Discreet meeting of gold reflects and color. A game of variations, a magic fusion. Purity of light and lightness of pigments. Lloyd Simmonds reinterprets the iconic gold of Yves Saint Laurent through a collection of lip colors subtly infused with yellow, white, and pink gold pearls. Variations on a theme for lips as sublime as the most beautiful jewelery.
To me, these are gems - lipsticks that live my life, sheer, beautiful shades that enliven my face and make me look "naturally good." I'll be headed back for more - either back-ups or shades I didn't purchase on my first round. They were all so tempting!
#104, Brun Métallique
#105, Rose de Madère
#107, Rose Boréale
#112, Rouge de Venise
#113, Rose Parisien
These gleaming lipsticks are all gorgeous. I took swatch photos twice, hoping to get true colors without showing too much of the gorgeous shimmer cast by the sunshine. The photo immediately below is one I was able to snap without too much shine. I swatched in numeric order, with #104 at the top and #113 at the bottom in my photos. Every one of these shades looks exquisite on my lips.
Brun Métallique (#104), shown at the top of my arm, is one of two brown shades I considered. This one had more rose in it, so it lept onto my purchase list. Everyone at Neiman Marcus was busy, so I swatched and helped myself. Then I asked Kathy Shoreman to pull the five I had selected, reluctantly leaving behind seven of them. I hesitated over #101, Violet Singulier, the blue shown in the photo at the top of this feature. It would be fun to have it for its curiosity value.
You can see all the shades in the tubes at Blondy Candy. The gorgeous Rouge Pur Couture Golden Lustre shades have arrived at Neiman Marcus. If they aren't already, they will be available at counters soon. They are available to see at YSL Beauté's Web site, but I couldn't figure out how you might purchase them there.
I'm sure I'll be buying more of these, so you'll see Rouge Pur Couture Golden Lustre here again. It's my kind of lipstick!
Update: I realized after I published this feature that I got carried away by color. Rouge Pur Couture Golden Lustre is lightweight on my lips and has the typical Rouge Pur light fragrance that doesn't bother me at all (and I normally dislike lipsticks with overt fragrance). I've been wearing Rouge Pur (in its various incarnations) for years. The case, elegant as always, draws attention from my friends. I'll follow up later. There will be a second feature.
Photo at top courtesy of YSL Beauté; other photos by Best Things in Beauty
Ok, I need the blue one, and the two that look black, and that weird sorta icy taupe one!
I love the colors you picked out, especially the first one - that pretty rosy-brown. Sigh! YSL does lipstick well.
Hi Joey! Honestly, I could have bought all of them - if money were of no concern. They are scrumptuous - even the ones that look strange in the tube.
There is another brown that I will cave and purchase. It's more brown than Brun Métallique and has a suggestion of brick red. It's amazing.
I need a lottery ticket!
I love those YSL Rouge Pur too and their gorgeous shades, I can't resist them!
Hi Clarisse, we have such similar tastes! You will love these. :)
Wow are these gorge !! I adore their formulation, wear, shades, fragrance, and do not even mind the pricetag. I cannot wait to get my mitts on several. Thank you, Charlestongirl. Beth in Pgh xo ;-)
If you win the lottery, I fear for your local Neiman Marcus - you will WIPE the store out! =D
These sound gorgeous! are they different from the Rouge Pur series?? or are these new colours added to the rouge pur range?
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