I want to spread the joy I had when I first tried Sunrise, so I've decided to hold a quick giveaway contest to reward one lucky reader with her own Sunrise. How can you enter to win this contest (technically a sweepstakes)? Just leave a comment on this feature (not in another BTiB post). After you comment here, feel free to send me an e-mail at bestthingsinbeautycontests@gmail.com (the contest address, not my "personal" e-mail) and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing an e-mail address you care about on a blog, so feel free to follow this step (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment). Please make sure I have your e-mail. If I can't notify you, you can't win - even if your number is drawn.
You can earn a third entry by tweeting this contest. You must include "@BTiBeauty" (without the quotes) and the contest title in your tweet. Remember, tweet the contest title - if you don't, that entry won't count. I will tweet the contest this evening, and you can simply retweet it to earn that second entry - if that's easier.
The deadline for entries will be Sunday, March 11, at 5:00 pm (Eastern Time). That doesn't leave you much time to enter, so do it now! Sunday night, I will use a random number generator (random.org) to select the winner. I will e-mail the winner on Sunday morning. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to my message and provide a shipping address. After 48 hours, the prize will be forfeited, and another winner will be selected. Make sure to check your e-mail - and look in your spam folder - when the contest ends.
This contest is open to anyone anywhere. Here are the terms. I will carefully pack and ship the prize (as I always do). I cannot insure the prize for overseas shipment - it's amazingly expensive to do so because of the way I have to send insured mail. If it's lost or stolen in transit, I may not be able to replace it with another prize just like it. I'll do my best on this end; let's see if your mail service does right by you on the other end if we have an overseas winner.
For all the legalese related to this contest, please see the Contests/Sweepstakes page at the top of the blog. Good luck!
Photo at top courtesy of Chantecaille; swatch photo by Best Things in Beauty
I want this. Badly. productdoctor at gmail dot com
so pretty! :)
xyoulovekarlene at gmail dot com
gfc follower xyoulovekarlene
xyoulovekarlene at gmail dot com
Oh my Goodness! I would love to win this beautiful color!
tjbladl at charter dot net
I tried this on an *almost* walked away with it. I've been thinking about it ever since! I follow on GFC and my gmail is cuteandmundane
I'm totally smitten with Sunrise too! It is just the kind of shade I was looking for.
email: jmay1223 at gmail dot com
I follow you through an email subscription and bloglovin
Thanks for another great giveaway.
What a pretty color.
Wow,such a pretty color!
gfc: arra
twitter: @nakedarra
twitted: https://twitter.com/#!/NakedArra/status/177913698025873409
Such a lovely shade!
hah116 at vt dot edu
I follow through google reader
Ooh, so pretty! Would love to add this lovely to my growing collection of Lip Chics! Thank you for this opportunity :)
I follow via GFC and RSS.
aewong7 at gmail dot com
What a beauty!!
So beautiful! I follow on GFC as The Blossom Shed, email is theblossomshed at gmail dot com, thanks!
Just bought the Coral Reefs palette this week (my first Chantecaille palette and the colors are oh-so-beautiful)--this matches perfectly!
aesthesia at gmail dot com
I follow via email subscription.
I want this so badly!! Its beautiful!
mbhs (at) att (dot) net
I also retweeted the contest as fgirl77. Thanks!
i need this color.
tmkmurphy at yahoo dot com
I looooove the lip chic from Chantecaille, and this coraly peachy one is calling me. Thanks for the giveaway!
marmotaluna at gmail dot com
I usually stay away from corals, but I tried this on at Neiman's, I fell deeply in love!
I want this :D
inexmariano at gmail dot com
This is so pretty! Thanks for the great giveaway! lfior0022 at gmail dot com
I follow you on Google Reader! lfior0022 at gmail dot com
Tweeted! Twitter user: lfior0022
lfior0022 at gmail dot com
i don't know who i love more right now- the lippie or you for your incredible generosity ( wink wink)
i'm loving the corals this spring but this one looks especially beautiful. your swatches are gorgeous! jsu218 at gmail dot com
These are so beautiful! So excited...
katemcallaster at gmail dot com
I follow on bloglovin' under katie mcallaster and I will retweet under the same name :-)
I love this! I was planning on buying it, but winning would be better!
gostkowski (dot) m (at) gmail (dot) com
I also follow by email.
such a beautiful lipstick. I would love this one so much! I am an email subscriber.
