I have three pages of notes! They c
Tia led us from skin care to the finishing touches - with humor, talent, and energy. Somehow, "the blogger" got tapped to be the model, so I sat under the lights on the little stage as Michele and Tia demonstrated what they taught us. From my vantage point, I watched each woman in the class as she was transformed from pretty to pretty powerful. It was a blast!
We learned all about Bobbi's skin care, starting by cleansing our faces, and we got a nice introduction to the newest Hydrating Skincare products. Tia called Hydrating Face Tonic "Gatorade for the skin," a great description for the toner/tonic that is loaded with minerals and vitamins to enhance your skin before you use the treatment products best for you.
Tia focused on two great serum choices for use under our moisturizer: Intensive Skin Supplement (my choice for my aging and dry skin) and Brightening Intensive Serum, a serum that won't bleach your skin as it clarifies and brightens. We applied our serum and followed up with a moisturizer. Michele selected the new Hydrating Face Cream for me. We learned that all of Bobbi Brown's moisturizers have built-in primers so that your face will be ready for your makeup application after you moisturize.
Because your makeup can't look its best without good skin underneath, we continued to apply our skin care, using products to protect our eyes and lips. Extra Eye Repair Cream is the staff favorite in Bobbi's New York headquarters. Tia called it "Spanx in a jar," and apparently they can't keep it in stock in the closet. We also learned that Bobbi's Lip Balm SPF 25, which feels great on my always-parched lips, will bring out the color in your lips.
Tia used the phrase "runway to reality" to describe how Bobbi Brown translates runway color trends into makeup we can use every day. She started with foundation, as the artists applied three shades to our faces to see which one would disappear into our skin. You want your foundation to look natural, so selecting the right foundation shade and applying it correctly will get you off to the right start. She also mentioned that you should only apply foundation to the areas of your face that need it. That's often in the center of your face, and you should blend it out to "nothing" where your skin is clear and even. She also taught us how to use Bobbi's top-rated Corrector to take away any darkness under our eyes follow with the Creamy Concealer Kit, making sure to use concealer in the inner corner near the nose and set the concealer with powder.
Everyone nee
Tia used Desert Sun gel on me (and the lovely lady to the left), and I loved the warm look. None of looked tan; we just looked sculpted and healthy!
Bobbi recommends an order to makeup application: cheeks, lips, then eyes. If you run out of time during your makeup application, you can quit after any step. Your cheeks and lips will add radiance to your face. Tia was a hoot when she told us that people are nicer to you when you're wearing blusher. She suggested that if you apply the bronzer first, you simply need to add a pop of color to the apple of your cheeks to be ready to roll. With Pot Rouge for Lips and Cheeks, powder blushes, and Sheer Color Cheek Tint, Bobbi has us covered with formulas and shades! Tia surprised me when she selected Sheer Coral Sheer Color Cheek Tint for me. That may be the only shade I haven't bought! Naturally, Tia showed everyone techniques for applying color, and she recommended Bobbi's brushes - the right brush for each task - as we progressed through the class.
We moved from cheeks to lips. You probably know that Bobbi Brown recommends using your lip color before your lip liner. When you do use your pencil liner, use the flat edge of the pencil and feather it on to define and enhance your lips. Tia used Black Cherry Creamy Lip Color and Black Chocolate Sheer Color Gloss on my lips. She used Brownie Lip Liner to finish the look. (You can see my selections from the Black Velvet Collection (last week's shopping foray) at this link. Glad I bought Black Cherry and Black Chocolate!)

Here I am modeling the look Tia created with Bobbi's new book, Beauty Rules. There's a Beauty Rules Palette too! I'll tell you about Beauty Rules later this week. I took a closeup photo of the eye look Tia created when I got home. I had to take the photo inside using a flash, so it's very shiny - sorry about that. I

If you get a chance to attend a Bobbi Brown Master Class, you should do it! You'll learn a lot and have fun while you're learning. My thanks for Tia, Michele, the 10 artists, the sweet gals who let me take their photos (including that gorgeous mother-daughter team above), and Diron Carr, the Nordstrom Tysons Bobbi Brown manager who told me I had to attend. He was right.
Waow! Lucky you! I wish I had been in your place! Lessons and personnal advice by so brilliant persons, I am not surprised you were thrilled! and your make-up looks so elegant and delicate too!
Thank you, Clarisse! I hate using my own photos...as you gals know. My age is showing on my face.
We'll have to talk Tia into a trip to Europe! I'll bet she's game.
They are such great educators at Bobbi Brown. Tia is the best! Didn't you learn a lot? I always do at training.
I did learn! I had called myself a jaded blogger, but I think we can always learn new tricks and color choices.
Tia used Khaki Eye Shadow on my lids. I have many khaki shadows, but I had never bought Bobbi's. Fixed that yesterday! I also learned that Bobbi's Touch-up Brush I've been using to apply my corrector isn't the best one for that.
I was totally surprised when Tia selected the coral blush for my cool skin. I do have a "blank canvas" face - Loyd Cassler tells me I can wear just about any color, and I've begun to think he's right. He doesn't use that "blank canvas" term; I do. To me, a blank canvas face is one that is pale and can be prepped to go cool or warm. Some artists purposefully warm me up because I am so cool-skinned. Maybe Tia was in a coral mood. Who knows? It looked good!
I was pretty amazed by the before and after looks of the pretty women (and girls) who attended the class. They looked good when they arrived, but they looked perfected when they left - all of them! I think that's the magic of Bobbi Brown and her products for "real women." Tia, Michele, and the artists who worked the class were pros!
One more thing...for now (I could blather on for pages). I watched a young gal who came in with what appeared to me to be rosacea (redness and some blemishes) on her Irish skin. By the time the Bobbi gals were finished with her, her skin looked flawless, but not painted. That was pretty cool.
I had such a great vantage point on that stool in front looking over the whole class. I got to watch all the faces blossom and loved the fact that everyone left looking pretty and healthy - not painted. We had every color skin in the room, and everyone found just what they needed to look fab. There were lots of smiles.
Thanks so much for posting this master class. I wish now that I'd gone. I'm calling the Pentagon City store tomorrow to find out if theu plan to offer the same.
Hey Ava, if you go, you will have a ball! Check all the Nordstrom stores. Call the beauty department and ask for Chris Coles (Asst. Manager) at Montgomery Mall too. At Tysons, Diron Carr can tell you when they are doing again.
Also, I will publish if another store is holding a class. I'm sure Michele can let me know.
Wow! This looks like you had a BLAST! I'm so jealous of what you got to experience! How often does she host these classes?
I will try to find out in the next few days and leave the information here, Ellen. I'll bet Tia travels all the time!
Thanks for all the info - - lucky you! And how nice to see your pic!
I agree with Leigh, it's so nice to see a picture of you and your beautiful face! (though we also love the swatch photos of your arms:-)
Hi Leigh and Bonnie,
You see my face every day on my Twitter widget! That day (Twitter) photo, a pro did my hair. What you saw in the Bobbi class photo was the way it usually looks. What you really can't see in the Bobbi class photo is my makeup!
I hate having my photo taken. My square jaw always dominates!
Thank you for your response! I think you're absolutely right about some women having a "blank canvas" so they can wear basicallly ANY color. But a key to that for ALL women, whether warm or cool, is starting with the right foundation, corrector and concealer. Then, go at it! (And, YOU are gorgeous!--Remember that women of ALL ages are beautiful!! And Bobbi LOVES a strong jawline.)
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