Lip Shimmer is an iridescent, sparkling gloss that "lavishes lips with a sultry veil of color," leaving a shimmering, elegant finish. Paint your lips with the precise brush applicator, and you will look stunning!
The two I have to give away are totally new, guaranteed unused testers right out of the box. The shades are two neutrals, one deeper than the other. The deep one, #59, is a mauve-toned brown; #63 is nude. They are the same as the full-sized $27 products. I never leave home without Armani's Lip Shimmers in my makeup bag - love them! They look good and feel great on the lips.
How can you enter to win? Just leave a comment here once, telling me your first choice of the two colors. After you comment, feel free to e-mail bestthingsinbeautycontests@gmail.com and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing your e-mail address on a blog, so I would follow this second step if I were you (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment).
You can "earn" a second entry by tweeting this contest. Just make sure to include "@BTiBeauty" (without the quotes) in your tweet. I will tweet the contest this morning, and you can simply retweet it to earn that second entry.
The deadline for entries will be in two days on Saturday, August 14, at midnight. The next morning, I will use a random number generator (random.org) to select the winners. I will e-mail the winners at that time. The winners will have 48 hours to reply to my message and provide a shipping address. After 48 hours, the prize will be forfeited, and another winner will be selected.
This contest is limited to residents of the U.S. and Canada.
Good Luck!
P.S. Don't forget to enter the LORAC On Screen Duo contest!
Photo courtesy of Armani Beauty
I prefer the #59, mauve-toned brown.
winit6 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I prefer the #63, nude
winit6 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Definitely #63 the nude. :]
paintinggirl [at] gmail [dot] come
Loyd is the best! #63 Nude.
I prefer #63, the nude!
The #59 sounds lovely, right up my alley! Thanks, Lisa
I would love to try # 63!
...will send you an email.
I prefer the #63 nude
lyromero77 at gmail dot com
My first choice would be #59. These look absolutely lovely. Thanks so much.
I am a subscriber of Best Things in Beauty via email. I am a subscriber of Best Things in Beauty via RSS. I shared the contest with over 400 friends on Facebook. I would get #59 mave-toned brown and #10- nude.
# 59 I would like.
oooooooh! #63, please.
so says,
OOOHHH! I like the nude color! You have the best giveaways and I plan on winning one of them (one of these days) too!!
Liberty_belle22 at yahoo dot com
Chirp, Chirp! Tweet, Tweet!
Liberty_belle22 at yahoo dot com
I would love to win #59, the mauve brown shade. ~~~Robin
I think #59 might look great on me. Thanks for another generous giveaway!
Daseined at yahoo dot com
I would like either one, but since I <3 nude lips, #63 would be my first choice.
Thanks again to you (I just love your awesome giveaways) and those lovely Armani people!
lynnx512 (at) gmail (dot) com
I retweeted:
lynnx512 (at) gmail (dot) com
My first choice would be the nude lip shimmer.
I would prefer #59, but they both sound lovely!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/BountyHunter338/status/21063644340
My first choice is #63 nude. Thanks
I like the nude! Another great giveaway! Yay!
Deine.kable at yahoo dot com
I've tweeted all about your giveaway, too!!
Deine.kable at yahoo dot com
They both sound lovely, but the mauve sounds AMAZING!
Kittylitter1 at gmail dot com
I like the #59 shade. crystesmom(at)yahoo(dot)com
63 nude!
I'd love to try the darker shade, #59, if I am oh so lucky to be chosen!!
I think the #63 color would be positively perfect!
Thanks for this quickie giveaway!
eliza.death [at] yahoo [dot] com
I prefer the nude #63 but both colors are just beautiful and I would be thrilled if I won either one. (kleimanlaw at aol dot com)
I also tweeted and retweeted about this contest on my twitter page at www.twitter.com/DianeLori
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