This was a milestone week for me. I drove myself for the first time since my surgery! I had gone off the heavy-duty pain killer, and I figured it was OK, so I drove to my appointment with the surgeon on Wednesday. Do you think I might have been able to get a parking place somewhere in the garage close to the entrance? Nope. By the time I hobbled into his office, I was exhausted. Getting out was the same. The next day, I drove myself to therapy - and got a better parking spot. So, at least I was "fresh" when I started my torture. Next week, I have to start going to physical therapy three times/week, rather than two.
This has also been an exciting week for beauty at my house! With the arrival of my Chantecaille Sea Turtle Palette; lots of Sephora deliveries, which I haven't had time to show you; and my super sales associate bringing me the latest things from Neiman Marcus, I have been a happy gal. It's amazing what a lift the beauty-filled week gave me - especially after being "threatened" with another procedure if I can't fully straighten my knee when I see my surgeon again in a month.
What's new in your life? It's time for The Friday Forum. We use the forum to share information and chat. Did you find any deals you couldn't resist this week? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By Monday, most readers have moved on.
We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. I'm always happy if even one reader stops by. Leave a comment, and say hello - even if you don't want to comment on beauty products. If I am notified of any great beauty offers (great, not just good) over the weekend, I will leave word in the comments of this post.
Don't forget that the Smashbox Masquerade Creamy Cheek Color & Brush giveaway contest ends tomorrow night. Make sure to enter. You know what Lady Luck says, "If you don't play, you can't win!"
Thanks for reading Best Things in Beauty! Got anything you want to talk about?
Photo courtesy of Jimmy's mother
Well, congratulations on driving again! Step-by-step, you're regaining independence and I can only imagine how hard you've been working at it. Knee surgery? Piece of cake. Recovery from knee surgery? Not so much. You have no idea how much we admire your positive outlook, humor, and the joie de vivre that comes across in your blog. Best Things in Beauty? That would be you, Charlestongirl!
I did go back for the Disco Silver and am so glad you gave me the nudge. I've actually been using all three of shadows more than I thought I would because it is so easy to control the color and amount of sparkle. And, as much as I love Armani, with my coloring, I prefer Disco Gold and Disco Silver because the color is not antiqued or slightly tarnished as it was in the two Armani iterations.
I also picked up Clinique Cream Shaper for Eyes in a color called Egyptian. It is a blackened khaki green with just a bit of gold micro shimmer. Hazel, moss green, or amber eyed beauties--this pencil was meant for you! It looks incredible with Edward Bess' Intimate on the lid and a bit of Dusk in the crease.
Dior's relationship with Sephora certainly is interesting. My sister-in-law, who is a counter manager for Dior, is always lamenting the exclusives Sephora gets and the fact that Sephora often gets things before they arrive in the department stores. Those beautiful lipsticks you got are a good example. I'll definitely have to go take a look at those since I love sheer formulations. I'm not bothered by reapplying. I think the look and feel of sheer, balm like formulations is outstanding and well worth the sacrifice of a bit of wear time.
How I wish I could send you all some of our beautiful California warmth and sunshine, but since I can't, let me wish you all the warmth of good friends and loved ones. Happy weekend everyone!
Hi Eileen, and thanks. I can't claim to have been upbeat the whole time. There were times when I thought I was crazy to do this!
I like the new Lancome colors too. I also have a problem with the Armani shadows stinging my eyelids. I haven't worn the Lancome ones enough yet to know if they will have the same effect. I think it's the red dye in them.
I LOVE Egyptian - what a fabulous shade. I am a pushover for those khakis.
With Dior being in so many doors, I don't really understand the relationship with Sephora. Oh well!
I feel the sunshine through the Net - thank you! We snowland gals can't wait to join you California gals with spring! Hope you have a great weekend.
Gosh, it's already Saturday here in Colorado, but I wanted to throw out a comment regarding the new and exclusive Beauty is Life brand at Barney's(NYC). I love most of the lip colors and have ordered several items, but have not heard it mentioned in any of the blogs - - how can that be??!! Anyway, I hope I'll be pleasantly surprised in a week or so - - nice to find something new!
And the photo of Jimmy - - too sweet! - - very trusting to help him discover the finer things in life at such close range!!
Last but not least - - good to hear of your progress. Keep up the good work! Hugs - -
Hi Leigh!
You were up late! I was lying in bed, totally exhausted, but sleepless because of my pills. We could have chatted!
Thanks for the continuing good wishes - you too, Eileen - I find all of you inspiring. There have been times when I have wondered if I could possibly sit to long enough to write a feature. I'm sure it showed. All of you have been so supportive! You gave me the energy.
I will have to find out more about Beauty is Life. I have tried to stay away from Barneys. My NM bill is way too high, and I have some pretty hefty co-pay bills to deal with.
I will have to ask if Jimmy's prop is old. I think it's a good knock-off. Charlie would have knocked it over by now. I nearly died the day he shattered a Steuben candlestick.
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