Recently, I placed two orders with Zuneta, a U.K. luxury online beauty boutique and magazine that specializes in providing cutting-edge brands and simple, tailor-made beauty advice for every skin type. The team at Zuneta is passionate about beauty, and they search high and low to find the best brands from around the world. It's the best source for Rouge Bunny Rouge fanatics in the United States.
An intricate and luxurious cosmetics brand, Rouge Bunny Rouge, twists opulence and beauty with embellished detailing to deliver a range of color makeup that embraces both romance and whimsy. Wearable, blendable, and adaptable formulas and shades are at the very heart of Rouge Bunny Rouge. The formulas are absolutely outstanding and have been sourced from the world's most sophisticated laboratories. Zuneta delighted to be able to share this unique and qualitative brand with you.

Zuneta calls Rouge Bunny Rouge easily the most imaginative, inspirational, and addictive brand they’ve come across! The formulas are out of this world. They state online, "Be warned, once you fall down the rabbit hole and try this brand there is no going back." I'll say!
My first order arrived remarkably quickly for an international shipment. Before it arrived, I had a friendly online correspondence with Zuneta. I had ordered a highlighter that had just sold out. They offered me many possibilities, from cancellation to substitution. I wanted to try something different. After I told them about my skin tone, they offered product suggestions. Their customer service was extraordinary! I ended up spending more than I had planned to spend. I was so happy with everything that I placed a second order, which has not yet arrived.
Today, I'd like
The packaging of these "darling" compacts is whimsical - adorable, actually. From the box, which has a botanical theme on one side and the Rouge Bunny Rouge coat of arms, with bunnies, of course, on the other, it's enticing. The compacts have a pretty white-on-black floral design. I had to show you the insert that protects the powder blushes. It's shown in my photo at left. The blushes themselves have an embossed design too.
The photo shows Delicata at left and Gracilis at right. Delicata is described by Zuneta as a nude beige-rose with the barest hint of peach for an illuminated natural glow - excellent to accentuate your cheekbones. Gracilis is described as a medium rose with a hint of mauve and best suited for pale, cool complexions. Those descriptions are spot-on!
I applied both shades heavily for my swatch photo at right. I used a sponge-tipped applicator to get enough pigment for swatches. The photo was taken outdoors in full sun. Gracilis is shown at the top, with Delicata is below. You can see that my arm gleams from the sunlight, but the blushes are fairly calm and natural. They are relatively matte. Delicata is actually a good bronzer for very fair skin.
Here is how Zuneta describes them...
Deep inside a labyrinth of perfectly topiaried winding lanes in the Enchanted Garden lies the Rose Orchard. The sweet and tantalizing fragrance of the roses, combined with the sight of their intense pigments, provokes torturous visions of languorous beauty. The thorns of the flowers, so piercingly sharp, can slice through flesh as though it were air, and the elegant, gorgeous Floribunda-Elves are the only guardians that the roses, with their poisonous thorns, will allow to tend the orchard. The Floribundas perfectly preen and nurture each flower, and in return, they are gifted by the roses with the most effervescent and radiant faces in the whole of the Enchanted Garden, their cheeks exuding happiness and excitement, causing many a lover to fall to his knees. Rouge Bunny Rouge has recreated for you this radiant glow with six petal-soft colors to impart a splendorous bloom and captivate your heart's desires.
Original Skin Blush blends with a sheer, silky touch for a naturally luminous glow. A medley of active ingredients, including Uhaloa from Hawaii, also known as velvet-leaf, and modern technologies impart a long-term brightening effect. Indian gooseberry fruit extract stands guard against free radicals. Sheer pearls amplify the creamy, soft touch and ensure a limpid glow. Innovative powders entwine with your skin to preserve perfection all day long. The result is your skin but better; you'll wonder how you blushed before.
How could you resist that? I couldn't. Now that I have two of them, I want more. I would love to try Habanera, Orpheline, and Florita - even though some of those are recommended for darker skin tones. The Original Skin Blush powder is sheer, so I think I can pull off the shades for warmer and darker skin tones.
You are going to love these blushes - and everything else I'll feature in the coming week(s). Zuneta offers product application guides for the Rouge Bunny Rouge products. As I mentioned, their customer service, helping me (or you) select colors online (in a friendly e-mail conversation in my case), is superlative. The shipping from the U.K. is free to U.S. customers if you order enough. I didn't have any trouble achieving the free shipping level. I did it twice! There's more Rouge Bunny Rouge to come here at Best Things in Beauty.
You can find the Rouge Bunny Rouge Web site at this link. They have a Facebook page here. Head over to Zuneta to browse and order.
Update 6/3: See this Best Things in Beauty feature on RBR's cream eye shadow!
Photos at top courtesy of Zuneta; compact and swatch photos below by Best Things in Beauty
Thank you for the photos - I think Gracilis is next on my wishlist. I was actually deciding between the Delicata and Habanera in my last order and went for Habanera in the end. It's such a beautiful peachy bronze colour, perfect for summer and I think it would work on lighter skin tones as well. x Klara
I love RBR posts now and am assemblying quite the Zuneta order in my head! I look forward to more pots from you regarding this two- part order.
Thanks for the info, Klara! It's always nice to know how shades look in "real life." :)
Hi Hopelessly Devoted!
I'm convinced you never sleep. :)
There is soooo much to love from RBR! I just dove in. I have been trying to get a good photo of the cream shadow wand. My camera is fogging up from the humidity! Love the shadow!
Those blushes look lovely against your skintone. Thank you so much for the thorough review of your experience. If I ever have any funds again I think my next online shopping experience will be at Zuneta for some RBR!!
I am developing quite the shopping list between LMdB, EB, and RBR! Where do I start!?
Thanks, PerilouslyPale!
RBR is worth saving for, especially since you have some nice makeup that's readily available already. :)
Oh my ProductDoctor...three amazing brands...where to start?
Go without food - LOL - to buy cosmetics!
Okay between this review on RBR blush and Cafe Makeup's review on RBR Sea of Tranquility I was More than a little intrigued. . . .So after researching the brand, and watching so interesting You Tube videos on the line I plugged into Zuneta to get my profile done. What fun! Like you, I think they underestimate our shade versatility, but I was delighted to have the suggestions and followed some of them. So very glad you take great pictures, I ordered the Gracilis as well as the Velvet Fritillary along with numerous other temptations from the line! Thanks
Great, Lisa!
I think you'll love them. Fab retailer, fab makeup company. I am deciding what to order in my third cart. I have highlighters already on the way. Now I need even more! I am so greedy - once obsessed, I'm a terror.
Thanks for sharing!
I love your blog and the cool brands you uncover. Keep up the great articles and products.
My goodness! I've heard of this brand before but never bothered reading any reviews. Yours is the first and it's wonderful! I think I'll be making a 'net'-stop later today. I particularly like that the customer service is so helpful...we could all use that ;-)
I love the glow - I'm heading to their site to check them out- thanks.
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