I have all three London Blooms, luckily acquired a few months before their release date. White Lilac & Rhubarb is my favorite, followed closely by Iris & Lady Moore. While I like Peony & Moss, I don't reach for it as often as I wear the other two. All three are light, but with character - perfect for office wear.

I've been wearing the fragrance for about a week. I'm not especially proficient at guessing notes, and no press information has been made available to me. I can tell you that Plum Blossom is a fresh, sweet, fruity-floral that delights me. I think I smell rose among its notes. I also smell something that grounds it. White musk perhaps? I suspect the fruit I can smell is plum; that would make sense, although I have no way to verify that. Actually, Jo Malone is seldom forthcoming with complete lists of notes. Instead of decomposing a fragrance to its notes, the company seems to prefer that we consider the sum of a scent's components - not a bad idea.
Plum Blossom Cologne should delight you too if you're not looking to make a statement with your fragrance. Plum Blossom has average longevity for a Jo Malone Cologne, and the drydown is relatively linear.
If you are a Jo Malone fan, you'll want to keep your eyes peeled for Plum Blossom, which will be available for a limited time (like Sakura Cherry Blossom Cologne was last year). It's a pretty, exuberant fragrance that I'm extremely happy to be wearing as spring gets underway.
When I get more information about it, I'll let you know right away. In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying a selection from the gorgeous London Blooms Collection.

Ooh! Yummy! That sounds really pretty. I'm SO craving Spring right now, and what's more Spring-y than plum blossoms?
Hi Jen!
Isn't spring a wonderful thought, given the snow Richmond and parts south got today? :)
I love the sound of this, but then again I adore most jo Malone fragrances.
I had the opportunity to sniff the 3 London blooms last week and I too love the White Lilac & Rhubarb - I think it will be perfect for Spring.
Very curious to give this a try when I see it. Plum can be so wonderful in some frags, like my beloved Natori, and so WRONG in others, like that Creed Acqua Fiorentina. Sorry if I offended anyone who loves that Creed.
I really look forward to sampling this rendition!
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