Congratulations to Roshana!

"With tiny flecks of gold, peach, and a hint of rose swirled in, this powder gives skin a Bali (not Broadway) glow and won't muddy fair complexions," makeup artist Nick Barose told InStyle. I'd say that's a great description.
I hear #02 is the most popular shade because it's universally flattering. Courtesy of a friend in the industry, I have one to give away. I think that's pretty exciting. Let's have fun with this giveaway contest. You might want to tell us why you want/need this bronzer in the comments. I want it "just because" is a perfectly acceptable reason. I have the I-wants all the time.
How can you enter to win? Here's the "fine print."
There are a few simple steps. First, all you really have to do is leave a comment on this feature. After you comment here, feel free to send me an e-mail at and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing an e-mail address you care about on a blog, so feel free to follow this step (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment).
You can earn extra entries. Follow this blog (through an e-mail subscription or though one of the many Google readers - see sidebar at right) to earn a second entry. You don't have to follow to enter. I want everyone to have a chance, but I also want to reward my followers.
You can earn a third entry by tweeting this contest. Just make sure to include "@BTiBeauty" (without the quotes) in your tweet. I will tweet the contest this evening, and you can simply retweet it to earn that second entry. Only one tweet will be counted as an entry. I appreciate multiple tweets, but it's not necessary.
The deadline for entries will be Saturday, July 30, at midnight. The next day, I will use a random number generator ( to select the winner. I will e-mail the winner on Sunday. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to my message and provide a shipping address. After 48 hours, the prize will be forfeited, and another winner will be selected. Make sure to check your e-mail - and look in your spam folder - when the contest ends.
This contest is open to anyone anywhere. Here are the terms. I will carefully pack and ship the prize (as I always do). I cannot insure the prize for overseas shipment - it's amazingly expensive to do so because of the way I have to send insured mail. If it's lost or stolen in transit, I won't be able to replace it with another. I'll do my best on this end; let's see if your mail services do right by you on the other end if we have an overseas winner.
Good luck!
Photo courtesy of Sephora
Oh this looks so pretty,I've never tried the Guerlain bronzers....thanks for the great giveaway! I follow via GFC as LMC1971. Best,Lisa
I always wanted to try this bronzer, but could never justify the price!
I love Guerlain products, what a nice giveaway.
I'm going to Hawaii at the end of August, and I could use this bronzer to keep me from seeming too pale and haole to the locals!
I also follow on Google Reader.
i <3 guerlain! xx
Because I'm being such a good girl and keeping my face very protected from the sun!
Liilie dot McPherson at gmail dot com
oooh beautiful... believe it or not I was just today thinking about getting a nice powder bronzer for our holiday in France. I have a gel bronzer and a multiple one so far and I use both of them a lot but I'm sure a Guerlain one would quickly become a favourite too! Thanks for the giveaway.
schnurrjohanna (at) hotmail (dot) com
following via that address
wow, that is gorgeous. What a lovely contest. This would be quite fun to use. Have a lovely weekend!
guerlain is one of my favs ever. it smells so nice, just the old times.
Love this powder!
god....I love Guerlain :)
I've never tried Guerlain products before. Would love to have this one!
aznhanavira at
I love Guerlain! And I would love to win this bronzer :)
Great giveaway!
Love Guerlain
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
following on twitter
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com!/AnnaKul/status/95247781773586432
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
I can't wait to try GT bronzing powder...I wish I could have all shades available:)
looks lovely!
my email is kooky-tina at hotmail dot co dot uk
and i follow u via gfc ; tina:) and email
thankyou xx
Guerlain bronzers are the standard by which all others are measured. Thank you for the chance to own one.
happypulitzer at hotmail dot com
I've been afraid to try bronzers because I was afraid of turning out to look like a blonde version of Snooki, but this sounds really nice. Thank you! crystesmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
I have heard wonderful things about this product and would absolutely love to have it. I love Guerlain!!!
I generally don't use bronzers because I have very fair skin and really don't know exactly how to use it. I wish one of the bloggers, (hint, hint) would either do a video or a write up as to exactly how to apply a bronzer especially for those with fair skin without looking like a tangerine.
Another great giveaway from one of my favorite bloggers.
Good luck to all and thank you for the opportunity to possibly win such a beautiful giveaway.
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
I follow your blog via email (kleimanlaw at aol dot com), twitter (@DianeLori), Google (username is Dlori)
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
I follow you on Twitter, posted this contest on my twitter page, @DianeLori, and the link is as follows:
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
Wow, thank you so much for posting this give-away. I never win anything, but I should put myself in the running in any case. Thanks again!
