I'm looking forward to today. I'm headed over to Saks to pick up the new Giorgio Armani Beauty holiday colors. Loyd called me around 6:00 pm to tell me they had arrived. I can't wait to show them to you!
I had had a bit of a meltdown just an hour earlier when I realized that my Armani online order had never arrived. I called customer service once I realized that I hadn't received an order confirmation or shipping notice in e-mail. I went into the hold queue, where I stayed for 30 minutes! No one ever came on the line. Speakerphones make it easy to hold, so I waited. At 15 minutes, I e-mailed a contact and asked if anyone was home. It was getting crazy that I was still waiting, but I had looked forward to receiving that box. I wanted to know where it was. Then I e-mailed customer service (lower case, you'll note) while I was still on the phone. I did bail out after 30 minutes, frustrated and wondering if I would ever see my new goodies. Note to self: restart my business of helping other companies manage theirs. I tweeted my frustration (now deleted).
Anyhow, right after all hope was lost, I heard from my contact and customer service. Customer service - the ones who couldn't pick up the phone - sent me a tracking number. I suspect it was only because I complained to a nice gal with power. How many days would someone without a contact have waited for a response? The automated response form says two.
As all of that was happening, our wonderful friend Loyd called to tell me the items had arrived in the store. I'll be seeing him mid-morning, so I should have some photos to show you later today. I love Loyd. His timely call helped me lower my makeup anxiety to normal levels. Isn't it funny how makeup can be so emotional? Maybe that's the true test of consumer lunacy.
On another front, the handyman came and fixed the porch screen, so Charlie got to go back "out" to enjoy the weather (and hunt for any mice who may have seen his absence as a license to make a cozy winter nest). Thanks to those who inquired about Savannah. She's fine. Cats (and dogs) with epilepsy usually recover from a seizure and go on with life as if nothing had happened. We all lost a little sleep, but I made up for that last night [big grin after getting eight hours of sleep].
My thanks again to Iris Moreau, who contributed this week's Top 10 for fall feature. She was a doll to offer. Now my task will be to talk her into contributing on a regular basis. I enjoyed her recommendations and lively write-up.
It's time for The Friday Forum. We use the forum to share information and chat. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By Monday, most readers have moved on.
We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. Last week, we had a great exchange. I loved it anyhow. I'm always happy if even one reader stops by. Leave a comment, and say hello - even if you don't want to comment on beauty products. As I always do, I'll leave news of some great beauty offers (great, not just good) in the comments of this post. If you want to know where to find nice gifts with purchase, free shipping, and other deals this weekend, make sure to check the comments.
Thanks for reading Best Things in Beauty! Got anything you want to talk about? Tell us about your pets if beauty isn't on your mind.
Photo courtesy of freepictures
Ok, I have a new product line I learned about this week at work that I am eager to try for several reasons! It is the Natura Bisse NB Ceutical Tolerance Recovery Line - PARABEN FREE and designed for sensitive, fragile, cuperose skin like mine (and several of my customers). NB•CEUTICAL COLLECTION by NATURA BISSÉ is a pro-tolerance and an intensive recovery solution. The line contains protective and recuperative products to help the skin increase its tolerance to internal and external elements and enhance recovery when affected. NB•CEUTICAL products are allergen-free and paraben-free. The AE for Natura Bisse, Inga Oris, told us that this line is perfect for the person who has extremely sensitive skin, rosacea, or has had a peel or other procedure done. The line features a cleanser, toner, an Intensive Tolerance Booster Serum, Tolerance Recovery Cream, and, an SPF 50 Sunscreen, called Luminous Shield. How does it work? Well, it offers a solution to one of the main contributors of skin aging- Inflammation. Inflammation occurs on the visible surface and at the internal, cellular level. When this happens on the cellular level it is a low-grade inflammation that you can’t see and you can’t feel. This unidentifiable cause of aging is common in most everyone. When inflammation takes place at the cellular level it activates the skin’s defense mechanism which accelerates the aging process. The result is degrading of the skin’s surface causing wrinkles, dryness, sagginess and an overall lack of luminosity. This line purports to counteract this process from happening, while also reinforcing and protecting the skin’s natural barrier. It instantly soothes and moisturizes damaged tissue with its complex of 30 ingredients, including complex peptides, red algae,beta glucans and Fermentus Glaciarum Extract - which accelerates the production of type 3 collagen. It stops the destruction of collagen and elastin which yields collagen production creating an anti-wrinkle/gravity effect. ANYWAY, for more information, visit your Natura Bisse Counter, available at Neiman Marcus, and talk to product specialist Denise Thomas, who will be happy to give BTiB readers samples of this new line, or at the Natura Bisse website US at http://shop.naturabisse.com/_catalog/NB_CEUTICAL.
