Who's Jan? She's a personal shopper at the Tysons store, and she selected her bespoke Lip Crème. It's an exquisite plum shade I had the opportunity to test on my hand. I'm definitely smitten. Like All About Me, it's my kind of lip color.
Here's a fairly bad photo of Jan's Jewel on my hand. I took it in the store, and the lighting wasn't good. The moment I can (this week), I'll post a good swatch photo here.
We'll be celebrating the introduction of Jan's Jewel with Erin Lockard, one of our favorite Le Métier de Beauté makeup artists, on Saturday. While the appointments with Erin were originally reserved for Jan's clients, I'll bet you can squirm your way in to see her if they aren't all claimed.
If you'd like to be the happy owner of Jan's Jewel Lip Crème, which is a very limited edition, call the Le Métier de Beauté counter at (703) 761-1600.
Photo at top courtesy of Le Métier de Beauté; swatch photo, such as it is, by Best Things in Beauty
OMG, Cg, what am I to do with you? My hubby just gets off the phone with King of Prussia for the other LMDB lip creme you love, and now there's another one? LOL
I have to say, though, that you are quick-on-the-draw with newbies from LMDB and I LOVE that! Makes life worth living!
Yep, call or e-mail Kathy next. Nemo, you are going to love this one!
Both the lip cremes are so pretty ! And I just finished looking at Amy's swatches of RBR fire drops an the Chanel Paris-Bombay show ! So much of gorgeousness !!!!
Hi CG,
How does this compare to "All about me" lip creme? Could you do a side by side comparison for us? Thx!
Hi Swathi,
We are privileged to have access to so many pretty things. Every week, if the companies we love keep 'em coming! I may run out of money, though, if they keep up this pace!
I could do that DEN, when I get my very own Jan's Jewel.
I spoke with Lisa yesterday as after trying for 2 days, I couldn't get through to Kathy. Lisa said Jan's Jewels is similar to Purple Haze but is just different enough to justify owning both. This looks nothing like Purple Haze.
MikkD, it has been almost a month since I saw it, but my recollection is that it's darker than Purple Haze. They are both in the "purple family."
I know Kathy had a day off Tuesday. Yesterday, she worked 1:00 to 9:00. I'm not sure what she was doing because I also had trouble getting to her. :)
Thank you. So in your opinion, it is different enough? A darker Purple Haze would be gorgeous. I find myself getting caught up in the mad rush every time something exclusive comes out, but I do love the lip cremes!
I'd hate to assure you it's different enough to warrant a purchase, and then you find you don't need it, but...
Yes, I love it, and I also have Purple Haze. I just wish I had it here so I could show you. Get them to hold one for you until you can see my swatches - should be tomorrow. Kathy will do that.
Thanks CG. Lisa is holding one for me and will call me Saturday morning to get my information. I don't mean to put you on the spot, just asking for an opinion. I would never "blame" you.
I've tried their nail polish but not their glosses. Very pretty and since you say that it's this good it's now on my want list.
This colour looks like it would be gorgeous on anybody. Positively versatile! And LMdB does a beautiful formula too. Swooooon!
Cg, do you have Kathy's email? I tried calling her at work today but it was her day off. I'd rather shoot her an email tonight than wait until tomorrow to get in touch with her again. Thank you.
Liz, if you will send me an e-mail to bestthingsinbeauty with your phone, I'll have her get in touch with you. Or text her at 571-212-8399.
Thanks for these excellent LMdB lip crème posts. I broke down and bought both Jan's Jewel and All About Me because they look so spectacular. I can't wait until they arrive, though I doubt they'll get to California before Christmas...:(
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