This bounc-i-licious new eye color offers the ultimate experience with an unexpectedly plush, lightweight texture and vivid color. It leaps and bounds beyond what you've come to expect from eye color and, better yet, it's even waterproof. Named after our loyal four-legged friends, these stay-put shades will be your faithful new beauty companions as they comfort and care for your eyelids. The mineral-infused, paraben-free formula pampers delicate skin with soothing aloe extract, and vitamin E - all with a non-greasy, long-wearing finish. Touch it. Pet it. Love it, but only at Sephora.
I have
How can you win a Stay-There? Just leave a comment here once and tell me your first choice of color. I can't guarantee you will receive your first choice, but let's hope!
After you comment, feel free to e-mail bestthingsinbeautycontests@gmail.com and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing your e-mail address on a blog, so I would follow this second step if I were you (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment).
You can "earn" a second entry by tweeting this contest. Just make sure to include "@BTiBeauty" (without the quotes) in your tweet. I will tweet the contest today, and you can simply retweet it to earn that second entry.
The deadline for entries will be Saturday, September 4, at midnight. The next morning, I will use a random number generator (random.org) to select the winners. I will e-mail the winners at that time. The winners will have 48 hours to reply to my message and provide a shipping address. After 48 hours, the prize will be forfeited, and another winner will be selected.
This contest is open to anyone anywhere. Here are the terms for overseas winners (outside the U.S. and Canada). I will carefully pack and ship the prize (as I always do). I cannot insure it - it's amazingly expensive to do so. If it leaves the U.S. and it's lost or stolen, I won't be able to replace it. We'll try this and see how it works. I'll do my best on this end; let's see if your mail services do right by you on the other end if we have an overseas winner.
Good Luck!
Photos courtesy of Sephora
I would LOVE to try Chihuahua! Thanks for the chance!
I will send an email with my email!
Chihuahua! Adorable name AND adorable color! >__<
paintinggirl [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm kind of a mutt, myself (a true American melting-pot), so I would choose "mutt".
valhoff3 at yahoo dot com
I am a subscriber of Best Things in Beauty via Email kalei7796782@yahoo.com. I am a subscriber of Best Things in Beauty via RSS. I would like to have gray shade- Chihuahua.
I RT'd
Two lovely shades indeed. If I were fortunate enough to win, I'd choose the chihauhua.
Both colors look universal, but Chihuahua might be my first choice. Thanks for the contest. Just found your blog and love it!
texaspeech at yahoo dot com
Please enter me in your contest. I'm a Mutt! ;)
good afternoon dahlings-
i believe i prefer the 'mutt' tho' both are so pretty. and that blue/green at the top of the post- YUM! sephora is really stepping up their game lately.
i'm leszap66(at)yahoo(dot)com
Oh I would LOOOVE to win Chihuahua ~ such a gorge silver!!
I also retweeted your tweet: @mrsivan2004
It's so hard to choose between these two shades; they are both so beautiful and the type of shades that I usually wear! I will say "Mutt", simply because it's easier to key in. crystesmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Entering much earlier this week! I love Mutt! lfior0022 at gmail dot com
Tweet! http://twitter.com/lfior0022
lfior0022 at gmail dot com
They both look gorgeous, but I don't have a cream shadow anything like Chihuahua, so that's my first choice. Thanks for another great giveaway!
Kittylitter1 at gmail dot com
I'd go for Mutt! Although I must say Pug was looking like another eyeshadow I am trying to get my hands on!
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
retweeted from yours! as darkmotives
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
I'd love the Mutt, it looks gorgeous! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
yumihamano at gmail dot com
My first choice of color is Mutt.
i lovelovelove Mutt! :)
I would love to try "Mutt"
Thanks for the opportunity!
tweeted this giveaway- https://twitter.com/AutumH/status/22630326315
I'd love to try The Mutt!
mutt please! =)
oohh such a hard choice!
i love Chihuahua though.
evil_eva12 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com
i think i'll choose Chihuahua but Mutt is so pretty too!
ohsowendyful (AT) hotmail (DOT) com
I would have to go with mutt. It's a really fun sounding line!
kimberly.reuter (at) yahoo (dot) com
I like the Chihuahua shade.
aznhanavira at gmail dot com
Mutt definitely looks like my kind of color!
beautifymylife [at] gmail.com
I love Chihuahua eyeshadow. Enter me please!.