I happen to have recently checked this bronzer out at my local Sephora store. I seem to like shade 01 and shade 02. I have read great reviews on how natural this bronzer looks on your skin without leaving any stike or orange look. I would love to finaly try it.
following via the above address and following via tweeter as well. I have just tweeted this giveaway
Believe it or not I have NEVER tried a bronzer! I sure have been tempted after reading all of your recent posts about the great ones out there this summer. I am very fair and I guess afraid that I won't know how to apply it to make it look like a natural glow! This one sounds like it would be foolproof!
I receive your blog through email and look forward to reading everyday!
I follow your blog daily...Love it !!!
I have never tried any products from this maker but I would love this to be my first.....
Guerlain does bronzer better than anyone in the game. I missed out on a vacation this summer and missed my summer tan time as well :(
elenaargyros at gmail dot com
Your giveaways never fail to make me jump!
So my 'because' is: because I never tried a Guerlain bronzer before despite their fame!
goldenbat666 [at] hotmail [dot] com
I heard Guerlain has the BEST bronzer in the market and would love to give it a go. thanks
thank you for hosting this awesome contest! I also follow you through GFC as colormenani.
colormenani at gmail dot com
I'd love to win, this bronzer is gorgeous! I'm currently following you on twitter (@jaleey) & google reader! :)
I've always wondered what made this so special (and have never lived near a Guerlain counter), but maybe the axiom is true: "The first is always the best and all the rest are just imitators!"
valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com
I follow you through email, GFC, Twitter.
valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com
Rt'd the contest using your tweet button (@mamavalveeta03)
I love anything Guerlain !!!
My e mail id is
swathinarumanchi at gmail dot com
I also retweeted the contest using retweet button
I also subscribe via e mail
Thanks !
And my twitter id is @CatyStaarz !!!
GREAT giveaway! Love your blog!
scleary1201 at yahoo dot com
I'm having biopsies on two spots on my face this week and really need to start "faking" that tan!
the bronzer i have isnt right for my skintone but i have to keep some bronze in my life!
i also follow via google reader
erica_kempf at yahoo dot com
What a perfect summer giveaway!!! An interesting fact - one of these Guerlain bronzers is sold every minute all over the world - in this shade! Guerlain epitomizes Parisian chic, according to a training I attended by the company. No other cosmetic company has so much success with a bronzer line. Good luck to the winner!
Great giveaway! :) Thank you!
I follow via google reader, and I follow you on twitter (@sitkunora) and I retweeted zhis contest!
sitkunora at gmail dot com
Guerlain products are so lovely....
email subscriber ....stigre3(atyahoodotcom)
You write amazing reviews and I enjoy reading your blog everyday! I have always wanted a Guerlain bronzer and this one looks beautiful.
Guerlain is a brand of luxury and style.I would love to try this bronzer and give my rather pale complexion a nice lift.Thank-You for the this giveaway .
Wow, what a giveaway. Thanks.
myemail: kydchiuatyahoodotcom
Great giveaway! I've been wanting to try Guerlain's bronzers!
You know I follow you EVERYWHERE ;-)
Perilously Pale
PerilouslPale (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweeted as well ;-)
Thank you!!
nadia_leonova at hotmail dot com
I love this Bronzing Powder-Terracotta by Guerlain because this powder is perfect for the summer and for me skin.
Thank you for this opportunity because in my country no existe this products
Thank you
I follow you also on twitter @sorana1965
I tweet about this giveway,here:!/sorana1965/status/95524618865090560
Thank you
I have always wanted to try this. Thanks!
sophiav1225 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for yet another giveaway! I'd love to try this bronzer because, well, I've never believed that bronzers did much for women of color. But if you say it's universally flattering, I defer to your superior knowledge and taste :).
Hi! I've never owned a Guerlain product, and I'm currently looking for a good bronzer. Fate? Maybe! :) Thanks for this opportunity!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I subscribe to your RSS via Google Reader.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I tweeted!!/hybroanglid/status/95553807513174016
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
one can never have too many Guerlain products... I find that I love their bronzers and kohl eyeliners and liquid liners and lipsticks and eyeshadows alike. Almost as much as I love Chanel. And that is not good for the pocketbook. So thank you for the giveaway!
love this!
holliister at gmail dot com
i follow your blog via google reader.
holliister at gmail dot com
i follow you via twitter& tweeted:
holliister at gmail dot com
I am a recent Guerlain convert but I've yet to try the original Terracotta! Thank you for the lovely giveaway <3 I'll send you a message with my e-mail address!
I follow you on twitter.
I have yet to try any Guerlain bronzers and heard many wonderful things about it.