Fabulous giveaway!!! mlle.epatant@gmail.com
Email subscriber and just tweeted! :)
GFC Bebe
Bloglovin Bebe Lee
Email bebe03 (at) live (dot) com (dot) sg
Tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/pllee88/status/177963563699286016
email subbie
GFC: Sarah Crawford
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/sarahcrawford14/status/177967768094781440
I've never purchased anything from Chantecaille until today.. The sales associate applied the concealer under my eyes and I was sold.
This is such a gorgeous lip color I think I have to keep an eye out for Chantecaille products from now on
Love this lipstick! I have several colors and ALMOST ordered this from NM, but took it out of my cart prior to checking out!
This is my entry - I don't tweet!
I waaaant! please count me in, loved your review!
miriam dot nussbaum at gmail
miriam dot nussbaum at gmail
gfc follower with this id
That is a beautiful color!!
Thanks so much for all your lovely reviews!
Darn it!
I forgot my address--
sunnlittlane at yahoo dot com
chantecaille makes the best lip sticks!
hi hun.. i love the shade here.. so stunning!!!
gfc: rhaindrop
email: rescueta@gmail.com
Really liking the colour.. I wish I get it =)
GFC: Nida Moughal
Twitter: @glittersmitter5
email subbscriber: moughalnida at gmail dot com
fingers crossed!
again I am in:)
ozgecon at gmaildotcom
I love this color!!!
I follow on GFC as Olga and my email is olgaliki77 at gmail dot com.
Looks wonderful, pls enter me. Alica - alica at cleis dot net. Thx
I really adore Chantecaille Lip Chics. Thanks for the contest!
aylin dot ozey at gmail dot com
I am dying to try this lip shic! It looks so pretty!
I follow you through email subscription!
Happy friday CG....I wish we had Chantecaille in Mexico, but we dont!!! so I decided to enter on your giveaway...Can not wait to try their foundations, eyeshadows and this beautiful lipstick...
I would love to win this product.
jeana at unitsix dot com
I've never owned any Chantecaille, and this lipstick looks gorgeous! Fingers crossed! Thanks for the giveaway.
Love love love this one....just bought the guerlain sun in the city illuminator too,after seeing swatches here ! Love your blog ! Keep up the good work :-))
Happy Friday! I've never tried Chantecaille but I must get myself to my local counter :))
I follow via GFC as lisa_carbone. I also follow on Twitter @LitteMama71 and have retweeted this giveaway here:
Thanks, Lisa
I would ADORE this!!! Been wanting to try a lip chic forever!!
I would so love to win this! I think the color would be perfect for me and I've always wanted to try the Chantecaille brand!
julie dot luhtala at gmail dot com
ah, and just when I was lusting after the lip chic colors this past weekend.
thank you for being so generous and setting up the contest, as always!
A beautiful lip color! Thanks for the contest.
I follow you on Google reader and email subscription.
kdtisdale14 at gmail dot com
Thanks so much for this giveaway! :)
vandango33 at gmail dot com
I'm following on GFC-Elisabeth G
vandango33 at gmail dot com
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/?lang=en&logged_out=1#!/egood33/status/178190628922990593
vandango33 at gmail dot com
I would love to win! hleepuchalla at gmail dot com
Oh how I would love this!
fivelsgirl at yahoo dot com
I follow you via google reaeder!!! hleepuchalla at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter and retweeted you (@thebonmarche) here https://twitter.com/#!/BTiBeauty/status/177892340017545217
I also follow via email sub. Thanks!
bonmarcheblog at gmail dot com
I'd love a chance to try Chantecaille. stlantz a gmail dot com
I would love to win the Chantcaille's Sunrise Lip Chic so that I can bring in Spring 2012 as a chic chick. I love reds, corals and oranges, they are my favs in lipsstick and nail polish. Thank for this giveaway and have a blessed week.
