I had a lovely surprise over the weekend - a Bobbi Brown collection I wasn't expecting yet arrived at Nordstrom. Among the new and featured items was this fabulous Bronze Tortoise Shell Eye Palette ($60). I gasped when I saw the display. Apparently, Nordstrom was lucky to get it early. It will be available at Bobbi Brown's Web site and Bobbi counters on July 1. I'm feeling lucky!
Like a grea

t pair of eye glasses (and who doesn't love classic tortoise shell glasses?), Bobbi Brown's stunning collection is all about eyes. Inspired by her own tortoise shell frames, Bobbi designed the collection to complement, rather than compete with, your glasses. Stunning shadows in shades ranging from bronze to gold to espresso are housed in tortoise shell compacts with gold detailing. It was enough to make me pull out my gold tortoise frames and wear them.
There are two palettes, one fairly matte, and one with plenty of shimmer. You can guess I chose the shimmery Bronze Tortoise Shell Eye Palette. It took a nanosecond to pick my favorite of the two. Here are the shades in the palette - some new and exclusive to the palette, and some available in prior introductions.
- Banana Eye Shadow
- Gold Nugget Sparkle Eye Shadow (new)
- Bronze Metallic Eye Shadow (new)
- Olive Sparkle Eye Shadow (new)
- Tiger's Eye Metallic Eye Shadow (new)
- Espresso Eye Shadow
- Amber Shimmer Wash Eye Shadow (new)
- Copper Cocoa Shimmer Wash Eye Shadow

Steady my heart, there are only two shades that don't "excite" me - the two matte ones. Why am I not attracted to the age-appropriate shades as much as the more glamorous ones? Of course, Banana is a perfect base shade, and Espresso is a perfect liner, so they are essential shades. I am just familiar with them. That probably explains my blasé attitude. You need the basics, though, and Bobbi was wise to include them.
My photo of the two-level palette, taken in full sun, is just above right. The bottom "drawer" slides out from below the top level, making the palette compact. I swatched the shades for you, starting on the top level at top left, and moving clockwise - then moving on to the bottom drawer, starting again at the top left and swatching clockwise. My photos were taken in full sun.

I swatched in the order in which I listed the shadows above, and applied all shades with a sponge-tipped applicator. I can barely see Banana on my skin at the top, bu

t the gorgeous Gold Nugget below it on my arm should be visible. The two shades on the top level that are utterly gorgeous are Bronze Metallic Eye Shadow and Olive Sparkle Eye Shadow. On the lower level, I am thrilled with Copper Cocoa Shimmer Wash Eye Shadow and Amber Shimmer Wash Eye Shadow.
I had to get at least one close-up photo of the shades. The shade at the top is the stunning Olive, and below it, top to bottom, are Tiger's Eye, Espresso, Amber, and Copper Cocoa. How pretty does it get?
This Bron

ze Tortoise Shell Eye Palette should be on your must-see list for shopping over the Fourth of July weekend! You'll be able to armchair shop at
Bobbi Brown online or visit your favorite Bobbi Brown counter. If you can't wait, see if your own Nordstrom has the new collection. I suspect each department store, as is their habit these days, ordered a limited number of units, so your best bet, if you can't find it locally, will be to order from Bobbi Brown's Web site when the collection is posted.
There is another palette. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the Sand Tortoise Shell Eye Palette. There's also a beautiful Tortoise Shell Mini Brush Set, new Rich Lip Colors with SPF 12, and new High Shimmer Lip Glosses. I purchased one of the glosses and will show it to you tomorrow morning, along with press photos of the rest of the collection. This is exciting!
Photos at top courtesy of Bobbi Brown; other photos by Best Things in Beauty
I didn't realize this collection would be out so soon! The swatches are lovely, thank you!
I never get excited by Bobbi Brown but this palette looks fantastic and very versatile! Thanks for the great review!
Hi Larie!
I didn't either - was so surprised to find it Sunday. Thanks much!
Hi PerilouslyPale,
You have amazing self-discipline :)
This palette is gorgeous. I really think it's a must-have. The other one is mostly matte and not as exciting (it fills a need - just not my need).
The brushes are pretty, but I am overloaded with BB brushes. Love my new gloss!
From the press photos, I was ready to buy the Sand one, but now I'm not sure. I guess I will have to check them out at Nordstrom's before making a purchase. That Olive Shimmer is so pretty!
Ahhhh!! You got this! Love the review. I have to admit I'm tempted. Can't wait to see these in person. I'm interested in seeing how big these are in real life. Thanks for the lovely preview. These look very wearable.
I love classic tortoise shell especially on a hair brush, so classic! What a beaute that palette is!
I may just have to make this my first Bobbi Brown purchase : )
I'm loving this! I actually wear tortoiseshell glasses on occasion when I don't have my contacts in, so this is perfect...I can TOTALLY justify this purchase, as it was intended specifically for me, right?
Kathy, in person, you'll find that Sand is more "basic," the everyday, matte look that's so popular. I know I like sparkling jewels. :)
Sabrina, I'll get a ruler when I go downstairs. My guess on the closed compact is 2.75 x 2.75 inches.
Hopelessly Devoted, doesn't tortoise shell always looks so classic? Fortunately, this is plastic. None of us would abide torturing animals for beauty - so sad to think about history. So, I won't.
Kellinicole, your first? Oh my friend, you need to get cracking. Check out the new glosses too. They have a more standard design and are much nicer then the old ones.
Hi Shannon, I'm sure Bobbi would say, "Yes, it was designed for you." She wears glasses all the time, and she wanted to create palettes that would coordinate well for a glam look.
Oh my! I'm excited for this!! It looks absolutely perfect!!! Beautiful swatches!!
Thanks, Tracy! I'm smitten with this collection.
Do I need this if I already own UD Naked kit?
I have both, Anonymous. Not sure if that answers your question. Need is tough to evaluate. :)
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