I'm just happy that there is a paraben-free line for me to offer my customers! And, I await Charlestongirl's evaluation of this line, but I know she has so much to do and see running up to the holidays, I thought I'd give her a hand in the Friday Forum! ;)
My goodness, Miss Brahms, that's product passion!
I used to use a Natura Bisse glycolic acid exfoliator, and I loved it. Since you have access to these fab new products, I will be expecting samples, along with the readers. Be careful what you offer. :)
Oh! Poor Charlestongirl! You've had quite a time of it lately. Being a successful business woman yourself, it must drive you crazy when you encounter inexcusable oversights (Sephora twice) and shoddy customer service (Armani). Add to that the more important pet drama that has been shaking things up, and it's a wonder you didn't sleep for 18 hours; not just 8. Hopefully, that cycle is over and you can get back to business as usual: relishing lots of warm kitty love, playing with new beauty goodies, and enjoying that gorgeous maple display. It's amazing the amount of comfort and peace we can derive from nature and the companionship of the furrier members of our families.
Sephora 20% Off VIB Event:
Any VIB who hasn't received the shopping passes, here are the details: There is one 20% discount card for you and a friend the evening of Nov. 11 6-9 PM. That's when they'll be having a holiday kickoff event. The other card is a multiple use 20% VIB discount card which can be used anytime Nov. 11-15 in stores or online. The online code is VIB20.
Charlestongirl, I can hardly wait to see your Armani goodies. Did you get items from the new gold collection? I was at the Armani counter yesterday to get a fresh bottle of my holiday staple, Fluid Sheer #2, and completely forgot to ask about it. I will definitely have to make a return trip, though, as I'm a real sucker for holiday gold and I'm intrigued by the description of the new eyeshadows.
Have a wonderful restful and restorative weekend and have fun with all your new goodies :-)
Hope you're all having a great day! I just received my "Armani Mediterranean Palette" in time to put it on before going to work...and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! The colors are stunning. Thanks so much for an exquisite giveaway.
I'm always interested in your Armani buys. I can't wait to see what treasures you've uncovered for us.
I'm really surprised at Armani's poor customer service! On hold fo 30 minutes outrageous! Can't wait to see your post about the new eyeshadow colors. I'm really curious about them. I'm getting a DERMAL QUENCH facial on the 11th, and will probably go to the NM event on the 10th. I'll look for you!
By the way, Nordstrom Mascara Madness starts tomorrow at some stores. Buy 2 of the same brand and line, get 1 free. I got my YSL in pre-sale.
I got the Armani photos before we had a serious emergency with my Mom this afternoon. She may have had a stroke. I was at hospital until now. Not ignoring all of you, but have to sleep a few hours before I head back to hospital. My sister is with Mom now.
Oh my goodness Charleston Girl, I am so very sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Thank you, Cara. That's so sweet, and she could use those prayers.
Oh Charlestongirl, there are no words to express how sorry we are for the terrible ordeal you, your sister, and your mom are facing. Being there for your mom is all that matters. God bless you all and know that our prayers and positive thoughts are ever with you.
Oh Charleston Girl - I'm so sorry to hear about your mother! Please, take whatever time you need for yourself & your family.
My prayers are with you!
I'm so sorry to hear that your mother is gravely ill, Charlestongirl. I will keep her, you, and your family in my prayers. Please update us on her progress.
Thank you, Eileen, Angela, and Ava,
Mom is doing well (see comments in roundup). I am so relieved - and exhausted. Am headed back over to hospital now. Came home to do "real work" on a weekend project for a few minutes.
BTW, Ava, can't wait to see you next week!
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