Thanks for doing this giveaway!
surgam [at] live [dot] com
Here's the address for my retweet of your giveaway!!/BTiBeauty/status/95500656890232833
in love with all Guerlain! what an awesome giveaway - thanks so much! :-)
regina dot heineman at gmail dot com
That bronzer looks so pretty! Awesome giveaway! :)
wow thank you so much for this opportunity to try this cult favorite bronzer out! I always wanted to try it...but couldn't afford to! I actually never tried any guerlain before!
Amazing giveaway! Love it!!!
I follow you via RSS cybelle . wicca @ gmail . com and via twitter @CybelleWicca also I tweeted!/CybelleWicca/status/95665310480351232
I want this bronzer because I always love to wear bronzer, after reading your reviews about this products i really want to try it and I have not own any Guerlain products before..Thank you for this great giveaway! :)
I want this bronzer because I always love to wear bronzer, after reading you reviews about this products I really want to try it out plus i have not owned any Guerlain products before so I am so excited for this giveaway...Thank you for this great giveaway!
aww, i would love to win this so much. thanks for the chance
aww, amazing prize. would love to win that. thanks for the chance
I adore the powder!
Thank you for the chance!
Following your blog by e-mail!
Following you on Twitter and tweeted:!/oksana2372/status/95794017933082624
I am already your follower via gfc as Marina D.
I retweeted as Isollea:!/BTiBeauty/status/95244384680943618
I would love this, I am pale from protecting my skin from the sun...this would give me some nice color.
Oh wow! I would LOVE to try this! I'm so pale, I need this! :)
I am a blog follower! ( through rSS and e mail!)
I always wanted to try this bronzer, but could not afford it!
I follow you -gfc:Anamarija T,
Thank you for another amazing giveaway! I have never had the pleasure of using a Guerlain product. It would be such a treat!
amberehrlich at gmail dot com
I also retweeted a couple of days ago. Cheers!
This is such a great giveaway! I've always wanted to try this bronzer ever since a friend applied it on my cheeks.
i want the bronzer because:
i don't have a nice one yet
i love guerlain
i don't like to bake myself in the sun but like a sun kissed look :-)
looving ur blog!!
rizzbabe (at) abwesend (dot) de
Always wanted to try Guerlain bronzers!
Follow via email as: k dot n dot huntsman at gmail dot com
Retweeted by @knh86
I've wanted to try this bronzer for such a long time, but I could never justify the cost. What a lovely giveaway!
kittylitter1 at gmail dot com
I have always wanted to try this bronzer!
I have been wanting to try this bronzer forever but it is expensive THANK YOU:)!!! mslamani(at)hotmail(dot)com
I follow you via gfc emmybear411 THANK YOU:)!!!
I tweeted:!/emmybear411/status/96748950173913088
I'd love to try it!
Please, enter me :)
alelale at live dot com
I subscribed to your posts on my Google Reader
alelale at live dot com
alelale at live dot com
Thanks for having this giveaway!
flowing with grace at gmail dot com
Followed on GFC with the same email & retweeted on twitter (!/allaboutgloss)
I would love to try this bronzer.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
I follow you via email.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
winit6 at hotmail dot com
wow!!! would love to try this as i am so pale!!
I would love to try this because my skin is quite pale and i want to have that natural looking tan
Follower - GFC Name : Bachuchay
Tweeted :!/iambachuchay/status/97199015829061632
I luv Guerlain products too! I, as well, have wanted to try this product but it's pricey so have passed, hence a very generous giveaway. U know what i also love by Guerlain? Terracotta Cooling Bronzing Mist, but again pricey.
here is my tweet:!/abbeautycall/status/97316049208344576
I hope i'm not blind but I don't see your "followers" tab to follow via google friend connect.
I've never tried a Guerlain bronzer, although I promise myself I will every time a new one comes out. This would be a great opportunity to try one!
Of course, I follow you by email and on Twitter, and I'm off to tweet this contest right now.
Thanks for offering such a great gift!
Ooh, I'd like to enter, please! I am the fairest of the fair, and I use a bronzer year-round in combination with well-placed blush. It makes a huge difference, and sometimes, it's all the make-up I'll wear (in addition to concealer). I've never tried Guerlain Terracotta, and would absolutely love to! Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
Thank you for the give away- I love Guerlain, but never tried their bronzers :)
this is too funny. I am already subscribed to your emails via my gmail which I will email you
I would love to try this bronzer because I never tried this brand. Besides, I could use a great natural looking bronzer. I buy too many mistakes in that department!
Email Subscriber! Hope you're having a great summer Charlestongirl!
Such a great giveaway! I'd love to try this bronzer. :)
I'm a follower via GFC as Maria P and you can contact me at clickandflashh @
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