Pretty color!! waterlilyflower3 at yahoo dot com
Enter me. Heard a lot about Chantecaille. Also used by Angelina Jolie.
GFC: chic benefits
email: nkechiopurum(at)yahoo(dot)com
Twitter: @soURBAN_chic
Looks nice! Christinegrimsby at gmail dot com
Coral is the perfect pick me up color. Please pick me up! << one great smile at hot mail dot com - with no spaces >> is where you'll find me , not over the rainbow!
I would be so grateful to win this gem! What a super generous giveaway.
I have followed your blog through email and love when you pop up in my email box. :)
Mandi :)
azpg9148 at aol dot com
glad you're hosting this giveaway! I've been stalking nordstrom.com all week to no avail, looks like its only available on chantecailles website
Gfc: grace32187
Grace333 (at) gmail dot com
Gorgeous color! I love lip chics so much...they feel as good as they look. (if not better!)
I follow your blog through email.
that is a beautiful color - I don't think I have seen anything quite like it in a lipstick
Gorgeous! And thank you for the chance!
Cbsheehan @ hotmail . Com
Not only is the color absolutely gorgeous and Springy, but the packaging has me totally sucked-in. I love the sleek look of an expensive lipcolor!
valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on Twitter @mamavalveeta03
I like you on Facebook
I subscribe to your email newsletter
valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com
I follow your RSS feed on GFC.
RT'd your tweet @mamavalveeta03
I've never tried one a Lip Chic before, and I'd love to! This color looks perfect for just about everyone!
I also email subscribe with ladyisla(at)gmail(dot)com
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/BTiBeauty/status/177912032648114176
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/ladyisla123/status/178247678407344128
I want this yummy shade so badly I can taste it! Thank you for the sweepstakes, CG. GFC: Sherry Brooks
Bloglovin': Sherry Brooks
Email subscriber: crystesmom@yahoo.com
Such a perfect spring color.
I follow you via email.
I love this color! Plus it bears the name of one of my favorite silent movies! Sunrise. Thanks for this great giveaway!
Wow, this is GORGEOUS!!
I follow via email: htaschian at sbcglobal dot net
GFC: ht
Sorry, I forgot to add: I have sent my comment also by email. I am already following through GFC and I have also tweeted this entry. Thank you and good luck everyone!
Lovely shades; perfect for spring!
treneebarker at hotmail dot com
GFC follower: Tina Renee Barker
treneebarker at hotmail dot com
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/warp65/status/178254814906560512
Pretty color!! would love to try it!
Thanks sweetie
GFC follower MoonRae & I also subscribe via email
Also follow your blog
christine grimsby at gmail dot com
CG would love to win this fab color....you are so kind to do this.thanks sirena at aol dot com
I want this :D
This is the perfect color! Thank you for the chance!
kcoud33 at gmail dot com
Oh I so wish that for once I should win! I loved this shade so much.
I also have an e-mail subscription, plus re-tweeted.
My mail is swathinarumanchi at gmail dot com
I am sooooo excited !!!
Email subscriber
kcoud33 at gmail dot com
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/kcoud33/status/178265841723383808
kcoud33 at gmail dot com
How fun is this?!? Gorgeous springy/summery color here! Have a lovely weekend!
Oops, sorry about the delete above.
I follow through your blog, which I love!! Thanks for all of your hard work, and your lovely give-aways.
paiges4boys at gmail dot com
Would love some new spring makeup!
sunshine dot gudlaugson at hotmail.com
Beautiful! One easy step and such a nice shade too!
vac 924 at gmail dot com
Following with GFC and subscribe by email too
vac 924 at gmail dot com
I just retweeted your contest tweet @dragonfly777
vac 924 at gmail dot com
What happy spring shades you have there, Charlestongirl. Thanks for the chance to win.
