The world has lost a visionary. And there may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented. - President Obama
Steve Jobs invented what we needed - before we knew we needed it. He transformed our lives in ways large and small. Today, I wonder how I ever lived without my iPhone and iPad. I think back to my first interactions with a computer - punching paper tape or cards to be read into a machine that would deliver my output hours later. While a technology revolution changed that, Steve Jobs was always the visionary leader, teaching us to demand the impossible, a life lesson that we can apply to any endeavor.
Perhaps I limit my own imagination, but I don't think he can be replaced.
What a beautiful tribute.
Thank you, my friend. With so many words flooding the news, I knew I couldn't "invent" many that were original. Still, I didn't want the morning to pass without paying my respects to a man who I'm sure will be recorded by history as one of the greatest geniuses of all time.
I have been an Apple devotee for over a decade now. He will be greatly missed and it's incredible to see how many people have been touch by his vision and innovations. A very sad passing.
Thank you for such a lovely tribute. He will truly be missed.
I tear up every time I encounter news of his passing. I couldn't believe it/accept it. He changed not only our lives and lives of future generation. My first computer ever was a Macintosh, freshman in college. Thank you for a lovely tribute.
Whether you consider yourself an "Apple" or a "PC" makes no difference. It was Steve Jobs' relentless raising of the bar that served as the catalyst for the inventions which have become indispensable in our lives. All the wonders of the Comminication Revolution are at our fingertips thanks to the creative and visionary thinker that was the brilliant perfectionist, Steve Jobs. He will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the most influential men of all times. RIP Steve Jobs. The world will miss you.
I agree with your tribute, Charlestongirl, he was one visionary genius of our time who will be missed and remembered: we don't have so many brilliant men who changed our lives and he even gave us lessons of life when speaking about his cancer; we owe you respect M.Steve Jobs, Rest in peace, you've deserved it and we are eternally grateful for your accomplishments.
Thank you, Sleepless.
Liz, we've all been talking about the tears. I hope he knew how much he meant to people. I don't think he could have realized the personal loss so many of us would feel.
Hi Eileen and Clarisse,
This is a sad day, as we watch and read the tributes. How often does someone like Steve Jobs come along in one's lifetime?
For the first time ever, Time magazine stopped the presses to revise its cover for this week. Wow!
Brilliant, influential, immeasurable, genius, visionary...so many words come to mind. This morning on TV, one of his friends was asked if he might have liked President Obama's words - that most people found out about his death on one of his own inventions. He said that Jobs would have liked that.
Can you even imagine. Had he been a research physician, I have no doubt he would have cured cancer. I'm sure that he has already started to reinvent heaven. An amazing man.
I still wonder why so many brilliant people die before their time.
So many touching, poignant tributes. One particularly short and sweet, simply said, "i-sad."
iSad has swept the universe. It's fitting, I think.
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