeavors!


  16. I have enjoyed the blog. I will miss it

  17. I think that Dr. Phil's bit of wisdom about not letting people waste our time with toxic comments was spot on. Of course, he wasn't talking about the person who needs to vent occasionally. We've all been in that position at various times in life and are appreciative of the patient person who lets us unload. Rather, he was talking about the energy vampires who, in satisfying their insatiable need for attention and importance, suck the very life out of the people around them. Add to that the old saying that some people measure their superiority by the inferiority of their associates, and you have a recipe for internet trolls. Those pathetic souls never feel fulfilled unless they are antagonizing or denigrating the people with whom they come in contact. When dealing with people like that, we need to literally and figuratively hit delete and move on.

    Onward to beauty! I received my holiday Météorites and adore them. As many of you already know, I've been collecting LE Météorites ever since they were first released years and years ago. If they're a combination that I know I'll enjoy wearing, I pour out about a third of the product into another container for my personal use and then carefully store the rest in my curio cabinet where it remains in pristine condition. But, back to Holiday! I love this year's Météorites swept across my cheekbones and décolletage where they add warmth and glow. The only other item I purchased from Guerlain was the Rouge G. Although I recently bought a number of new lipsticks, I always have room for a new Rouge G which is my favorite formula :-) I just wish Guerlain would release a new set of Rouge G colors. It's been awhile since they've done that.

    As for the other holiday offerings, in truth, I haven't been blown away yet by anything that I've seen. I'm still holding out for Tom Ford's Winter Soleil which is a well-edited, complete set of color products with enough sparkle and shine to proclaim "Happy holidays!" When I saw all the promos awhile back, I was completely taken with the two gorgeous palettes--one cool and the other warm--and now that switches are beginning to emerge, I can hardly wait to see them for myself. I must admit, I like the concept of a seasonal collection that has a clear color story and point of view and Tom Ford has really delivered this year.

    Now to a cheap-o item that has become my new BFF :-) I'm really liking Chapstick Total Hydration 3 in 1 Lip Care. We're in the midst of hot, arid conditions and it seems to do a good job of hydrating my lips as well as protecting them. And, as we all know, it is that dose of hydration that makes our lips look and feel smooth and soft. Like any slick balm, it requires a lot of touch up, but that's a small price to pay for the conditioning effect on my lips.

    I hope you all have a restful, relaxing weekend with enough time to do something fun and restorative. Happy weekend, everyone.

  18. Nooo! I love your blog.

  19. Arghhh another great blog will go silent, this is really sad to hear Charlestongirl but I understand your reasoning and feelings. I only have a little Instagram account and I randomly post things I like whether it's beauty or just about Brooklyn but I can see how trying to keep up with reader or company demands would overwhelm and suck the joy out of something that should be fun, a hobby. Then deal with rudeness on top of it? Nope. Remember when blogs were for fun (Gaia was talking about this recently)? I was and still am happy for any post from my favorite bloggers. I will definitely miss your written beauty treats.

    I don't have exciting beauty purchases lately although I did buy a new MAC lipstick today from the liptensity(?) release. I really loved the color Claretcast. I also had bought one of the highlighters from the Star Trek collection because, well, I'm a Trekkie and that's that. lol I'll have to plan out any purchases for the rest of the year because the budget is tight for me as well. Let's hope 2017 will be better year for all of us.

  20. Sorry to hear your blog is ending. Like others in comments I tried new brands based on your edits/discerning taste. Will miss you filtering down to the amazing products that make cosmetics a fun luxury. Perhaps a monthly update on the best of the best? In any case, take care. You have to do what's best for you 💋.

  21. I shall miss you blog💋-but read it until the last.....

  22. Count me as another who will really miss your blog, CG. As Kirsten suggested above, maybe a monthly post? Or, I think we all enjoy the Friday Forum. Maybe you could try just doing that for a few weeks and see how it goes? Whatever the case, I wish you the best in the future.

    @Eileen, I will really miss your comments. I feel you have a wealth of knowledge to share and I will be the poorer for not getting the chance to hear your thoughts and opinions. Thanks for the Chapstick Total Hydration 3 in 1 Lip Care tip. My lips are always dry plus I get especially chapped at the corners of my mouth. I have at least twenty lip balms in the house and none of them really help. I'll give the Total Hydration one a try.


  23. Charleston Girl - I hope this week is a much better one for you and your troubles of last week are in the rear view mirror. For those who've been following the news on Hurricane Matthew, he certainly wreaked havoc in Florida and the Carolinas this weekend. I feel blessed that my home and the surrounding area are relatively free of damage, but not so for those on or east of the I-95 corridor. Even here in Wake County, plenty of trees are down, flooding in low areas and power is still out for many, but these are inconveniences from which we'll recover quickly. I have family members living on Hilton Head who had to evacuate last Tuesday and are still unable to return home. I hope all of you who may live along the southeast coast are okay...

    Love the idea of an intermittent post on anything - antiques, kitties, wildlife, beauty, whatever... but I understand and support you in whatever direction you choose to pursue.

    Eileen and BookGirl, I'm with you on the Chapstick Total Hydration 3 in 1. I bought it for my husband, but like it well enough to get one myself. I think the main ingredient is coconut oil which is certainly moisturizing but if you're looking for a waxy balm to seal your lips this isn't the one. It doesn't irritate my lips and I'm not getting the "peelies" but I'll disclose that I also use a DIY coconut oil brown sugar lip scrub as needed. Anyway, it's a nice lip balm and a bargain I can afford to stock up.

  24. Thank you BookGirl,

    I'll miss all of you wonderful ladies as well. As for the 3 in 1, for just a couple bucks at Target, it's well worth a try. It has a lot of slip and so I'm reapplying frequently, but it's been doing a great job of keeping my lips feeling soft and subtle during the dry Santa Ana conditions we've been experiencing--better than my more expensive balms! I hope it works for you.

  25. So sorry, sinus infections are exhausting and horrible. I used to get them 4-5x a year for a few years and it was awful. Hope your week gets better!!!

  26. Never Enough Nails, I thought I was getting better on drugs until tonight. Now I'm draining excessively again. Maybe the steroids broke loose some of the muck in my sinuses? I had to sit up in bed, so I'm on the blog at 11:30 pm. I should be sleeping like Bengal boy next to me.

  27. Eileen, the new Météorites are exquisite. Everyone should buy them!


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