Faithful Email Subscriber!
First post from my new condo in San Francisco, let's see if there is anything new condo luck : )
first post from my new condo in San Francisco : )
This is such a gorgeous lippie! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
I follow through GFC as Tati D.
my email: tatianadoyle(at)gmail.com
this one looks fab!! thanks a ton!!
i am subscribed to you via email.
mail: crzysuchi4u at yahoo dot com
Spectacular color! I follow you via rss plus email. suselew at gmail dot com
This would be such a beautiful gift to receive.
I follow you via email
Such a beautiful color!
naomiaylesworth at gmail dot com
I am also an email subscriber through that email.
such a beautiful color! So excited!
GFC: yesplease1816
twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/yesplease1816/status/178408355323322370
email: rphi1816 at gmail com
I would love to win this beautiful Lip Chic.
I love this shade!
winit6 at hotmail dot com
Email subscriber of yours.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
winit6 at hotmail dot com
This looks so GORGEOUS! I need!
I follow on GFC and email subscribe.
I've also re-tweeted your tweet about the contest.
perilouslypale (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks! xo
Thank you for doing such a great giveaway! :)
These are so cute! Thank you for the giveaway :)
mysecretagentloverman at gmail dot com
Wow,such a pretty color ;) I want this :)
Gfc : Sadi
Follow on twitter: @Sad20ful
I tweetted here : https://twitter.com/#!/Sad20ful/status/178535082909372416
email : sadia.latif10@gmail.com
I would love to have this gorgeous shade!
GfC: Gift
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/giftprincess/status/178534429831073792
GFC: Sophie
E-mail: phan.sophie@gmail.com
Thank you!
I'd LOVE to try some Chantecaille, I don't get this brand in my country and you make me lem so many new products!
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
Old email subscriber!!
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
Enter me please!
I already follow you via GFC as Fabulosity
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Aljsa/status/178600224351203328
alelale at live dot com
I want it:)
GFC: vivien-zsofia
emaiL: zsovia@freemail.hu
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/zsovia/status/178618854203850754
What a beautiful soft color for spring
Email subscriber
Love this!
Erin From Polished Cousins
I follow via GFC as BooBooNinja and also via GoogleReader. I tweeted and I'm emailing you my contact info and the link to the tweet.
very nice giveaway , thank you !
GFC : Camelia Andrasescu
Subscribed by eamil : andrasescu.camelia@gmail.com
Follow you on twitter : @cameliaadriana
Tweeted : https://twitter.com/#!/cameliaadriana/status/178631521396203520
Email : andrasescu[dot]camelia[at]gmail[dot]com
I'd love to win!
lindsay.rose9 (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow your blog via googlereader
lindsay.rose9 (at)gmail (dot) com
I never enter contests- but I would love to have this and can't find it on nordstrom.com!
If I don't win, I'm going to have to buy this anyway. I follow via GFC and am retweeting this right now.
code dot epic at gmail dot com
This looks SO pretty! I follow by email, GFC, G+, and Twitter.
kittylitter1 at gmail dot com
I have followed you on GFC and Tweeted this contest! My email is whiteandblackmokona(at)gmail(dot)com. I have emailed you my info for the additional entries! Thanks so much!
Oh boy. I want this.
flowingwithgrace at gmaildotcom
Followed by email and GFC.
Also, tweeted about it! (https://twitter.com/#!/allaboutgloss/status/178835250649104384)
would love to win this!
This is such a pretty color!
I follow you via GFC as BreAnnNicole
My email is breannshepherd@gmail.com
I follow using email.
Ah-MAY-Zing!! Fingers crossed!
bethkuly at hotmail dot com. I follow via email with the same email address above.
CORAL, sigh!
loribethjenkins at gmail dot com
Thank you!
My favorite is Maybelline Shine Sensational LipGloss... in Berry Dazzle and Crazy for Caramel!! Beautiful shine & color, w/ delicious flavor, too!
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