Ana Belén R.M
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/fisiwoman/statuses/22650228109
Ana Belén R.M
I would like the "MUTT" color.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
I tweeted
winit6 at hotmail dot com
I love Pug!
RT: http://twitter.com/sunchicka/status/22656414663
I would love to win Mutt :)
dancinbluegirl90 at gmail dot com
i want try Chihuahua! :D
going to send email now.. thanks :D
i choose mutt! i love neutrals!
DolphinV27 (AT) aol (DOT) com
retweeted: http://twitter.com/BTiBeauty/status/22651902360
I love Mutt! :)
My first choice would be mutt!
Thanks :)
Great giveaway! My first choice would be mutt.
I love mutt!
My email is in my profile!
I have been hoping you would do a review of this product at some point (and still do) :-), but doing a contest with it is really nice too. I've never seen a bronzed taupe shadow before, but it sounds lovely, and you just can't go wrong with silver. I'm so glad that dogs benefit from the purchase of these products, there are many needy ones out there. :-) Good luck to everyone! :-)
Chihuahua please
styleezta at gmail dot com
i'm into the mutt color very fun.
tweeted and following:
Mutt looks pretty!
asdfj8888 at gmail dot com
I'd love to have mutt!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I tweeted:
aikychien at yahoo dot com
They're both beautiful colours and I'd be thrilled with either one, but I'll say "mutt".
jentam777 At gmail DOT com
Ooh, Mutt is gorgeous! I'd love to try that one. Thanks!
I tweeted also:
I'd love to try out Mutt!
I would love to try CHIHUAHUA--but either will do! Both look great.
Thanks for having the giveaway.
Both colors look great, but my first choice would be CHIHUAHUA.
Thanks for the chance!
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
love the Mutt color! so pretty! :)
I follow and retweeted @deegee13 on twitter! :) dreamzz12{at}aol{dot}com
How can I choose?! eeny meeny miny mo...MUTT!
Great cause! Cute names. I like "Mutt."
Thanks for the giveaway!
lynnx512 at gmail dot com
I tweeted:
lynnx512 at gmail dot com
I love the color Mutt
yospinks at booksand dot net
Chihuahua Please!
I would choose Mutt, this is my fav color. thanks
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
I tweeted
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway, I'd love to try out Chihuahua!
I tweeted!
Great contest! Mutt is my first choice! puch0022 (at) umn (dot) edu
Mutt is pretty! heart2heart866 at gmail dot com
Tweet! https://twitter.com/Shirleyk866
heart2heart866 at gmail dot com
Love :) Mutt is my first choice
sswpss at yahoo dot com
The very first thing that attracted me to this gorgeous eye shadow was that the benefits of the sales goes to training dogs to assist those with disabilities. And of course, one never has to teach these beautiful animals to be loyal friends and companions.Anyone who's had a pet knows that nobody, including humans, could ever replace the unconditional love they give to their owners.The amount of time and hard work it takes both on the trainer's part as well as the dogs is unbelievable but dogs don't know the meaning of giving up. I personally love the concept of dogs as companions for the disabled because not only do they assist them in every day routine duties, but the love they express toward their owner is palpable. These programs not only give these pooches another chance for life, since many of these dogs are found in the pounds and would have been euthanized if not for this program, but they give something incredibly special to their owners, something that no human can do, and that's the will to live. Any sick or disabled person will get better mentally and physically the very first time that puppy is placed in their arms.OK, now that I've gotten completely off subject, praising Bare Escentuals for donating towards this program, the eye shadows are gorgeous. The turquoise color you have displayed in the picture for the giveaway is breathtaking. It's so hard for me to see the real colors of the shadows from the swatches in the article but I'm sure that I'd be overjoyed if I won either one, although I think the chihuahua, if it's the purple blue that it appears to be would be my first choice. Thank you for this terrific giveaway and for reminding me that it's been a while since I've done something special for someone in need. Have a great holiday weekend.
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
Chihuahua is even more gorgeous in person!! i did happen to buy the mutt as a birthday present to myself last week... couldn't decide between the 2, lol!!
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